I see both sides of this, as fans we do need to chill a bit. On one side I understand the importance of a commitment, the coaches look at more like a relationship. A verbal is like an engagement, in this case (with a verbal Fant is engaged to Iowa) and by taking officials to other schools it is like he isn't quite sure he wants to get "married". Not sure about you but my wife would not be OK with this and I understand why coaches would not be either. On the other side I understand this is an important decision for Fant and I know I would want to be sure before committing. The problem I have is then why give a verbal, why not wait. It is very selfish for a player to do this without actually being committed. It is like asking a woman to marry you just so nobody else can get with her, even though you are not sure you want marry her. NCAA needs an early signing period or better yet ability to sign when offered, I think that would best for all parties involved. It would prevent the Harbaughs in the world just throwing offers out like it was nothing, it would actually force coaches to evaluate. It would keep programs from late poaching, it would allow players to commit when they want and stop the madness if they want. It just makes sense for a sign when offered ability, but since when did the NCAA do things that make sense I guess. Also allowing officials before senior year would give less advantage to warm-climate schools....obviously Alabama vs Iowa in January is not a competition....in July however I will take Iowa over Bama