Fat = Cancer


HB Legend
Oct 20, 2002

TL;DR Summary:

Recent research highlights a troubling rise in cancer rates among millennials and Gen X-ers. A study published in Lancet Public Health shows that people born in 1990 face significantly higher risks of 17 types of cancer compared to those born in 1955. This trend, observed across cancers like pancreatic, breast, and gastric, indicates a two-to-threefold increase in risk for many cancers.

While it’s not yet clear why this increase is happening, obesity is suspected to be a major factor. Obesity-related chronic inflammation and hormonal changes could be accelerating cancer risks, starting from an early age.

Despite the rising numbers, experts emphasize that cancer diagnoses before age 50 remain relatively rare. To mitigate risks, adopting a healthy lifestyle—maintaining a healthy weight, exercising regularly, eating a balanced diet, and avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol—is advised. Additionally, being aware of family history and early warning signs of cancer can be crucial for early detection and prevention.

Full Article:

Cancer rates in millennials, Gen X-ers have risen starkly in recent years, study finds. Experts have 1 prime suspect.​

Rates of 17 cancers have been rising among each generation since the baby boomers, new research suggests. (Getty Images)

Rates of 17 cancers have been rising among each generation since the baby boomers, with more young people being diagnosed below age 50 than in the past, new research suggests. (Getty Images) (FatCamera via Getty Images)

Experts are sounding the alarm as rates of 17 types of cancer in millennials and Gen X-ers have risen dramatically in recent years, a new study shows. For certain cancers, people born in 1990 face two-to-three times the risks that those born in 1955 did, according to the research published in the journal Lancet Public Health. The findings echo the recent worrying rise in young people developing colorectal cancer, but add more forms of the disease to the list of concerns.
It’s too soon to say what is driving the increase in what experts call “early onset” cancers, but they warn that it’s not just due to better screening; people are dying of these diseases at rates and ages not seen in their parents’ generations.
Here’s what to know about the generational risk of cancer and what you can do to reduce yours.

What did the new study find?

Researchers with the American Cancer Society (ACS) assessed rates of 34 different cancers among those born between 1920 and 1990, based on how many were diagnosed with or died of the disease from 2000 to 2019.
On average, the rates of 17 types of cancer, including pancreatic, breast and gastric cancer, have risen with each new generation since 1920, the study found. Previous ACS research had shown that rates of 11 cancers, including pancreatic, colorectal, kidney, uterine and testicular cancer, had been increasing among young adults. The new study added eight more types of cancer to that list:
  • Gastric cardia cancer (a cancer of the stomach lining)
  • Cancer of the small intestine
  • Estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer
  • Ovarian cancer
  • Liver and bile duct cancer
  • Non-HPV-associated oral and pharynx cancer (only in women)
  • Anal cancer (only in men)
  • Kaposi sarcoma (a cancer of the blood vessel lining and lymph nodes, only in men)
Rates doubled or even tripled for some of these cancers, including kidney, pancreatic and small intestine cancers, in people of either gender. For women, liver cancer incidence has increased two- to threefold since the 1920s. Even cancers that seemed to be in decline for baby boomers and other older generations — including some breast cancers and testicular cancer — are now a greater risk again to millennials and Gen X-ers, the study found.
More young people are dying of some of these cancers as well; mortality from colorectal, gallbladder, testicular and uterine cancers has increased over the generations, as has the fatality rate of liver cancer, but only for women. “That really stood out because the concurrent increase in mortality [and diagnoses] suggests that what we see is not just an artifact due to potentially more frequent screening and diagnosis,” lead study author and senior principal scientist of surveillance and health equity science with ACS, Hyuna Sung, tells Yahoo Life. “Instead, it indicates a genuine increase in risk, with the increases in incidence sufficient to outpace improvements” in diagnostics and treatment.

Why is this happening?

While the new study doesn’t answer why this is happening, Sung and other experts have a prime suspect in their sights: obesity. Ten out of 17 of the cancers that are becoming more common over the generations have been linked to obesity, the study authors noted.
Research to suss out exactly how obesity might contribute to or cause cancer is ongoing, but there are some leading theories, Timothy Rebbeck, professor of cancer prevention at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, tells Yahoo Life. “When someone is obese, a lot of things change in the body, including chronic inflammation that leads to years and years worth of damage to cells and tissues in the body, which can lead to cancer,” he explains.
According to the MD Anderson Cancer Center, it may not be a person’s body mass index (BMI) directly; rather changes to insulin sensitivity and an increase in certain hormones might fuel out-of-control cell growth and, in turn, lead to cancer.
Coinciding rises in obesity and cancer rates, especially among young adults, suggest that the problem may begin in childhood or perhaps even before people are born, says Rebbeck. “That process of damage to your cells is starting earlier and earlier, so if there’s a 20-year lag from this obesity exposure and it starts at age 10, it’s in your 30s or 40s when cancer risk arises,” he hypothesizes. The timelines also suggest there may be other early life environmental exposures, including factors like antibiotic use or diet that may alter your gut bacteria, which may influence a person’s cancer risk.

What you can do to reduce your risks

While the findings are alarming, experts say not to worry too much. Here’s why: “Cancers diagnosed before age 50 are still relatively rare,” Rebbeck says. Only about 350 out of every 100,000 cases of cancer diagnosed each year are found in people between ages 45 and 49, according to the National Cancer Institute. “It’s not something that people need to start panicking about … but we want people to be informed and start doing things that might have an impact,” says Rebbeck.
That just means making straightforward changes to live the healthiest lifestyle you can and reduce your cancer risks, experts say, by doing your best to maintain a healthy body weight, exercising regularly, eating a balanced diet low in ultra-processed foods and red meat and high in plants and fish like salmon, drinking minimally and not smoking. “None of these things are easy, but they are the things we can recommend,” Rebbeck says.
It’s also important to know your family history and see a health care provider if you notice any changes that could be early warning signs of cancer. For young people, there are “unique symptoms” of some cancers, such as colorectal cancers, including “fatigue, rectal bleeding, abdominal pain, altered bowel habits, or unexplained weight loss, which are really considered red flags for early onset cancer,” says Sung.
Another study trying to determine if data correlation equals causation. While it MAY be true, it MAY not be true.

The study is interesting and informative, but doesn't really give us a good conclusion at this point. We've known that obesity causes lots of problems for a long time. COVID should have made that even more apparent in 2020 and 2021.
This is an interesting topic. I have lost three close friends in their 40's within the past five years from cancer. They were all fit, none of them smoked, no alcohol issues, etc. I keep an eye on the obits back home too and the frequency seems to be increasing.
I can only assume that the rise of fast food, genetically modified foods, food pyramid, corporate foods that removed all natural ingredients that were replaced with additives, adding suger to everything probably played a pretty important role.
obesity puta you at higher risk for nearly everything, yet Americans cannot stop eating like shit
It's not always the persons fault.

He examines the science behind addictive foods, and how they are engineered to trigger the brain’s “on switch.” He writes, “For the first 4 million years of our existence, it was our addiction to food that enabled us to thrive as a species. It’s only now, for the past 40 years, that being hooked on food is causing us so much harm.”
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Buy Lilly and Novodisk.
Their glp-1 weight loss drugs are very expensive but they work.
40% of Americans need these drugs.
It would save Medicare and Medicaid hundreds of billions.
Novodisks patent on ozempic expires in 2026 so sell their stock by then as cheap generics will come on the market.

The epidemic of diabetes is going to get way worse if we do not take drastic action..
Too late for me as I lost my leg last year.
Please heed these warnings all you youngsters out there. Don't be dumb like me.
Been on ozempic for 10 months, have lost 65 lbs and back to my HS weight... 170.
Am phasing off ozempic and concerned about re-gaining weight so working out like crazy on my nu-step cross-trainer machine.
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I suspect that the link goes beyond just obesity. I would guess that some of the same disruptions of the endocrine system as a result of a diet of processed foods linked to obesity also increase the risk of cancer.
Or just roll the dice on your genes.

Genes are awfully significant. A good friend of mine who was always in spectacular shape - strong, athletic, active, no fat, no drinking, no smoking, no drugs - died of a heart attack a few ago at the age of 66. His father had also died in his sixties of a heart attack.
Genes are awfully significant. A good friend of mine who was always in spectacular shape - strong, athletic, active, no fat, no drinking, no smoking, no drugs - died of a heart attack a few ago at the age of 66. His father had also died in his sixties of a heart attack.

Yep. And for every case like your friend, there's a life-long alcoholic/smoker who's 85 and asking for another drink at the bar. I think we've all known someone like that.
Yep. And for every case like your friend, there's a life-long alcoholic/smoker who's 85 and asking for another drink at the bar. I think we've all known someone like that.

Both my Grandparents on my Dad’s side drank too much whiskey daily, Smoked at least two packs a day and both lived into their 90’s. My Dad smoked most of his life, Quit after heart attack in his upper 40’s, Had a drinking problem, Almost exclusively beer. Quit drinking after heart attack and he died when he was 57. I don’t drink much at all, If I were to start perhaps choose whiskey.🫣
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