favorite sunscreen


HB King
Feb 11, 2013
Quad Cities
What is your favorite?

I like spray on for body and cream for nose and ears

This is out go to

A few years ago my wife (no pics) stopped using the sprays due to cancer or something from inhaling the fumes or something. Anyway, before that we used Beach Defense, but now we use this:
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Sunscreen has so many toxins in it that I try to limit my use. They can’t be good for me and they kill reefs.

I only use Blue Lizard when I absolutely need it.
We don't buy US produced sunscreen.

Buy it when we visit our daughter in Germany or our guests bring it over when they visit.

US allows too much toxic shit in sun screen. Just sayin...

In 2021, the Food and Drug Administration, which oversees sunscreen safety, proposed its latest update to regulations for these products. The agency reviewed 16 ingredients and reported that only two, zinc oxide and titanium dioxide, are “generally recognized as safe and effective”, or GRASE, based on the available information. A GRASE designation means the ingredient is widely recognized as safe and effective by experts.

Citing data showing safety issues, the FDA proposed that two rarely used sunscreen ingredients, aminobenzoic acid and trolamine salicylate, are not GRASE.

The FDA proposed that 12 other ingredients are not GRASE due to insufficient data: Avobenzone, cinoxate, dioxybenzone, ensulizole, homosalate, meradimate, octinoxate, octisalate, octocrylene, oxybenzone, padimate O, and sulisobenzone.

While these twelve ingredients may not be GRASE, they will still be allowed to be used in products on the U.S. market until the FDA finalizes its 2021 proposal.

In the meantime, the FDA has requested additional safety data of these ingredients because of health concerns and studies by the agency that show these ingredients can be absorbed through the skin. In recent years, studies have also raised concerns about endocrine-disrupting effects of three ingredients: homosalate, avobenzone and oxybenzone.

In 2021 the European Commission published final opinions on the safety of three non-mineral ultraviolet, or UV, filters, oxybenzone, homosalate and octocrylene. It found that two of these filters – homosalate and octocrylene – are not safe in the amounts at which they’re currently used. As a result, the commission proposed limiting the allowed concentrations of these filters in sunscreens.

But the U.S has different standards, as sunscreen manufacturers are legally allowed to use these two chemicals at concentrations higher than the European limits. That’s why hundreds of U.S.-made sunscreens have such high levels of the substances.

The ingredients oxybenzone, octinoxate, octisalate, octocrylene, homosalate and avobenzone are all systemically absorbed into the body after use, according to studies published by the FDA. These studies also reported that the ingredients could be detected on the skin and in the blood weeks after they had last been used.

Other studies have reported sunscreen ingredients were detected in breast milk, urine and blood plasma samples.

Absorption from skin application is not the only way sunscreen ingredients end up in the body. It’s also possible for sunscreen users to inhale ingredients in sunscreen sprays and ingest some of the ingredients they apply to their lips, so the ingredients should not be harmful to the lungs or internal organs.

This constant exposure to sunscreen chemicals raises concerns, especially because there is not enough safety data for most ingredients.

Active ingredient toxicity

This table outlines human exposure and hazard information for eight common FDA-approved sunscreen chemicals, often referred to as active ingredients because they provide UV protection. Sunscreen products typically include a combination of active ingredients, except for those formulated with zinc oxide.
We don't buy US produced sunscreen.

Buy it when we visit our daughter in Germany or our guests bring it over when they visit.

US allows too much toxic shit in sun screen. Just sayin...

In 2021, the Food and Drug Administration, which oversees sunscreen safety, proposed its latest update to regulations for these products. The agency reviewed 16 ingredients and reported that only two, zinc oxide and titanium dioxide, are “generally recognized as safe and effective”, or GRASE, based on the available information. A GRASE designation means the ingredient is widely recognized as safe and effective by experts.

Citing data showing safety issues, the FDA proposed that two rarely used sunscreen ingredients, aminobenzoic acid and trolamine salicylate, are not GRASE.

The FDA proposed that 12 other ingredients are not GRASE due to insufficient data: Avobenzone, cinoxate, dioxybenzone, ensulizole, homosalate, meradimate, octinoxate, octisalate, octocrylene, oxybenzone, padimate O, and sulisobenzone.

While these twelve ingredients may not be GRASE, they will still be allowed to be used in products on the U.S. market until the FDA finalizes its 2021 proposal.

In the meantime, the FDA has requested additional safety data of these ingredients because of health concerns and studies by the agency that show these ingredients can be absorbed through the skin. In recent years, studies have also raised concerns about endocrine-disrupting effects of three ingredients: homosalate, avobenzone and oxybenzone.

In 2021 the European Commission published final opinions on the safety of three non-mineral ultraviolet, or UV, filters, oxybenzone, homosalate and octocrylene. It found that two of these filters – homosalate and octocrylene – are not safe in the amounts at which they’re currently used. As a result, the commission proposed limiting the allowed concentrations of these filters in sunscreens.

But the U.S has different standards, as sunscreen manufacturers are legally allowed to use these two chemicals at concentrations higher than the European limits. That’s why hundreds of U.S.-made sunscreens have such high levels of the substances.

The ingredients oxybenzone, octinoxate, octisalate, octocrylene, homosalate and avobenzone are all systemically absorbed into the body after use, according to studies published by the FDA. These studies also reported that the ingredients could be detected on the skin and in the blood weeks after they had last been used.

Other studies have reported sunscreen ingredients were detected in breast milk, urine and blood plasma samples.

Absorption from skin application is not the only way sunscreen ingredients end up in the body. It’s also possible for sunscreen users to inhale ingredients in sunscreen sprays and ingest some of the ingredients they apply to their lips, so the ingredients should not be harmful to the lungs or internal organs.

This constant exposure to sunscreen chemicals raises concerns, especially because there is not enough safety data for most ingredients.

Active ingredient toxicity

This table outlines human exposure and hazard information for eight common FDA-approved sunscreen chemicals, often referred to as active ingredients because they provide UV protection. Sunscreen products typically include a combination of active ingredients, except for those formulated with zinc oxide.
Same can be said when it comes to the food/drinks in the US. We have some sunscreen we got in France that I have been still using. Loved it, but it's almost gone.
Whatever spray stuff that's spf 50 or higher that's available at Costco that day. The spray is so much easier to put on kids than the lotion. Wife bought some sunscreen stick for their faces because apparently the spray burns their eyes. Probably should have told them to close their eyes first.
Same can be said when it comes to the food/drinks in the US. We have some sunscreen we got in France that I have been still using. Loved it, but it's almost gone.
Shocking the crap we allow to be added to things we ingest.

Here's a shocker...Mortons Salt has additives not allowed in other countries.

Those cute red and white Tylenol capsules? Well the dye used to make them red and white is banned in other countries.

Gummy Bears. German version has no restricted dyes...american version of course does. Can't tell the difference between the two looking at them but for some reason they're added to the American version.

The list is endless.
Zinc based products only and pretty much point use it when we go south, Florida or Caribbean. The crap in normal sunscreen is no bueno... but that's pretty much the case with everything approved for use or consumption in the US anymore.
Shocking the crap we allow to be added to things we ingest.

Here's a shocker...Mortons Salt has additives not allowed in other countries.

Those cute red and white Tylenol capsules? Well the dye used to make them red and white is banned in other countries.

Gummy Bears. German version has no restricted dyes...american version of course does. Can't tell the difference between the two looking at them but for some reason they're added to the American version.

The list is endless.
If only our politicians weren't bought and paid for. Just think of how much money would be saved in medical expenses and the reduced strain on the medical system if we had the same system in place here as in Europe. Our country would be much healthier and I bet obesity numbers would decrease noticeably over the follow decade.
Shocking the crap we allow to be added to things we ingest.

Here's a shocker...Mortons Salt has additives not allowed in other countries.

Those cute red and white Tylenol capsules? Well the dye used to make them red and white is banned in other countries.

Gummy Bears. German version has no restricted dyes...american version of course does. Can't tell the difference between the two looking at them but for some reason they're added to the American version.

The list is endless.
The right wing already complains constantly about prohibitive practices incorporated onto business by the left. But I agree with you.
The right wing already complains constantly about prohibitive practices incorporated onto business by the left. But I agree with you.
Here's the issue. The FDA has a revolving door with private industry. When the regulators are in cahoots with the regulated you have a serious problem.

Doesn't matter how much $$$ we throw the FDA's way unless we fix the "honest graft" going on.

If only our politicians weren't bought and paid for. Just think of how much money would be saved in medical expenses and the reduced strain on the medical system if we had the same system in place here as in Europe. Our country would be much healthier and I bet obesity numbers would decrease noticeably over the follow decade.
Agree most politicians are bought and paid for but unfortunately much of the FDA is as well. Many want to get sweet civilian sector gigs so go along with what industry wants.
You are so aggressive on this handle @McLovin32 and a bit of a dumbass too.
Well I was joking around with you or this handle and I wouldn’t say I’m the dumbass that’s constantly making up stuff.
I’m just beyond annoyed with the other tool you mentioned. Either he has no common sense or he just loves acting like a small child.
I guess I better start chatting with my other handle and joke back and forth with myself to calm things down.
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Well I was joking around with you or this handle and I wouldn’t say I’m the dumbass that’s constantly making up stuff.
I’m just beyond annoyed with the other tool you mentioned. Either he has no common sense or he just loves acting like a small child.
I guess I better start chatting with my other handle and joke back and forth with myself to calm things down.

Yes, that sounds like a good plan.
Yes, that sounds like a good plan.
And this is why I say you’re either all the same person or in a cult together.
If you read anything he claims. You can clearly tell he’s making stuff up. Yet her refuses to admit it and you all just pretend like he’s the one telling the truth and laughing with his comments and sending him an @
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It's funny because he literally does that exact thing. He interacts with himself and acts like he doesn't know who the other person is.
I know I need to get better and constantly have conversations with myself and make up stuff about others and laugh about it with myself.
It’s just I have a job and can’t do it all day long like you.
I know I need to get better and constantly have conversations with myself and make up stuff about others and laugh about it with myself.
You literally do that. You make up stuff about me being 100 different posters, and then laugh at those comments w/ the woody handle.
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