FBI likely played role in organizing Jan. 6 riot, says report entered into Congressional record

Apr 18, 2021
Buckhead GA
‘So, it turns out this ‘white supremacist insurrection’ was, again, by the government’s own admission in these documents, organized, at least in part, by government agents,’ Carlson said.

According to a groundbreaking report by Revolver News, on which Fox News host Tucker Carlson relied for one of his shows last week, FBI operatives may have not only participated in the dubbed “insurrection” at the U.S. Capitol on January 6 — and sometimes violently — but had a role in actually organizing it.

In his June 15 broadcast Carlson summarized the findings of Revolver News while providing commentary on the ramifications.

Noting the contrast between the government’s posture of demanding openness regarding the events of January 6, and the same government’s concealment of so much, including the name of the law enforcement officer who shot Trump-supporter Ashli Babbitt and the “more than 10,000 hours of surveillance tape from the U.S. Capitol” never released, Carlson added that the “the government is hiding the identity of many [more] law enforcement officers who were present at the Capitol.”

“According to the government’s own court filings, those law enforcement officers participated in the riot, sometimes in violent ways,” explained the Fox News host. “We know that because, without fail, the government has thrown the book at most of the people who were in the Capitol on January 6. There was a nationwide dragnet to find them. Many of them are still in solitary confinement tonight.”

“But strangely, some people who participated in the riot haven’t been charged. Look at the documents. The government calls these people ‘unindicted co-conspirators.’ What does that mean? It means that in potentially every case, they’re FBI operatives,” he said.

Carlson went on to provide examples, including one “unindicted co-conspirator” referred to in the documents as “Person Two.” According to these filings, “Person Two stayed in the same hotel room as an ‘insurrectionist’ named Thomas Caldwell, who’s alleged to be a member of the group called the Oath Keepers. Person Two also ‘stormed the barricade’ at the Capitol on January 6, alongside Thomas Caldwell.”

“The government’s indictments further indicate that Caldwell — who, by the way, is a 65-year-old man — was led to believe there would be a ‘quick reaction force’ also participating on January 6,” Carlson continued. “That quick reaction force, Caldwell was told, would be led by someone called ‘Person Three’ — who had a hotel room and an accomplice with him.”

“But wait,” Carlson continued. “Here’s the interesting thing. Person Two and Person Three were organizers of the riot. The government knows who they are, but the government has not charged them. Why is that? You know why. They were almost certainly working for the FBI. So, FBI operatives were organizing the attack on the Capitol on January 6, according to government documents.”

In addition, Revolver News reported, “There are what appears to be upwards of 20 unindicted co-conspirators in the Oath Keepers indictments, all playing various roles in the conspiracy, who have not been charged for virtually the exact same activities — and in some cases much, much more severe activities — as those named alongside them in indictments.”

Carlson concludes, “So it turns out this ‘white supremacist insurrection’ was, again, by the government’s own admission in these documents, organized, at least in part, by government agents.”

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Color me shocked. Amazing that they wont give you all the footage of the pipe bomber they can't seem to find out who it is. Also, take a look at the playbook behind the Michigan capital and Jan. 6 and see who are the same characters in play. It will all come out in time just like we were forced to believe COVID came from a bat.





Still blaming others for your phuck ups Trump Supporters? You people are really phucked in the head. Grow a fuggin pair and admit to the phucks ups of your own.
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