Ferentz getting $1.25m for Pinstripe Bowl

I don't believe that is correct. According to what I have read, the assistants receive a bonus for 7 wins, but Kirk needs to get to 8 wins to get the $500, 000 bonus.

True, but with 7 wins, KF's guaranteed salary for 2022 jumps from 50% to 100%. So, he essentially gets about a $2.5 million "bonus" for 7 wins this year. The extra $500K for winning an 8th game is chump change compared to that.
Agree. I actually don’t think Kirk is overpaid overall, Iowa has the 20th best winning % of P5 teams over the past 5 years. However, how can you negotiate a contract that rewards mediocrity. We should award bonuses for 10, 11, and 12 win seasons not 8, especially if that includes a bowl game.
Oh, just what we need. Another yahoo signing on so they can start talking about firing people.
I don't believe that is correct. According to what I have read, the assistants receive a bonus for 7 wins, but Kirk needs to get to 8 wins to get the $500, 000 bonus.

My point was his regular season pay per win is $5.075M (According to CR Gazzette) divided by 7 wins = $725,000 per regular season win. Getting win #8 for $500K is a bargain.
My point was his regular season pay per win is $5.075M (According to CR Gazzette) divided by 7 wins = $725,000 per regular season win. Getting win #8 for $500K is a bargain.
That didn't seem to be your point in your post, or you would have al least attempted to make that point. I get a kick how people throw out false info and instead of admitting they were wrong, they try to redirect that they were making some 'point' that there is no inference to.
Seriously, If you need someone to explain Kirk's work to you, then you obviously don't know a thing about coaching college football, so I will leave it at that. What do you think, he works 9-5 M-F, goes home at night, kicks back in his favorite recliner and pops open a beer?
Lol if you're right, then he spends a lot more time recruiting than I thought!
Enjoy your figments of collective imagination with no clue.

Captain Kirk and wife Mary are wonderful human beings.

These folks at the same time cash in with another scam that preys on young people who are nothing more than interns, indentured servants, albiet... talent that may make millions of dollars this year, next year or many years going forward.

Hey now... the American way. it's a Wonderful Life.

Happy Christmas
Enjoy your figments of collective imagination with no clue.

Captain Kirk and wife Mary are wonderful human beings.

These folks at the same time cash in with another scam that preys on young people who are nothing more than interns, indentured servants, albiet... talent that may make millions of dollars this year, next year or many years going forward.

Hey now... the American way. it's a Wonderful Life.

Happy Christmas
How many of you have 19 years in with your firm and think you should receive the same pay as some new hotshot who's got 3-5 years in a job elsewhere that had less responsibility?

I have no problem with the cash he makes and it is structured in a manner if we if were have a 5-7 kind of year he doesn't get the bonus.

I don't get the jealously.