Fill in the blank, if Iowa makes it to the final four, you will .............

btw, i know i know, cart before the horse, and I probably just jinxed it.

Can't help but get excited though, and wonder....

Also, didn't know it was in Houston this year, I have friends in Houston. ;-)
The day before the game I will lead the Hawkeyes out on to the floor. I'll have Ellingson get on Baer's shoulders and I'll hand him a tape measure. With the aid of another Hawkeye - thinking about Gesell at this point - I'll have them measure the height of the rim.

When the players confirm the rims at the Final Four are the same as back at lil' ol CHA, they'll kick my a$$ sideways for doing that corny Hoosiers routine on them.
If we win the Big Ten, or advance to the Final Four, I think I'll just take half a day or so to think about the last time and the 35,36,37 years since it last happened. I'd like to go find that fellow I was and tell him to appreciate it more than he did.
Be broke? After watching both games in Des Moines, paying for Chicago and then Houston will hurt.
Meet any DSM area Hawks fans on here at El Bait Shop and buy a round of beer.
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Be bummed I spent my Hawkeye travel budget on Pasadena ;-)

With as great as the FB season was, wouldn't it be awesome if the BB one is even better!
I may stay away. I spent 10 days in Florida and saw the hawks lose two games. Felt like a curse. I did see Michigan in person so feel a little better.

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