Final Four to Replace Podolak

Per the race issue here -- You need someone that has a feel for the whole game. Linemen and RBs only know a limited part of the play book. Same for defense - someone that knows the whole part of the defense AND knows something about what the offense is doing. I am not sure, but seems like the group that knows the most are white (qbs for sure) and the LBs perhaps. Then you need someone that is comfortable speaking to a crowd (although a crowd over the radio!).
And yet we had a RB do a great job for the last 20+ years....
I din’t have any way of knowing that, do I?

But I’ve been around the block enough to know that when you have a highly attractive job and the qualified pool includes a whole bunch of people of color and the list of finalists is all white, there are some real problems with the selection process
No reasonable person is going to argue with you that there are still discriminatory hiring practices. But you are applying a macro issue to one individual situation, with very incomplete information. That is unfair and lazy.
I get ya, but 2011 wasn't exactly on JV. He was 16-28 for 206 yards and 2 TDs and no INTs. By last year's standards that was stellar.

That one was on the D. They gave up 473 yards and 44 points to a team that ended up 6-7.
That one may be my least favorite ISU game in the Ferentz era. Kicking a FG on fourth and less than a yard, in OT to go up by only 3 on a day when the defense couldn't stop a fart? You just knew Iowa was going to lose that game when ISU got another chance.
I get it. Just have to trust me on this....these are the final four and they're all going thru the final round of interview/testing. I don't have any info on who the others were that were considered in the initial vetting process and frankly I don't care if they're black, white, straight, gay, male, female, or Martian.....if they can quickly analyze a play and make it easy for the audience to understand, that's all I give a shit about.
Completely agree. I just liked the other three mentioned as my ‘faves’ for the job. Great guys that have worked in media, actually have voices that sound good on radio, and dudes that would call the game (on the color side) better than it has been done maybe ever at Iowa.
Would you have a problem if the list were all black players? And btw you are naive if you don’t think it works both ways. Not too hard to get online and articles talking about a priority to hire based on race over merit.

And maybe 4 guys considered are actually the 4 most qualified for the job after a vetting process. But continue on with the lazy race card excuse with no evidence.
Calling out someone for being lazy while using the word "maybe" isn't exactly stellar research on your part.
"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."

interesting so many people want to make judgments based on the color of a man's skin, completely disregarding what MLK Jr stood for
Idiot..... Iowa is 86% white.... 3.6% is african/american. But you want 1 out of 4 candidates to be african/american. You, dumbass, are the problem.
There is plenty to criticize chaneccoomes about, and many have done so in this thread. But your logic seems flawed. Yes, Iowa might only be 3.6% african american, but for the population of viable candidates (i.e., people that are highly knowledgeable about college football) the % of african/americans would be much higher.

As an easy (and probably realistic) example, let's say that the decision makers want this to be someone who played at Iowa. Then the percentage goes up to probably around 50%
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I’ve been involved in a situation like this in the professional world. A company I worked for was only hiring white people for executive roles.

This company claimed there was no pipeline of people of color qualified for executive roles. I - and others - pointed out that this was nonsense. I also noted that they acting against their own DEI policy and greatly increasing the likelihood they would be sued for having racist hiring practices.

When it was pointed out that they could be sued, they were magically able to find some highly qualified people of color to hire in executive roles. Funny how that works.
lol…quite the story there.
What a tremendously naive comment. Of course race is a factor. That’s how you end up with a list of 4 white guys.
Could it be that those are simply the perceived 4 best candidates, irrespective of race? If it was a list of 4 black candidates, I wouldn’t have an issue…if they were considered the 4 best candidates.
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1. Pat Angerer
2. Nate Kaeding
3. Mitch King
4. James Vandenberg

I think any of the 4 would do great. Secretly, I'm pulling for Pat because he's certainly the goofiest of the 4. 😀

Decision should come sometime around the week of 6/17.
Pat for sure! But keep the other 3 interested because he'll probably get fired/cancelled before October.
nathan fillion castle GIF
Are you gay? You really have a grudge against women for some reason.
Congrats to Pat! Looking forward to hearing him on Saturdays.
No females in the final four?
All went to high schools in Iowa, amirite? And all eastern Iowa high schools .. And three of them were towns on the Mississippi !!!!! Why none from Central iowa or Western????? And other states???? Wow!!!!!
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Again, not saying anything bad against Pat but anyone who knows him knows he has zero filter. I can only imagine what will happen in a critical juncture of the game or on a bad call.
hasn't he gone on podcasts? we should go back and review some of them....
Again, not saying anything bad against Pat but anyone who knows him knows he has zero filter. I can only imagine what will happen in a critical juncture of the game or on a bad call.
I’m just kidding with you. But seriously, I think Pat is much smarter than people give him credit for. He plays “dumb” really well, but is actually very self-aware. He will likely make a lot of edgy, often hilarious, comments. However, I’m sure he will be well aware of where the line is.
Again, not saying anything bad against Pat but anyone who knows him knows he has zero filter. I can only imagine what will happen in a critical juncture of the game or on a bad call.
good, tired of People walking on egg shells to appease the weak offended by everything crowd that most likely are not listening to the Game anyway and spend Saturdays getting spray tans and pedicures.
FYI for those that felt it necessary to interject race into this discussion. Both Danan Hughes and Anthony Herron indicated early interest in the gig, but couldn't make it work due to current work/family situations. Both would have been strong candidates and most likely among the finalists if they could have found a way to make it work.
People are judging Pat based on his podcast appearances where anything can be said. Pat's a smart dude and I'm sure is well aware of what is appropriate and what isn't on a national radio broadcast. I'm looking forward to hearing his commentary given his pedigree.
Not judging. Just stating what I know of Pat from the personal experiences me and my family have had with him. Hilarious and genuinely a good person, but he’s never had much of a filter. Wondering how that will translate to the radio. My fear is a passionate “heat of the moment” slip. It’d happen to me if I did that job and I believe I have a better filter than Pat does. 😂

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