Flat tax is going to pass in both Iowa House and Senate

Then take that number whiskey….tge rich folks have the money….take 5% off the top from every one….hell, take 3.5% off the top from everyone… but the rich will complain about “all the taxes” they have to pay.
If you grew up poor but are now "rich," you should pay ZERO taxes!
What’s really nuts whiskey is me NOT paying any Iowa income taxes at all! Our income is SS, pension and RMDs….and well over $100k annually…. But I do not owe the State of Iowa one cent for this “income”.. How phuquin’ much sense does this make? No mortgage, no kids, no real expenses and NO phuquin’ tax bill! And there are a ton of Iowegians living larger than me! It’s absolute phuquin’ fiscal irresponsibility. Iowa’s full of us old folks, too!

Look at you. Begging to pay taxes. You've paid enough joel. Sit back and enjoy life.
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Look at you. Begging to pay taxes. You've paid enough joel. Sit back and enjoy life.
As this legislature robs Peter to pay Paul, you would think the adults in charge would make better decisions. The Legislature and the Governor are playing a game of “Phuque Your Buddy” while riding Iowa into the poor house as they race to become the next Mississippi….or is it Arkansas? Meanwhile, the State just pushes responsibilities onto the counties and municipalities, who are going to have to fund money to maintain services Iowans have become accustomed to.
Start with the making 10 million only pays social security tax on first $168,000; Guy making 55k pays it on all his income.

Rich guy can donate to politicians to reduce his tax liability; poor guy can’t.

Rich guy has access to tax advantaged transactions.

Rich guy holds most of his wealth in deferred tax assets.

Rich guy probably got his assets from Daddy with a stepped up basis.

Rich guy likely has legacy admission to better colleges.

Rich guys went to better public schools.

And on and on ….
lol so you think the multi millionaire would get better social security benefits above the 168k? No it’s capped. Why should that individual pay more in?

And as someone else said, I almost puke looking at my social security opportunity 25 years from now and the difference if I invested it myself.

Just goes to show the government is not wise with our money if I get 2% ROI on my money for SS and could get 8-10% doing it myself. It makes you question everything else.
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lol so you think the multi millionaire would get better social security benefits above the 168k? No it’s capped. Why should that individual pay more in?
No, of course not. Why would you think that I think that? Never said anything close to that.

Why does the guy making 55k have to pay the tax on 100% of his income, but the guy making 10 million only pays on 1.6% of his income?
Nothing republicans love more than a regressive tax
Why should rich people pay more than less rich people? I mean that seriously. Make the case.

I think the most fair thing is to have a certain level that is not taxed (say 50k for a family if 4) then everyone is taxed at above that at the same rate.

The rich are still paying much more for the same level of services but as a percentage of income.

One could argue that we should all pay a fee based tax or a consumption tax. My preference actually.

I cannot see how it makes sense to have the top 50% paying all the taxes. From a fairness perspective. I dont think that the rich use that many more services to justify the taxes they pay.
No, of course not. Why would you think that I think that? Never said anything close to that.

Why does the guy making 55k have to pay the tax on 100% of his income, but the guy making 10 million only pays on 1.6% of his income?
Because it’s capped and that individual makes more? I’m confused…if a person is a millionaire, their percentile may be a lot less into social security than the 55k individual but overall is more.

As a side note, I’m an advocate for people wanting to withdraw from SS. It’s turning into a Ponzi scheme.
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If you think people making 10 million dollars a year should only pay 3.8% state flat tax rate.....
I do yes. Why should they pay more? Unless you are a pure and simple classist. Believing that it isnt fair for some to have so much nmore than others so. Though shall not cover thy neighbor's goods someone once said.

The other reason of course is that many that are uber rich (Cuban, Buffet, Bezos etc...) are guilty for having what they do so feel better about their income if they constantly proclaim they are for more taxes on the rich.
Because it’s capped and that individual makes more? I’m confused…if a person is a millionaire, their percentile may be a lot less into social security than the 55k individual but overall is more.

As a side note, I’m an advocate for people wanting to withdraw from SS. It’s turning into a Ponzi scheme.

Why is it capped? Why should the lower wage earner pay a higher percentage of his income in taxes? I’m

It’s of course a Ponzi scheme. What do you expect? The government to go to Chase with billions in taxes collected and open a 401k? Come on.

But after the boomers and a few post-boomer years retire, it will work in reverse with more taxpayers supporting fewer retirees.
Why should rich people pay more than less rich people? I mean that seriously. Make the case.

I think the most fair thing is to have a certain level that is not taxed (say 50k for a family if 4) then everyone is taxed at above that at the same rate.

The rich are still paying much more for the same level of services but as a percentage of income.

One could argue that we should all pay a fee based tax or a consumption tax. My preference actually.

I cannot see how it makes sense to have the top 50% paying all the taxes. From a fairness perspective. I dont think that the rich use that many more services to justify the taxes they pay.
How much “income” do you think the lower 50% could contribute? Almost a negligible amount of $ I would guess. The Top 10% of US wage earners is where the money is.
What’s really nuts whiskey is me NOT paying any Iowa income taxes at all! Our income is SS, pension and RMDs….and well over $100k annually…. But I do not owe the State of Iowa one cent for this “income”.. How phuquin’ much sense does this make? No mortgage, no kids, no real expenses and NO phuquin’ tax bill! And there are a ton of Iowegians living larger than me! It’s absolute phuquin’ fiscal irresponsibility. Iowa’s full of us old folks, too!
And we want them to stay here. Not move to Nevada, Florida etc... Thats why.

Offer to pay more. Its really that simple. Everyone thinks this is a silly retort. It isnt. Send the State of Iowa a check and ask for it to go to such and such a program. Id bet theyd take it.

Or is it actually that not only do you wish to pay more tax, but you wish others like you to do so as well? Maybe even against their will...Amirite?

Simply that is the one and only reason you wouldn't donate more to the state. Because inside you secretly think that you shouldn't unless OTHER people do so to and since your simple donation doesn't forcibly remove money from others under penalty of jail then it doesn't make sense for YOU to give anyone anything.
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Start with the making 10 million only pays social security tax on first $168,000; Guy making 55k pays it on all his income.
So you wish SS was paid on income in excess of what you stand to get back in this retirement security program?

Because if so you actually want SS to be a welfare program not a guaranteed annuity based on years worked and amounts contributed.
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Because if so you actually want SS to be a welfare program not a guaranteed annuity based on years worked and amounts contributed.

SS is a guaranteed annuity? When did this happen?! Great news!

I wasn’t planning on getting a dollar from SS. I have to go and talk to my retirement guy.
No, of course not. Why would you think that I think that? Never said anything close to that.

Why does the guy making 55k have to pay the tax on 100% of his income, but the guy making 10 million only pays on 1.6% of his income?
Jesus youre actually not very smart for someone with a law degree.

BECAUSE HE ONLY GETS BENEFITS ON 168K when he retires. There is a max benefit. Make the benefit limitless if you make the payments limitless. Simple.
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The Top 10% of US wage earners is where the money is.
Ah ha! There you have it. It isnt about paying ones fair share is it? Its about extracting as much tax as you can from certain individuals with means to then pay it out via the government to groups and programs they favor.
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Jesus youre actually not very smart for someone with a law degree.

BECAUSE HE ONLY GETS BENEFITS ON 168K when he retires. There is a max benefit. Make the benefit limitless if you make the payments limitless. Simple.

Jesus, why do you think he shouldn’t fund others? I fund shit with my taxes far more than I take out of the system. Every G-20 has a progressive tax code.

The system doesn’t work unless the brackets are progressive and this is an easy fix.
SS is a guaranteed annuity? When did this happen?! Great news!

I wasn’t planning on getting a dollar from SS. I have to go and talk to my retirement guy.
It is in essence. Guaranteed by the full faith and credit of the US.

But sure, I'd love it if I could take my 7.5% and my employers 7.5% and put in in my own account so if you are advocating for that sign me up.

Will the program last forever? I think so. But some hard choices will need to be made sooner than people think.
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Jesus, why do you think he shouldn’t fund others?
Because it was never intended to be a welfare program. If you want to do what he proposes, fair enough, but then let's start calling it what it is. A backstop to prevent those that made poor life choices from living on the streets. God knows all these war on poverty programs have rid us of poverty and homelessness so why not create another program?
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See I think using police, fire, roads, a legal system, national defense, etc without paying for them is theft.

But that’s just me.
Ok then lets go to a fee based tax system. Each pays a dollar amount for these services.

Police....1000 a year.
Fire, 500 a year.
Roads....completely toll based.
legal system...500 a year.
National defense. 2024 budget was 850 billion. US population 340 million, so 2500 dollars each person in your family per year.

Again, sign me up.

Fact is, once again, you state these things as a diversionary tactic. You do not want everyone to pay their fair share of what they use and consume. You want some to pay for all of it and others to not pay any. Period.
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Why is it capped? Why should the lower wage earner pay a higher percentage of his income in taxes? I’m

It’s of course a Ponzi scheme. What do you expect? The government to go to Chase with billions in taxes collected and open a 401k? Come on.

But after the boomers and a few post-boomer years retire, it will work in reverse with more taxpayers supporting fewer retirees.
So you want the rich to subsidize the lower incomes social security with no cap? Meanwhile the rich won’t even get a return on their money. And while the SS system is going broke with the way the government has handled this, among almost everything else they touch. This is an all time take. GTFOH.
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Meanwhile, the State just pushes responsibilities onto the counties and municipalities, who are going to have to fund money to maintain services Iowans have become accustomed to.
Sure thats fine. Local control. I am for it.

I don't need my tax paying for a new palatial school in Johnston while my local schools look like crap. Local taxes, local priorities.
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Absolutely. I don't hate rich. I just can't stand it when they bitch about taxes. You don't think the guy paying sales taxes and gas taxes making 30K a year counts Solar?
Agree 100% I used to sit with my longtime accountant and he'd tell me about how many people he worked with that would go apeshit after he'd inform them of their resulting liability and go on a tirade over how the government was ripping them off. When he told me how he appreciated me never responding in that manner I told him that if I had a significant tax bill at the end of the year it meant that I'd had an exceptional year financially and that there were millions of people with no tax liability who would trade places with me in a second.
And those of us on the right are still waiting for someone, anyone on the left here to simply tell us who exactly they mean when they say the rich.

Give us an income level. I think the reason they wont is because it actually would drag in many that dont actually consider themselves rich if they really want to pay for all that they say they do.

If you tell people 'the rich' naturally they think that that is some person that makes some nebulous amount way above them.
I told him that if I had a significant tax bill at the end of the year it meant that I'd had an exceptional year financially and that there were millions of people with no tax liability who would trade places with me in a second.
That would be true and reasonable IF you were bequeathed your money and hadn't actually earned it.

When you earn your money you shouldnt have to trade places with someone that didnt.
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