For My Road Warrior Friends


Oct 1, 2014
Not to be outdone by the "a-holes at the gym" topics...
12 people who should be banned from flying

Do you have any to add to the list?

I would add people that talk on their cell phones all the way through take off, though the flight attendant has told you numerous times to shut down. Loud talkers and anyone else that doesn't seem to notice or care that they are in a public space where no one can escape their idiocy, odor or obnoxiousness.

12 people who should be banned from flying
Originally posted by Goergs:
Not to be outdone by the "a-holes at the gym" topics...

12 people who should be banned from flying

Do you have any to add to the list?

I would add people that talk on their cell phones all the way through take off, though the flight attendant has told you numerous times to shut down. Loud talkers and anyone else that doesn't seem to notice or care that they are in a public space where no one can escape their idiocy, odor or obnoxiousness.
It is truly amazing the stupidity displayed by some people when flying.Reminds me of Walmartians.
Back when I flew coach, I witnessed the bare feet crap all of the time.
Originally posted by TJ8869:
I have flown hundreds of times. Maybe a thousand. I have never once witnessed any of these examples.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
It's my opinion, that other than the feet thing, they basically used obscure examples of things people can do, or may have done at some point, but not really issues that are systemic in the passenger flying realm. They probably didn't want to highlight too many things that a lot of people do so as not to alienate the reader.

Call me old fashioned, but when it comes to females, I don't really have an issue with the feet thing. Women generally take care of their feet, and are basically shoeless all the time anyway, unless you consider flip flops or slides footwear.

How about discussing pretty much all aspects of the carry on? Most of the things people do surrounding their carry on baggage is annoying. I understand that there are times when it's nice to have your short trip luggage with you in the cabin. Just because your aunt Betty once didn't get her luggage back, doesn't mean it's going to happen to you every time you fly. Also, gate checking is an outstanding service that most people don't understand, or use.

Or how about the seat back? It's there if you need it, but just because the wheels have just left the ground, doesn't mean you have to slam it back immediately, and than proceed to spend the entire flight on your laptop, or tablet, leaning forward on your tray.

How about the need to use the lavatory every 10 minutes on a 50 minute flight?

The luggage carousel! We know your kids are happy to see you when you return, ....but please, when you go to get your checked luggage, just have one person go stand and wait for it. Other people are trying to get their luggage also, and when you have 5 people standing there the second the carousel starts, it makes it difficult for them. Also, if you have a black, 27" wheeled upright, there's a pretty good chance that there are about 25-30 similar bags on your flight, make sure the one you are taking is yours.
Originally posted by TJ8869:
I have flown hundreds of times. Maybe a thousand. I have never once witnessed any of these examples.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
I've flown thousands and bare feet is the only one I've seen that I can think of. Honestly they were women and it wasn't offensive at all.

that being said I don't fly Southworst or any discount airlines and at least half of my flights were in business or first class.

The most offensive fliers are fats and it's not even close. There is nothing worse than having someone's flab and cellulite oozing over the armrest onto you, except of course when they are so fat the armrest won't even come down.
So someone changed their kids diaper right there in the cabin? That guy gets my vote. In fact if your kid is in diapers, they should be kicked off or drugged.
Originally posted by linkshero:
Originally posted by TJ8869:
I have flown hundreds of times. Maybe a thousand. I have never once witnessed any of these examples.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
It's my opinion, that other than the feet thing, they basically used obscure examples of things people can do, or may have done at some point, but not really issues that are systemic in the passenger flying realm. They probably didn't want to highlight too many things that a lot of people do so as not to alienate the reader.

Call me old fashioned, but when it comes to females, I don't really have an issue with the feet thing. Women generally take care of their feet, and are basically shoeless all the time anyway, unless you consider flip flops or slides footwear.

How about discussing pretty much all aspects of the carry on? Most of the things people do surrounding their carry on baggage is annoying. I understand that there are times when it's nice to have your short trip luggage with you in the cabin. Just because your aunt Betty once didn't get her luggage back, doesn't mean it's going to happen to you every time you fly. Also, gate checking is an outstanding service that most people don't understand, or use.

Or how about the seat back? It's there if you need it, but just because the wheels have just left the ground, doesn't mean you have to slam it back immediately, and than proceed to spend the entire flight on your laptop, or tablet, leaning forward on your tray.

How about the need to use the lavatory every 10 minutes on a 50 minute flight?

The luggage carousel! We know your kids are happy to see you when you return, ....but please, when you go to get your checked luggage, just have one person go stand and wait for it. Other people are trying to get their luggage also, and when you have 5 people standing there the second the carousel starts, it makes it difficult for them. Also, if you have a black, 27" wheeled upright, there's a pretty good chance that there are about 25-30 similar bags on your flight, make sure the one you are taking is yours.

We should be friends.... People who put their laptop bag in the overheads so they can stretch their legs are scum. Same for people who put coats up before the bin is full.

One trick my buddy showed me is just sneak the laptop bag behind your legs once you get up and going. FAs don't seem to mind or maybe I hide it well
Posted from Rivals Mobile