Fox News again obsessing over "WAP" as Cardi B annihilates Candace Owens about it on Twitter

Seriously? Who cares. Conservatives love being outraged. It gives them the wettest of WAPs.

The right, especially Fox, is searching hard for something,.....anything cultural ..... that they can be outraged about. It is a tacit admission that Dems are winning with overwhelming popular policy positions from stimulus spending to gun safety reforms and climate change legislation.
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I didn't know who Owens was until a few days ago. She's going to milk this for everything she can. Cardi B should stop punching down.

The right, especially Fox, is searching hard for something,.....anything cultural ..... that they can be outraged about. It is a tacit admission that Dems are winning with overwhelming popular policy positions from stimulus spending to gun safety reforms and climate change legislation.

Yep. It leads me to believe Biden can't be f#cking up too bad given the headlines Faux keeps running with.

The right, especially Fox, is searching hard for something,.....anything cultural ..... that they can be outraged about. It is a tacit admission that Dems are winning with overwhelming popular policy positions from stimulus spending to gun safety reforms and climate change legislation.

Yes, we are in such a good place culturally. :rolleyes:
Yes, we are in such a good place culturally. :rolleyes:
Yes, I hope Fox and right wing radio keep on getting a red face over toys, cartoon characters, and obscure children's books 18 hours per day while Dems lift America out of a deadly pandemic, provide economic relief to hundreds of millions of citizens and small businesses, and get busy repairing racial divisions and the crumbling infrastructure, among other substantive initiatives.
GOPsters shifting roughly back into Victorian mode overdrive. Oh the horror of WAP!
If you’re unable to see there are MILES of distance and years between Cardi and Victorian Times, then you’re a child still thinking with your ding dong and you’re an uneducated one at that.
Personally I don’t care what people buy or watch. Her fame is indicative of the General Shit State we’re living in, though.

The right, especially Fox, is searching hard for something,.....anything cultural ..... that they can be outraged about. It is a tacit admission that Dems are winning with overwhelming popular policy positions from stimulus spending to gun safety reforms and climate change legislation.
So all Dems are just WAP’s? Good post!
Yes, I hope Fox and right wing radio keep on getting a red face over toys, cartoon characters, and obscure children's books 18 hours per day while Dems lift America out of a deadly pandemic, provide economic relief to hundreds of millions of citizens and small businesses, and get busy repairing racial divisions and the crumbling infrastructure, among other substantive initiatives.
Right wing radio is over, it was reported right here on HROT.
The voters are watching, though. Dems ALWAYS overreach. See you in ‘22!
If you’re unable to see there are MILES of distance and years between Cardi and Victorian Times, then you’re a child still thinking with your ding dong and you’re an uneducated one at that.
Personally I don’t care what people buy or watch. Her fame is indicative of the General Shit State we’re living in, though.

What I found bizarre is the societal exaltation of a song like WAP. Rather idiocracy-esque.
The voters are watching, though. Dems ALWAYS overreach. See you in ‘22!
I hope every last voter in America is watching.
Lololololololol. What pronouns do your introduce your partner as?
Gender identity - another cultural issue that conservatives are obsessed about. Keep it up while Democrats continue to enact and implement major legislation which improves Americans lives.

I can hardly wait for conservative media to bring in their old reliable cultural warriors ..... Pat Buchanan, Newt Gingrich, Tony Perkins, Bill O'Reilly, Cal Thomas, Jerry Falwell, Jr., and others to lecture college and high school aged kids about the evils and eternal damnation of homosexuality and transgender identity.
If you’re unable to see there are MILES of distance and years between Cardi and Victorian Times, then you’re a child still thinking with your ding dong and you’re an uneducated one at that.
Personally I don’t care what people buy or watch. Her fame is indicative of the General Shit State we’re living in, though.
Look, I agree with you on Cardi B. However, it's not like this is new or anything. I mean it would have been shocking in 1985. But seriously there have been lots of shocking acts and shocking lyrics long ago.

Did you sleep through the past 35 to 40 years of pop music?
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Gender identity - another cultural issue that conservatives are obsessed about. Keep it up while Democrats continue to enact and implement major legislation which improves Americans lives.

I can hardly wait for conservative media to bring in their old reliable cultural warriors ..... Pat Buchanan, Newt Gingrich, Tony Perkins, Bill O'Reilly, Cal Thomas, Jerry Falwell, Jr., and others to lecture college and high school aged kids about the evils and eternal damnation of homosexuality and transgender identity.
You seem to have missed his previous post. Feel free to read the post in sequence and get back to me. Hint "glass houses".
I hope every last voter in America is watching.
When Obama's rescue package was passed 59% approved...but six months later, a solid majority disapproved after they found out what it actually did...and Obama was forced to belatedly admit there were NO "shovel ready jobs"
Look, I agree with you on Cardi B. However, it's not like this is new or anything. I mean it would have been shocking in 1985. But seriously there have been lots of shocking acts and shocking lyrics long ago.

Did you sleep through the past 35 to 40 years of pop music?
Oh no, I was a high school Mom in the late 90's and heard all that stuff blasting from the kids rooms upstairs.
Of course large percentages of Americans are going to favor free money.
Especially since so many families and businesses lost considerable income due to Trump's horrible response to the Covid-19 viral outbreak. Saddest part is that hundreds of thousands of Americans won't be receiving a check because they died while Trump was more interested in playing golf.
Oh no, I was a high school Mom in the late 90's and heard all that stuff blasting from the kids rooms upstairs.
Honestly after listening to Eminem's albums I'm not sure anything could be more shocking than those.
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Especially since so many families and businesses lost considerable income due to Trump's horrible response to the Covid-19 viral outbreak. Saddest part is that hundreds of thousands of Americans won't be receiving a check because they died while Trump was more interested in playing golf.
This should be interesting. Trump wanted to open everything up, what should he have done differently? How would opening up business have resulted in greater income loss?
Gender identity - another cultural issue that conservatives are obsessed about. Keep it up while Democrats continue to enact and implement major legislation which improves Americans lives.

I can hardly wait for conservative media to bring in their old reliable cultural warriors ..... Pat Buchanan, Newt Gingrich, Tony Perkins, Bill O'Reilly, Cal Thomas, Jerry Falwell, Jr., and others to lecture college and high school aged kids about the evils and eternal damnation of homosexuality and transgender identity.
Interesting that you lump in a sexual orientation humans are born with, and a serious personal decision an adult can make regarding who they are.
Two different issues aren't they?
Does anyone really listen to those men? Is Cal Thomas alive? Who is Tony Perkins besides the killer in Psycho? WTH?
This should be interesting. Trump wanted to open everything up, what should he have done differently? How would opening up business have resulted in greater income loss?
If we are being honest, he was back and forth on everything in his "response". The issue with him is he was all over the place and didn't have a coordinated response.
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