Fox News again obsessing over "WAP" as Cardi B annihilates Candace Owens about it on Twitter


What if all three are tacky; but for different reasons? is that okay?

What if all three are tacky; but for different reasons? is that okay?

Yeah, you're going to get the argument that the top two either demean people/promote deleterious behavior and that the bottom item empowers.

Of course the actual negative effects of the top two -- how many kids are really negative affected by cartoon exaggerations? -- are in question.

And for the bottom item, well... there is no discussion of any possible deleterious effects.

I don't think any of the items matter much. As in... not worth the headlines, if for nothing more, than insignificant scale of effect.

There probably are some ways to feed squirrels in the park that are better than others -- but does really matter much? Does the question matter enough to waste time on?
Cardi B is trash and so is the culture she represents. But that's racist...
I've never understood the draw to vulgarity in today's music and I don't care if it's Cardi B or Miley Cyrus. Americans have just as much right to find it appalling as those who don't. Oh, and it's also okay to find Trump reprehensible AND the type of music Cardi B and the like put out. The GOP didn't market the corner on conservative values.

It's also okay to say that Cardi B's choice in music and performance is trash without calling her trash too. Gotta love opinions...we can all have them.
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So you meant to say:

"Cardi B is trash and so is the culture she represents. But that's racist, no one wants to take responsibility for the culture. The culture isn't the problem you see."

Could you define what culture you're talking about here?

- The culture is trash
- No one wants to take responsibility for the culture
- The culture isn't the problem

What is the problem? Are you speaking in code?
She is trash. Is that so hard? She’s a moron.
Right on cue, we had a neighborhood bourbon tasting last night, and our local FOX-watching-Trump-lover brought the subject up out of nowhere, commenting on how disgusting the Grammies were and how demeaning to women that song is. I chuckled and thought of this thread.

Later he said it was ridiculous how the WNBA was demanding the same pay as the NBA. Again, unrelated to anything in our otherwise non-political conversation - just sort of a MAGA Tourette’s outburst.
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Right on cue, we had a neighborhood bourbon tasting last night, and our local FOX-watching-Trump-lover fought the subject up out of nowhere, commenting on how disgusting the Grammies were and how demeaning to women that song is. I chuckled and thought of this thread.

Later he said it was ridiculous how the WNBA was demanding the same pay as the NBA. Again, unrelated to anything in our otherwise non-political conversation - just sort of a MAGA Tourette’s outburst.

Let me guess, your neighbor didn't watch the Grammy show.

Fox, Newsmax, OANN, and the like are pure propaganda.
Super super shitty song. But yes, if you’re offended by it you’re an idiot IMO.
And I think this merits further discussion. Is "offended" the right word? I'm personally not offended by it, BUT I do find it very trashy and it sends such a terrible message to women, especially our youth.

This may even warrant a separate thread because too often discussing conservative values correlates them to the GOP, Trumpism, Fox News, et al. And sadly conservative values have been weaponized much like the Bible. Regardless, there's something to be said/discussed about glorifying sexuality, treating women as sex objects (even if they do it themselves), but then equally say women should be respected, NOT looked at as sex objects, take a stance on sexual assault and harassment.

@McLovin32 separate thread worthy discussion? ...just want to get away from Fox News BS.
Super super shitty song. But yes, if you’re offended by it you’re an idiot IMO.
There's people currently out there offended if people call, a mom, "Mom", and a dad, "Dad". Or a cartoon skunk who is attracted to a cat. Or pictures in a Dr. Suess book. Just STFU.
There's people currently out there offended if people call, a mom, "Mom", and a dad, "Dad". Or a cartoon skunk who is attracted to a cat. Or pictures in a Dr. Suess book. Just STFU.
So who determines which squeaky wheel (offended group) gets the grease (attention and subsequent action)?
Oh boy goldmom showed up. BRB getting popcorn before I start page 2. The wet ass pussy opinions should be great.
And I think this merits further discussion. Is "offended" the right word? I'm personally not offended by it, BUT I do find it very trashy and it sends such a terrible message to women, especially our youth.

This may even warrant a separate thread because too often discussing conservative values correlates them to the GOP, Trumpism, Fox News, et al. And sadly conservative values have been weaponized much like the Bible. Regardless, there's something to be said/discussed about glorifying sexuality, treating women as sex objects (even if they do it themselves), but then equally say women should be respected, NOT looked at as sex objects, take a stance on sexual assault and harassment.

@McLovin32 separate thread worthy discussion? ...just want to get away from Fox News BS.
You requesting a safe space?

No, just a place to discuss the topic outside the shadow of Faux News.
Here is what I love about WAP: It forces a discussion. I think that is what good Art does. In a way, what this song and Artist are doing mimics what the likes of Fox News does in order to narrative-shift. By being so overtly self-sexualized and self-objectified it dilutes and disempowers men from doing so… in theory. Ultimately, though, it gets people talking about issues incredibly germane to the female experience in this American, if not global, society. And that, I think, is a really good thing.
Or terrorizes the Capitol, right!?

It's not an either or, extremism on both sides is wrong.
The scale of the whining, baby, graffiti, window busting, looting, burning, murdering, shutting down roads and interstates across the entire country vastly outweighs the capitol riots. And so do the sheer number of participants in the first group of victims.

The capitol riots were about 250 idiots playing the victim card. The riots over the summer was over 1,000,000 idiots playing the victim card. And the latter happened to cause, oh, about $1 billion more in damage.
The scale of the whining, baby, graffiti, window busting, looting, burning, murdering, shutting down roads and interstates across the entire country vastly outweighs the capitol riots. And so do the sheer number of participants in the first group of victims.

The capitol riots were about 250 idiots playing the victim card. The riots over the summer was over 1,000,000 idiots playing the victim card. And the latter happened to cause, oh, about $1 billion more in damage.
Soooo... Just make shit up? That's foolproof.
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The scale of the whining, baby, graffiti, window busting, looting, burning, murdering, shutting down roads and interstates across the entire country vastly outweighs the capitol riots. And so do the sheer number of participants in the first group of victims.

The capitol riots were about 250 idiots playing the victim card. The riots over the summer was over 1,000,000 idiots playing the victim card. And the latter happened to cause, oh, about $1 billion more in damage.

Who GAF besides you, brah? BLM never tried to overthrow duly elected government officials in a violent manner, which lessens their threat to this country as a whole by large orders of magnitude. I'd prefer that all of the BLM rallies were devoid of any violence and property destruction, but just because some did occur doesn't change the fact that the vast majority of BLM protestors are law abiding citizens and didn't participate in that aspect of it. You just hate their cause and their message and who they are as people. But guess what, it's not going away, your old school way of thinking is over and never again will we return to it. Gird your loins dumbass, because a severe kick to your nuts is probably on its way.

Lastly, I have to call out @lucas80. IMO Candace Owens is not good looking by any measure, but it's probably because I can see past her appearance and actually see her tormented heart and soul, which IMO makes her quite ugly. If there was a Rank 'Em for the 3 gals in this controversy, it would be Megan Thee Stallion #1, Cardi B #2 and no ranking for Candace because she probably has no idea what a WAP is.
Who GAF besides you, brah? BLM never tried to overthrow duly elected government officials in a violent manner, which lessens their threat to this country as a whole by large orders of magnitude. I'd prefer that all of the BLM rallies were devoid of any violence and property destruction, but just because some did occur doesn't change the fact that the vast majority of BLM protestors are law abiding citizens and didn't participate in that aspect of it. You just hate their cause and their message and who they are as people. But guess what, it's not going away, your old school way of thinking is over and never again will we return to it. Gird your loins dumbass, because a severe kick to your nuts is probably on its way.

Lastly, I have to call out @lucas80. IMO Candace Owens is not good looking by any measure, but it's probably because I can see past her appearance and actually see her tormented heart and soul, which IMO makes her quite ugly. If there was a Rank 'Em for the 3 gals in this controversy, it would be Megan Thee Stallion #1, Cardi B #2 and no ranking for Candace because she probably has no idea what a WAP is.
Allow me to refresh your memory.

Who GAF besides you, brah? BLM never tried to overthrow duly elected government officials in a violent manner, which lessens their threat to this country as a whole by large orders of magnitude. I'd prefer that all of the BLM rallies were devoid of any violence and property destruction, but just because some did occur doesn't change the fact that the vast majority of BLM protestors are law abiding citizens and didn't participate in that aspect of it. You just hate their cause and their message and who they are as people. But guess what, it's not going away, your old school way of thinking is over and never again will we return to it. Gird your loins dumbass, because a severe kick to your nuts is probably on its way.

Lastly, I have to call out @lucas80. IMO Candace Owens is not good looking by any measure, but it's probably because I can see past her appearance and actually see her tormented heart and soul, which IMO makes her quite ugly. If there was a Rank 'Em for the 3 gals in this controversy, it would be Megan Thee Stallion #1, Cardi B #2 and no ranking for Candace because she probably has no idea what a WAP is.

Is it a bad thing to not know what a WAP is? Is that something that should be frowned upon, not know what a WAP is?
I suspect he didn’t, but every time he brought something like that up the rest of us would quickly change topics.

I grew up in very rural location, family reunions or family Christmas celebrations are interesting, the cons who still are in the rural setting are embolden and will say the craziest things, it got real bad during the past 4 years. The libs just sort of hang, keep our mouths shut, and role our eyes.

It appears Cardi B has tucked tail and ran. Deleting tweets and is getting sued for libel after posting doctored photos and fake tweets. FoxNews still on the story though for some strange reason.
My thoughts are on Cardi B are the same as a Dr. Seuss book or a syrup bottle. I remember when we didn't like something we could just ignore it.

I think Cardi B sucks but good for on using her talents to become rich. I will do the same thing I always do when WAP comes on the radio and turn the channel. No biggie
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It appears Cardi B has tucked tail and ran. Deleting tweets and is getting sued for libel after posting doctored photos and fake tweets. FoxNews still on the story though for some strange reason.

What a fantastically pathetic end to a really stupid Twitter saga.
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My thoughts are on Cardi B are the same as a Dr. Seuss book or a syrup bottle. I remember when we didn't like something we could just ignore it.

I think Cardi B sucks but good for on using her talents to become rich. I will do the same thing I always do when WAP comes on the radio and turn the channel. No biggie

I'm a proud practioner of this noble position.

I don't think I'll ever understand the allure of letting my opinion carry me to point that I have to start making proclamations about how the entire nation is going to hell in a hand basket because people have the audacity to have a different opinion, or that a cartoon whatever isn't affixed to a thing.
I've never understood the draw to vulgarity in today's music and I don't care if it's Cardi B or Miley Cyrus. Americans have just as much right to find it appalling as those who don't. Oh, and it's also okay to find Trump reprehensible AND the type of music Cardi B and the like put out. The GOP didn't market the corner on conservative values.

It's also okay to say that Cardi B's choice in music and performance is trash without calling her trash too. Gotta love opinions...we can all have them.
I agree with you except for the part about it being today's music. The vulgarity in pop music is not new. If this was your response in 1988, I would have agreed with you. In fact, there are far worse lyrics from Eminem over 20 years ago than most music today.

I'm not sure of your age but my point is its annoying me that people act like this is a new development. And no, I do not enjoy Cardi B's music. Not my taste.
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I agree with you except for the part about it being today's music. The vulgarity in pop music is not new. If this was your response in 1988, I would have agreed with you. In fact, there are far worse lyrics from Eminem over 20 years ago than most music today.

I'm not sure of your age but my point is its annoying me that people act like this is a new development. And no, I do not enjoy Cardi B's music. Not my taste.

I'm 47 and while I agree, I think it's more of the continued boundary pushing for what's acceptable on mainstream platforms like open-air radio, network TV, etc. Elvis was once banned from being televised from the waste down...then we kept sliding the bar--Madonna, Marilyn Manson, Eminem, etc. Have you noticed the language acceptance on TV now...GD is fine, we can have two F-bombs in a PG-13 movie, etc. I agree with Cardi-B that parents are the largest factor in monitoring our children, but's getting harder when the accessibility is off the charts.

I've tried to live by "Conservative in my home, but liberal in the voting booth", but that's getting harder and harder to do when the boundaries of what's acceptable keep getting pushed.
I'm 47 and while I agree, I think it's more of the continued boundary pushing for what's acceptable on mainstream platforms like open-air radio, network TV, etc. Elvis was once banned from being televised from the waste down...then we kept sliding the bar--Madonna, Marilyn Manson, Eminem, etc. Have you noticed the language acceptance on TV now...GD is fine, we can have two F-bombs in a PG-13 movie, etc. I agree with Cardi-B that parents are the largest factor in monitoring our children, but's getting harder when the accessibility is off the charts.

I've tried to live by "Conservative in my home, but liberal in the voting booth", but that's getting harder and harder to do when the boundaries of what's acceptable keep getting pushed.
I get what you are saying but honestly I grew up in the 90's and there was far far worse than Cardi B. You mentioned a couple of them in Manson and Eminem. In other words the "shock and awe" thing peaked in the late 90's imo.

I remember people saying the exact same thing you are saying now 20, 25 years ago. The bar hasn't slid - it's stayed the same. Seriously, Eminem rapped about killing his mom and explicitly raping women. That is far worse than Cardi B.
I get what you are saying but honestly I grew up in the 90's and there was far far worse than Cardi B. You mentioned a couple of them in Manson and Eminem. In other words the "shock and awe" thing peaked in the late 90's imo.

I remember people saying the exact same thing you are saying now 20, 25 years ago. The bar hasn't slid - it's stayed the same. Seriously, Eminem rapped about killing his mom and explicitly raping women. That is far worse than Cardi B.
And what's truly sad is there's such a desirable market for this. I thought Miley's performance was trashy, but there was an overwhelming social media response at how amazing it was.
