FSU fans - what's the loudest you've ever heard Doak Campbell?

Clemson at the Doak in 1993. Bobby recruited the number #1 kicker prospect in the country to solve the wide right issue. When asked what he would do if his kick was blocked and being run back, Scot Bentley replied that, “I’ll tackle him.”
clemmons All American linebacker grabs a blocked PAT kick and is blazing down the sideline untouched looking to put 2 points on the board.
Bentley, who was also a sprinter and soccer futballer in high school, does not have a great angle, but closes strong and destroys the LB near the 50. The crowd went frigging nutsz. For a while.
I looked across the field after halftime to see that the clemmons fans left after the first half as the Noles went on to a 57-0 win. clemmons was set back for years before becoming competitive again.
FSU went on to win their first Natty in football.
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My thought would be the 1989 game against miami. They'd beaten us four straight years, and in 1989 we lost our first 2 games of the season to fall out of the top 25. We won our next 5, including road wins against #21 LSU and #17 Syracuse, and a home win over #11 Auburn. We'd climbed back up the polls to #9 - with the undefeated, #2 ranked Canes coming to town.

During the pre-game, the miami players wouldn't let Renegade & Chief Osceola come to midfield to throw the spear down, and it almost turned into a full-scale brawl. They got things settled down, the spear was thrown, and the game started. On the first play from scrimmage, our All-American safety, Leroy Butler, picked off a Gino Torreta pass. On the very next play, Dexter Carter took a handoff, broke outside, and sprinted down the sideline for a 37 yard TD.
2003 overtime win over NC State after Craphonso was injured. Both teams had to go into the student section endzone.
My thought would be the 1989 game against miami. They'd beaten us four straight years, and in 1989 we lost our first 2 games of the season to fall out of the top 25. We won our next 5, including road wins against #21 LSU and #17 Syracuse, and a home win over #11 Auburn. We'd climbed back up the polls to #9 - with the undefeated, #2 ranked Canes coming to town.

During the pre-game, the miami players wouldn't let Renegade & Chief Osceola come to midfield to throw the spear down, and it almost turned into a full-scale brawl. They got things settled down, the spear was thrown, and the game started. On the first play from scrimmage, our All-American safety, Leroy Butler, picked off a Gino Torreta pass. On the very next play, Dexter Carter took a handoff, broke outside, and sprinted down the sideline for a 37 yard TD.
A class program like Miami did this? I find that hard to believe. :rolleyes:
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My thought would be the 1989 game against miami. They'd beaten us four straight years, and in 1989 we lost our first 2 games of the season to fall out of the top 25. We won our next 5, including road wins against #21 LSU and #17 Syracuse, and a home win over #11 Auburn. We'd climbed back up the polls to #9 - with the undefeated, #2 ranked Canes coming to town.

During the pre-game, the miami players wouldn't let Renegade & Chief Osceola come to midfield to throw the spear down, and it almost turned into a full-scale brawl. They got things settled down, the spear was thrown, and the game started. On the first play from scrimmage, our All-American safety, Leroy Butler, picked off a Gino Torreta pass. On the very next play, Dexter Carter took a handoff, broke outside, and sprinted down the sideline for a 37 yard TD.
That’s where it’s tough, so many great games. I was trying to think after stadium expansion and it was closed in - figuring it would make it louder than earlier games!
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Everyone says the uf game in 96 were we tore down the goalposts. My fsu roommate is in a SI photo with him riding it down.

Personally I thought 98 was louder. We lived near Weinke and when he walked by our house party on his way to the game, we all started chanting his name and he gave us the thumbs up. When Peter Warrick caught that touchdown that went through the gators hands, the crowd erupted so loud that my ears were ringing the rest of the game. The bleachers that we were on broke from us jumping like madmen, so we naturally passed it up to the row behind us, where it crowd surfed all the way to the top row of Doak!

Also the Oklahoma game in 2011 was nuts. When Clint connected with Rashad I had a total stranger from 2 rows behind me run down and bear hug me in joy. There was also that time when they were trying to punt out of their own end zone and had delay of games and to call a few timeouts it was so loud. I think a few of their players say it was the loudest game they had ever been in. Their fans were in shock as well, with many of them complementing our crowd saying we were the craziest bastards they've ever seen lol.

No, 96 they came in ranked #1 and we beat them, then a dozen dominoes fell in their favor for them to back into a rematch
“A dozen dominoes” = #3 Nebraska got beat in the Big 12 Championship game and #2 Arizona State and #5 Ohio State were contractually obligated to the Rose Bowl.
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“A dozen dominoes” = #3 Nebraska got beat in the Big 12 Championship game and #2 Arizona State and #5 Ohio State were contractually obligated to the Rose Bowl.

Freaking Texas and James Brown beating Nebraska. I think Ricky Williams played fullback in that game.
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At the 11 Oklahoma game, many of us started drinking around 6 AM for the 8 PM kick. Still not sure how I made that game. It was a marathon. CSB.
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