N noStemsnoSTICKS HB Heisman Feb 16, 2006 6,599 8,865 113 Sactown Yesterday at 2:47 PM #1 Reactions: Thunderlips71
Thunderlips71 HB Heisman Oct 29, 2014 7,156 18,945 113 Yesterday at 2:49 PM #2 Inaccurate. Putin’s arm should be entirely up Trump’s ass. Reactions: noStemsnoSTICKS
stillh8unlv HB Legend Mar 30, 2007 11,119 17,377 113 Yesterday at 2:50 PM #3 Thunderlips71 said: Inaccurate. Putin’s arm should be entirely up Trump’s ass. Click to expand... I don't think it's his hand that's up his ass Reactions: noStemsnoSTICKS
Thunderlips71 said: Inaccurate. Putin’s arm should be entirely up Trump’s ass. Click to expand... I don't think it's his hand that's up his ass
N noStemsnoSTICKS HB Heisman Feb 16, 2006 6,599 8,865 113 Sactown Yesterday at 2:55 PM #4 And the beauty/tragedy of it all, thousand more images exist just from that two-word search.