Gallup/CBS: Americans rank Obama best out-going POTUS, Donald least popular incoming POTUS ever

Menace Sockeyes

HB Legend
Sep 2, 2010
Gallup poll and CBS public survey both have Obama at a 57% approval rating versus 36% disapproval. That is a 3% jump since the election.

A month ago I said he was on pace to go out above Eisenhower and Reagan (56%) but below Clinton (60%) as the most popular out-going modern President ever. I was wrong. He is now on pace to eclipse Bill Clinton as most popular ever recorded.

It also confirms what most of us have said to the far right posters here: A) More and more, the working class are feeling the effects from all the positive economic numbers. B) The POTUS election was about Clinton running a terrible campaign in a year of Democratic gains. C) Obama or Biden would have crushed Donald.
Gallup poll and CBS public survey both have Obama at a 57% approval rating versus 36% disapproval. That is a 3% jump since the election.

A month ago I said he was on pace to go out above Eisenhower and Reagan (56%) but below Clinton (60%) as the most popular out-going modern President ever. I was wrong. He is now on pace to eclipse Bill Clinton as most popular ever recorded.

It also confirms what most of us have said to the far right posters here: A) More and more, the working class are feeling the effects from all the positive economic numbers. B) The POTUS election was about Clinton running a terrible campaign in a year of Democratic gains. C) Obama or Biden would have crushed Donald.
Coulda, shoulda, woulda. That's got to be a painful world to live in.
Coulda, shoulda, woulda. That's got to be a painful world to live in.

Actually, no. We get to watch this idiot implode the Republican party from within AND know the majority of Americans are on our side. Also, Trump destroys the Christian right ideology once and for all. I felt like we won as soon as Trump won the nomination.
Polls? According to the polls, Trump was supposed to get piss-pounded by Hillary. Didn't happen and the polls were WRONG. So, I don't believe he's liked for one second.
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Polls? According to the polls, Trump was supposed to get piss-pounded by Hillary. Didn't happen and the polls were WRONG. So, I don't believe he's liked for one second.

Most polls had Trump neck-and-neck with Clinton, and she did win nearly 3 million more votes. Truth hurts, but denial makes you sound stupid.
Most polls had Trump neck-and-neck with Clinton, and she did win nearly 3 million more votes. Truth hurts, but denial makes you sound stupid.
Denial is trying to argue that the democrats are in good shape as a party. Some claim they haven't been in this bad of shape for 140 years.
Denial is trying to argue that the democrats are in good shape as a party. Some claim they haven't been in this bad of shape for 140 years.

Not great shape, but Republicans are also on thin ice. I will call it here now: Trump's first mid-term will see that ice under them collapse.
I believe 8 house seats and some key governorships, including the jackwagon we most wanted gone in North Carolina.
They couldn't retake the senate even though the numbers greatly favored them. And they took even more losses at the state level. At the state level it's brutal for the dems. Over the term of his 8 years the dems have suffered staggering losses.

These losses are obamas coattails. Just because people support obamas personality doesn't mean they supported his policies. His policies have decimated the Democratic Party.
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They couldn't retake the senate even though the numbers greatly favored them. And they took even more losses at the state level. At the state level it's brutal for the dems. Over the term of his 8 years the dems have suffered staggering losses.

These losses are obamas coattails. Just because people support obamas personality doesn't mean they supported his policies. His policies have decimated the Democratic Party.

This is the Citizens United decision effect as those who opposed it predicted. Bought and paid for Republicans are deregulating their masters, with increasingly ugly outcomes. See the fracking disasters in Oklahoma, the water pollution of Nebraska, or the fiscal woes of Kansas.
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This is the Citizens United decision effect as those who opposed it predicted. Bought and paid for Republicans are deregulating their masters, with increasingly ugly outcomes. See the fracking disasters in Oklahoma, the water pollution of Nebraska, or the fiscal woes of Kansas.
Hillarys campaign spent $1.2 billion compared to $600 million for Trump and you're trying to allege it was money that caused hillarys downfall?
The Gallup Poll and the CBS Survey referred to by
the OP were both taken this week at Hillary's Pity
Party this past week. She held this Holiday Gala
to thank her big campaign donors for flushing their
money down the toilet.
Hillarys campaign spent $1.2 billion compared to $600 million for Trump and you're trying to allege it was money that caused hillarys downfall?

WTF is wrong with you? Re-read the post of yours I quoted. It was about state legislature gains. Not once did you mention her. You were stretching to tie state losses to Obama. Nothing to do with HRC.
Gallup poll and CBS public survey both have Obama at a 57% approval rating versus 36% disapproval. That is a 3% jump since the election.

A month ago I said he was on pace to go out above Eisenhower and Reagan (56%) but below Clinton (60%) as the most popular out-going modern President ever. I was wrong. He is now on pace to eclipse Bill Clinton as most popular ever recorded.

It also confirms what most of us have said to the far right posters here: A) More and more, the working class are feeling the effects from all the positive economic numbers. B) The POTUS election was about Clinton running a terrible campaign in a year of Democratic gains. C) Obama or Biden would have crushed Donald.
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WTF is wrong with you? Re-read the post of yours I quoted. It was about state legislature gains. Not once did you mention her. You were stretching to tie state losses to Obama. Nothing to do with HRC.
. Christ dude. Chill out. It's amazing how angry you are all the time. Are you like this in person?
Actually, no. We get to watch this idiot implode the Republican party from within AND know the majority of Americans are on our side. Also, Trump destroys the Christian right ideology once and for all. I felt like we won as soon as Trump won the nomination.

Shouldn't you be worried about fixing the train wreck that is your party? You guys are just determined to keep making the same mistakes, aren't you?
Gallup poll and CBS public survey both have Obama at a 57% approval rating versus 36% disapproval. That is a 3% jump since the election.

A month ago I said he was on pace to go out above Eisenhower and Reagan (56%) but below Clinton (60%) as the most popular out-going modern President ever. I was wrong. He is now on pace to eclipse Bill Clinton as most popular ever recorded.

It also confirms what most of us have said to the far right posters here: A) More and more, the working class are feeling the effects from all the positive economic numbers. B) The POTUS election was about Clinton running a terrible campaign in a year of Democratic gains. C) Obama or Biden would have crushed Donald.
The election and numbers you cite prove that while BHO is very popular personally his policies are not
Gallup poll and CBS public survey both have Obama at a 57% approval rating versus 36% disapproval. That is a 3% jump since the election.

A month ago I said he was on pace to go out above Eisenhower and Reagan (56%) but below Clinton (60%) as the most popular out-going modern President ever. I was wrong. He is now on pace to eclipse Bill Clinton as most popular ever recorded.

It also confirms what most of us have said to the far right posters here: A) More and more, the working class are feeling the effects from all the positive economic numbers. B) The POTUS election was about Clinton running a terrible campaign in a year of Democratic gains. C) Obama or Biden would have crushed Donald.

Soccer is also the most popular sport in the world. However, popularity doesn't make it enjoyable to watch. It just prove that the majority has bad taste.
Gallup poll and CBS public survey both have Obama at a 57% approval rating versus 36% disapproval. That is a 3% jump since the election.

A month ago I said he was on pace to go out above Eisenhower and Reagan (56%) but below Clinton (60%) as the most popular out-going modern President ever. I was wrong. He is now on pace to eclipse Bill Clinton as most popular ever recorded.

It also confirms what most of us have said to the far right posters here: A) More and more, the working class are feeling the effects from all the positive economic numbers. B) The POTUS election was about Clinton running a terrible campaign in a year of Democratic gains. C) Obama or Biden would have crushed Donald.

Why do you libs keep quoting organizations that are worthless? CBS, Gallup, what idiot believes anything they say?
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Whatever you want to tell yourself. Those are "job approval" polls. It was all about Hills. Nice denial attempt though.
If that's the case why in the two elections BHO has run, he has won. In those he has not his party has been trounced. Even though in several he has has explicitly stated even though he is not on the ballot, his policies were. Nice attempt at a non response, by the way
Gallup poll and CBS public survey both have Obama at a 57% approval rating versus 36% disapproval. That is a 3% jump since the election.

A month ago I said he was on pace to go out above Eisenhower and Reagan (56%) but below Clinton (60%) as the most popular out-going modern President ever. I was wrong. He is now on pace to eclipse Bill Clinton as most popular ever recorded.

It also confirms what most of us have said to the far right posters here: A) More and more, the working class are feeling the effects from all the positive economic numbers. B) The POTUS election was about Clinton running a terrible campaign in a year of Democratic gains. C) Obama or Biden would have crushed Donald.

Did they just poll those on welfare
Gallup poll and CBS public survey both have Obama at a 57% approval rating versus 36% disapproval. That is a 3% jump since the election.

A month ago I said he was on pace to go out above Eisenhower and Reagan (56%) but below Clinton (60%) as the most popular out-going modern President ever. I was wrong. He is now on pace to eclipse Bill Clinton as most popular ever recorded.

It also confirms what most of us have said to the far right posters here: A) More and more, the working class are feeling the effects from all the positive economic numbers. B) The POTUS election was about Clinton running a terrible campaign in a year of Democratic gains. C) Obama or Biden would have crushed Donald.
A lot of delusion out there. Obama is really a horrible President. I am not disputing that many may have a favorable view of him, but his performance as President doesn't warrant this. I would bet that the media's love affair with him certainly has helped. Likewise, the media's disdain of Trump probably plays a role in his lower approval numbers.
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A lot of delusion out there. Obama is really a horrible President. I am not disputing that many may have a favorable view of him, but his performance as President doesn't warrant this. I would bet that the media's love affair with him certainly has helped. Likewise, the media's disdain of Trump probably plays a role in his lower approval numbers.

Blame the media. The last resort of the of the right on every argument. Explains away their anti-Obama delusions nicely.
Actually, no. We get to watch this idiot implode the Republican party from within AND know the majority of Americans are on our side. Also, Trump destroys the Christian right ideology once and for all. I felt like we won as soon as Trump won the nomination.

Your non stop political rantings don't come off as a win.....

Not only are you a bad actor, you're a liar as well

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She lost. 307 - 235?

She got piss-pounded.
Actually that vote doesn't come until tomorrow. I suspect some electorate will change their vote to someone besides Trump but it won't be enough. Trump did lose the popular vote by 2.8 million.
Trump winning in SC is a clear signal that they have lost the culture wars. Their golden boy came 3rd in a state he'd have won in 2000. Trump is pro-choice, not particularly hawkish on foreign policy, not expressly devout, and is brash and boastful which they despise.

This is the chickens coming home to roost. Their particular brand of Christianity that embraces Old Testament hate above Jesus' actual words and deeds, increasingly relied on anti-intellectualism and bigotry amongst uneducated heathens to win at the polls. This uneasy coalition between Conservative ideologues and uneducated white trash they feed on a constant diet of ODS, fear, hatred, and jingoism that has made it hungry for this type of heavy, but ultimately empty rhetoric. So all the majority of the GOP base wants to hear about now is how much a candidate despises immigrants, wants to kill Muslims, detests Obama, and tells China to go F itself. Sad day for those like Cruz, whose wet dream is ultimately America ruled under Christianity's version of Sharia Law.

Whatever the reason, they did us a huge favor in allowing us to avoid Cruz.

Your non stop political rantings don't come off as a win.....

Not only are you a bad actor, you're a liar as well


I went back to my responses in the immediate aftermath of the Republican primaries and posted them here. @naturalmwa can back me up that we have, on multiple occasions, rejoiced in the slow death spiral of the Christian right's influence in politics.

Another classic "DERP" post from you, Swag. Well done!