Gallup/CBS: Americans rank Obama best out-going POTUS, Donald least popular incoming POTUS ever

I went back to my responses in the immediate aftermath of the Republican primaries and posted them here. @naturalmwa can back me up that we have, on multiple occasions, rejoiced in the slow death spiral of the Christian right's influence in politics.

Another classic "DERP" post from you, Swag. Well done!

Was there some picture charts in this thread? What did they show? Were you confused because they included numbers? How you 'feel' or what you 'think' or your interpretation of how things 'should' be doesn't change those pesky facts.
The poll shows he is popular person but not so much on performance.

Approve Disapprove
The Economy 50% 48%

Foreign Affairs 47% 48%

Healthcare Policy 41% 57%
I believe 8 house seats and some key governorships, including the jackwagon we most wanted gone in North Carolina.
Your wins were very underwhelming. Dems fully expected to win the Senate. The fact that you did not and picked up less than 10 seats in the house was considered a loss in a year when POTUS was on the ticket.
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Obama has been the best thing ever to happen to Republicans.

Over Obama's eight years, Democrats went from controlling 28 governor's mansions to 18; they went from controlling 25 state legislatures to 12; they went from controlling 60 Senate seats to 48; and from controlling 257 House seats to 194. Democrats lost 935 state legislative seats.

And of course, they lost the White House too.
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Actually, no. We get to watch this idiot implode the Republican party from within AND know the majority of Americans are on our side. Also, Trump destroys the Christian right ideology once and for all. I felt like we won as soon as Trump won the nomination.
Just stick with your Nancy Pelosi's and Keith Ellisons and your party will continue to deteriorate.Just don't get it.
Obama has been the best thing ever to happen to Republicans.

Over Obama's eight years, Democrats went from controlling 28 governor's mansions to 18; they went from controlling 25 state legislatures to 12; they went from controlling 60 Senate seats to 48; and from controlling 257 House seats to 194. Democrats lost 935 state legislative seats.

And of course, they lost the White House too.

No. I've already addressed this, but this has everything to do with Citizens United and industry buying Republican candidates by funding their campaigns and tearing down regulations in place to protect the public. Your thinking is that of a simpleton who thinks they see a simple reason, but you are ignorant of the truth behind the scenes. Educate yourself, particularly the charts in the second piece, which shows the massive influx of corporate money to pro-business, anti-consumer conservatives...
Riiiight. Whatever helps you sleep at night. Doesn't change the facts. Keep making excuses and the Dems will continue their slide into becoming the NYC/Chicago/San Fran/Hollywood regional party.
Riiiight. Whatever helps you sleep at night. Doesn't change the facts. Keep making excuses and the Dems will continue their slide into becoming the NYC/Chicago/San Fran/Hollywood regional party.

I provided you with MANY facts, you are the one who provided BS reasoning to match your "feelings". You can choose to ignore them if you want, but I provided you them in black and white. You might want to head the canary in the coal mine sometime before 2 years.
Actually, no. We get to watch this idiot implode the Republican party from within AND know the majority of Americans are on our side. Also, Trump destroys the Christian right ideology once and for all. I felt like we won as soon as Trump won the nomination.
Party was already imploded (why Trump got the bid). The majority of Americans aren't on a "side" as you proclaim, they have spoken and have gone against both "sides".

Claiming a win after crying for damn near a month - man, what meds did you get on (or off)?
I provided you with MANY facts, you are the one who provided BS reasoning to match your "feelings". You can choose to ignore them if you want, but I provided you them in black and white. You might want to head the canary in the coal mine sometime before 2 years.

Hopefully you read all of the information you provided. Like Obama had more fund raising events than GW and Clinton combined? That the numbers were skewed by a contested primary? One that is missing is the vast difference in spending between Trump and Hillary. Thanks for the information.
You sir are bumbling clown...and the fact you are an attorney just validates my statement.

You could not have cut it even one month in law school. Ever noticed that the doctors, lawyers, profs, etc on this board are the liberals? Almost like the smartest people get what you don't? Weird, huh?
Riiiight. Whatever helps you sleep at night. Doesn't change the facts. Keep making excuses and the Dems will continue their slide into becoming the NYC/Chicago/San Fran/Hollywood regional party.

Dude don't you know, @Menace Sockeyes wanted Trump to win because it was best for the Dems...

He's been saying this since election night..... oh wait, no he wasn't lol.

He's been ranting and raving since Nov 8..

Dude don't you know, @Menace Sockeyes wanted Trump to win because it was best for the Dems...

He's been saying this since election night..... oh wait, no he wasn't lol.

He's been ranting and raving since Nov 8..


I said Trump winning the Republican nomination was the best outcome for us. I even provided my old posts from then. Sadly, I also maintain that Trump was a DISTANT second best for the country in the general election. But you don't have a very good track record with facts. Trump will be a god-send for Dems. Book it.
I said Trump winning the Republican nomination was the best outcome for us. I even provided my old posts from then. Sadly, I also maintain that Trump was a DISTANT second best for the country in the general election. But you don't have a very good track record with facts. Trump will be a god-send for Dems. Book it.

Yes, it's the best outcome for you which is why you and some of your brothers can't stop with the gnashing of teeth.

Either, he's your president or you can make with the empty threat of leaving. The truth is, you don't know if he will be a god send or not. You're hoping for failure, which is mighty republican of you...... party over country and all that jazz.

God bless you, President Trump, and the United States of America.
Gallup poll and CBS public survey both have Obama at a 57% approval rating versus 36% disapproval. That is a 3% jump since the election.

A month ago I said he was on pace to go out above Eisenhower and Reagan (56%) but below Clinton (60%) as the most popular out-going modern President ever. I was wrong. He is now on pace to eclipse Bill Clinton as most popular ever recorded.

It also confirms what most of us have said to the far right posters here: A) More and more, the working class are feeling the effects from all the positive economic numbers. B) The POTUS election was about Clinton running a terrible campaign in a year of Democratic gains. C) Obama or Biden would have crushed Donald.
Maybe we need to ship you a case of Kleenex also with Ciggys. You freaking LOST get over it. We had to put up with Obama for 8 years. Suck it up.
I said Trump winning the Republican nomination was the best outcome for us. I even provided my old posts from then. Sadly, I also maintain that Trump was a DISTANT second best for the country in the general election. But you don't have a very good track record with facts. Trump will be a god-send for Dems. Book it.

Will he be as good for the democrats as Obama was for the republicans? The facts point out just how good Obama was.
My God. So many times myself, and others arguing the same, were right in this thread. I would pay myself on the back if it weren't so obvious.
BUMP since this thread is some A+ Friday entertainment reading, in retrospect.