Gas prices on the rise again...

Democrats are much more level headed.

There is an increase in cost of gas as the weather gets nicer. The summer grade fuel is more expensive to produce.

The story says the changeover is completed in all regions of the country except for the northeast.
Democrats are much more level headed.

There is an increase in cost of gas as the weather gets nicer. The summer grade fuel is more expensive to produce.

Perfect and I have no reason to disbelieve that. I just find it funny the president typically doesn’t have fuk all to do with gas prices but of course it’s a political thing to some
Not really a mystery about cause and effect:

Not really a mystery about cause and effect:


Well why isn't Biden leaning on the Saudis?
Not really a mystery about cause and effect:

Should be 2.25 a gallon at that crude price. Oh yeah Trump sold off our refineries to the Saudis...
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$3.75 at the gas station by my office today.
$3.59 here....but each day, summer gets a little closer and prices will continue to climb.....More oil is being drilled than ever before...But then, I am sure Trad left this here for us to understand it is still Biden's fault.....
Gas prices go up and gas prices go down. Brilliant observations all around. Crude oil has been struggling to stay above $80 a barrel for some time now. OPEC tries to control their cartel members but someone always cheats. Rinse and repeat.
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if “Slow joes” policy’s mean we have to pay higher prices at the pump for renewable energy im all for that cause I’m not poor.
AOC has been retweeting negative posts regarding Joe and his policies like this one

Never went below $3.50 in the winter here and it’s $4.29 right now. Going to be a long summer.
if “Slow joes” policy’s mean we have to pay higher prices at the pump for renewable energy im all for that cause I’m not poor.
Got it - screw the lower and middle class.
How mighty white of you.
I'm loving my new plug in hybrid that gives me 11 free miles before I use any gas. I spend no money going around town.

I don't get why people let themselves become prisoners of the Saudis
Only 11? I thought most got closer to 30.

Would love to have a RAV Prime, but damed expensive and hard to get.