Gee those communist liberals so tolerant

Now, if you were logical and honest you would draw your own parallels here to portions of the Democrat party. Sadly, I know that you wont because team blue.
There aren’t parallels to the last 8 years…well at least not in the United States. You guys are the ones that dismiss disgusting behavior over and over. Rapist. Felon. More to come…but you want to equate democrats to that. Sorry…not the same.
I think your last paragraph is telling and mostly correct.

There is a LARGE and growing portion of America who feel that we are not being represented in a just way. They feel the legal system is unfair. They feel the voting system is rigged. They feel illegals have more rights and privileges than they do. They feel the government is taxing them unfairly and using the money for things we don't need. They feel their families don't have hope because of our debt and spending.

I think you are correct to sense bloodshed coming. I don't think anyone really wants that but there might be no possible way to avoid it. Remember that the revolutionary war didn't just all of a sudden start. It was like a 12 year build up before people had enough.

The thing is that their feelings are mostly all false.

Voting system isn't rigged. People that win the elections legitimately win. The part that is rigged is the way it's done. First past the post system pretty much limits you to 2 parties.

They feel the government is taxing them unfairly, but where would they rather be that the taxes will be better? They say it's for things that we don't need but for the most part they don't know all the work the government does behind the scenes. On top of that not every government dollar is going to directly benefit you. Illegals don't get more rights and privileges. They can't even vote. Now do we need to do better to keep illegal migration down, yes. But the way we do that is by punishing heavily people who employ illegal immigrants. Not by coming up with new and innovative ways we can be mean to the people who cross the border. Those people are desperate and desperate people take a lot of risks. People who have resources such as people who might choose to employ illegal labor are less prone to risks.

The minute you take a rich person and lock him up for 10 years and seize all his wealth is the minute the rest of the rich people stop giving illegals jobs. And when those illegals can't get jobs, they start going back.

The legal system is unfair but do they think the people who benefit most from the legal system being unfair are going to suddenly fix it? Rich people get all the advantages in the legal system, yet a billionaire is convincing them that the legal system is unfair to him. Please. . .
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A confusion by some people that trans women and biological women are the same are not going to ruin the country long term. Neither are some prosecutors (who are local politicians, not federal ones) who are overly lenient on crime.

Neither is the immigration problem.

These are all problems to be fixed but they arn't going to ruin the country.

A group of people who broke laws and attempted to overturn an election to keep one particular leader in power is however going to ruin our country.

Dictatorships and human rights abuses don't start with what you are talking about. They start with what Donald Trump is. They start with coups like Donald Trump attempted to stay in power when he was legally voted out.
You are wrong.

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