Genius or sacrilege?

Simon Cowell Wow GIF by America's Got Talent
I get it. I will cheat a cut a bit this way or that to spare toppings from the blade, but not to ^that^ ridiculous degree. I also use a rocker knife which wouldn't participate in that kind of nonsense anyway. The guy should just make the pizza a little more carefully. At that density of pepperoni I think he could have ended up with whole toppings and straighter cuts had he employed just a little more careful pepperoni placement.

Now this is real genius
Initially I thought it was terrible.

But the more I think about it, I’d be willing to at least give it a try.
I just had a Screamin' Sicilian, with extra pepperoni. What does your dad do, then? Go all OCD and rearrange the slices of pepperoni to create clean cutting lines with no overlap? Take some slices off and toss them in the trash?