"George HW Bush and Ronald Reagan in 1980" or "Why the Republican Party left me and those who are sane behind..."

Menace Sockeyes

HB Legend
Sep 2, 2010
This is a Republican primary debate, mind you. Could you imagine what the nutjobs who call themselves Republicans today would say if Kamala talked like this? @Here_4_a_Day and @Whiskeydeltadeltatango would have like half a dozen threads on this using words like "Marxist", "far left", "invasion", "woke", and other words they don't understand. The brain drain on the right is real...

This is a Republican primary debate, mind you. Could you imagine what the nutjobs who call themselves Republicans today would say if Kamala talked like this? @Here_4_a_Day and @Whiskeydeltadeltatango would have like half a dozen threads on this using words like "Marxist", "far left", "invasion", "woke", and other words they don't understand. The brain drain on the right is real...

That was before there were 30,000,000 of them already here ILLEGALLY and the country $36,000,000,000,000 in the hole with AI replacing jobs by the thousand daily. Hey, I know....if only we could have used them to mine coal back when it was just pics and shovels! Moron! Here's what you really want >

You MAGAs only care about deficits and the debt when a democrat is in the White House
Well---as Ronnie would say---democrats have been right there running up that deficit/debt 12 of the last 16 years, so there's that........ Does the ticker seem to be slowing down or speeding up to you after four years of Kamalanomics?
This is a Republican primary debate, mind you. Could you imagine what the nutjobs who call themselves Republicans today would say if Kamala talked like this? @Here_4_a_Day and @Whiskeydeltadeltatango would have like half a dozen threads on this using words like "Marxist", "far left", "invasion", "woke", and other words they don't understand. The brain drain on the right is real...

Yeah well, we live in idiocracy now.

I remember researching border crossings a while back and they were as high as we've seen under Reagan.
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...and they were both castigated by the left for their entire presidencies...
Not for that. Mainly for ignoring AIDS, funding murderous far right thugs in Central America, supporting apartheid, supporting trickle down economics that led to a massive recession, and deregulation that turned disastrous (particularly that which allowed the Great Recession years later), and trading arms to dangerous regimes in exchange for hostages and lying to the American people about it.
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You MAGAs only care about deficits and the debt when a democrat is in the White House. Cheeto massively added to the debt and republicans were quiet as a church mouse
Yep every check i received was signed by Crazy Filthy DON, THAT I dId NOT need.