George Kittle--Belichick: "He's as good as anybody I’ve coached." 2019 1ST Team All Pro. 1,000+ Yds in 2019 & 2018

Who is better could be a different answer than who had the best year. You couldn't go wrong putting either on your team and I love the way they both play. I love the way Kittle run blocks which really separates him from other "pass catching tight ends". I believe it is his balance in the run and passing game that had him first team all pro, and deserved. Additionally, I believe Kelce just had his 4th +1K yard year in a row which I don't believe had ever been done by a TE in the NFL. You won't make one better by denigrating the other. The SuperBowl should be fun. I will enjoy watching both.

You make great points. But just remember that this is Kittle's 3rd year and he set an NFL record for the most yards by a Tight End in the player's 1st 3 years. Better than Ditka, Gronk, and Kelce.

And Kittle blocks like an offensive lineman, similar to what you stated. That's part of why Kyle Shanahan decided to and the 49'ers were able to rush the ball down the Vikings and Packers throats in their two playoff games.

Like you said, they are both very good and everyone has an opinion on who is "better." When it came down to the voters that matter, it was 33 votes (66%) for Kittle, 17 votes (34%) for Kelce.
Kittle and the 49ers arrived at the University of Miami, where they will practice this week. They will face the Kansas City Chiefs this Sunday, at Hard Rock Stadium.

