Georgia judge considers eligibility of Fani Willis

What straws did he have to grasp at? He wasn't a prosecution witness providing details of an improper relationship. He was there to talk about his daughter, and cleaning off N***** and B**** from her house after Trump supporters vandalized it. Do you think he was lying about teaching her the value of having cash on hand?
She's a fraud!
I hope both these morons go to prison for blowing this case. My MAGA friends are ecstatic that Agent Orange is going to get off on this case due to the inability of the prosecutor to keep her personal and work lives separate.

I hope both these morons go to prison for blowing this case. My MAGA friends are ecstatic that Agent Orange is going to get off on this case due to the inability of the prosecutor to keep her personal and work lives separate.

I haven’t followed the case but I did see a tweet today with some information. These two are going to get perjury charges for lying on the stand.
I hope both these morons go to prison for blowing this case. My MAGA friends are ecstatic that Agent Orange is going to get off on this case due to the inability of the prosecutor to keep her personal and work lives separate.

I’m with you. And they are compounding this mess by lying, repeatedly.
I hope both these morons go to prison for blowing this case. My MAGA friends are ecstatic that Agent Orange is going to get off on this case due to the inability of the prosecutor to keep her personal and work lives separate.

I agree with you. Needless and very dumb.
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Trump 101, harass people. When he doesn't have the law on his side he attempts to destroy the legitimacy of the proceedings. The rubes and those lacking awareness lap it up and amplify it. He did this against Judge Engoron and his clerk. He did it against the Mexican judge in 2016. He did it against Robert Mueller. He is doing it against Jack Smith.
Hopefully the judge in Georgia has the stones to stand up to Trump knowing the cult will unleash death threats against his kids.
‘A hot mess’: Trump’s legal teams attempt to disqualify Fani Willis starts to fall apart

Fred Trump and Donald dealt with the Mob quite a bit. Roy Cohn was a Mob lawyer.
don't be ridiculous...guys who made millions in construction/development in NYC in the 70s and 80s would have never had any reason to be friendly with the mafia
Trump 101, harass people. When he doesn't have the law on his side he attempts to destroy the legitimacy of the proceedings. The rubes and those lacking awareness lap it up and amplify it. He did this against Judge Engoron and his clerk. He did it against the Mexican judge in 2016. He did it against Robert Mueller. He is doing it against Jack Smith.
Hopefully the judge in Georgia has the stones to stand up to Trump knowing the cult will unleash death threats against his kids.
The Democrat cult tried murdering Don Jr via the mail just yesterday LOL it is all projection with you people.
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So you're openly admitting it was not gossip or rumors as you just tried claiming then?

Pretty sure he was saying that there is no laws or statues against this. So regardless if its rumor or fact, it shouldn't matter. Your argument might work work in the GIAOT court of public opinion, but that is not where this matter is being tried.

If they find Willis liable for ethics, worst case is she is removed from the case, and they put someone else on it.
The charges won't go away for Trump, and someone else will take her place and go to trial. If he becomes POTUS, this still can't go away. So far the GOP star witness failed to live up to the testimony Trumps lawyers had hoped for. Even if he perjured himself, that is on him, not Willis.
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It's literally a screen shot of an actual text message lol

It's "literally a screen shot of an actual text message" when it clearly is a Fox News graphic is a perfect summary of why you are not taken seriously. You're so confidently incorrect its sad. I am also pretty sure he didn't say that when he was under oath despite whatever the text was alleged to say. So once again, a the GOP "we got 'em" star witness fell apart under oath, again. Are you tired of all the winning yet?
It's "literally a screen shot of an actual text message" when it clearly is a Fox News graphic is a perfect summary of why you are not taken seriously. You're so confidently incorrect its sad. I am also pretty sure he didn't say that when he was under oath despite whatever the text was alleged to say. So once again, a the GOP "we got 'em" star witness fell apart under oath, again. Are you tired of all the winning yet?
Mad cuz fox?
Mad cuz fox?

Why would I be mad at Fox, they are their own worst enemy and a stain on actual honest journalism. Other networks aren't much better and when they start paying out millions in settlements for the actions of their personalities and almost a billion for knowingly spreading lies then I'll hold the same contempt for them.
Why would I be mad at Fox, they are their own worst enemy and a stain on actual honest journalism. Other networks aren't much better and when they start paying out millions in settlements for the actions of their personalities and almost a billion for knowingly spreading lies then I'll hold the same contempt for them.
What sources do you consider "honest journalism"?