Georgia judge considers eligibility of Fani Willis

Mad cuz fox?

No, sad cuz fox.

Sad because clowns grab the lies and cannot understand the difference between rumor / speculation and fact. Just because more lies to support your desired lies, doesn't equate to corroboration of fact. It is depressing and sad all at the same time. Seemingly normal people without the ability to think but have deemed themselves the light pushing back the darkness is sad.
We will have to see what the judge's final decision(s) is/are to answer that question
So that's a no, got it. I"m sure you're not the only one that feels that way. I am sure Fox News has 2 stories prewritten ready to post once the decision comes out:

1. Hero Judge Removes Willis From Trump Case


2. Trump-Hating Judge Fails to Remove Willis From Case; So Unfair.

when the headline should be:

3. Judge Makes Impartial Ruling Supported by Law and Based on Precedent
Will you respect the judges decision even if it doesn't go your way.
So that's a no, got it. I"m sure you're not the only one that feels that way. I am sure Fox News has 2 stories prewritten ready to post once the decision comes out:

1. Hero Judge Removes Willis From Trump Case


2. Trump-Hating Judge Fails to Remove Willis From Case; So Unfair.

when the headline should be:

3. Judge Makes Impartial Ruling Supported by Law and Based on Precedent
Pretty much describes the reaction to Supreme Court decisions.
So that's a no, got it. I"m sure you're not the only one that feels that way. I am sure Fox News has 2 stories prewritten ready to post once the decision comes out:

1. Hero Judge Removes Willis From Trump Case


2. Trump-Hating Judge Fails to Remove Willis From Case; So Unfair.

when the headline should be:

3. Judge Makes Impartial Ruling Supported by Law and Based on Precedent
Incorrect assessment.
It's not an unfair question tbf

It might be a legit question, but political hunches and hopes of wrongdoing aren't really going to suffice the warrant requirements. You need to have probable cause that a crime has been committed and so far there doesn't seem to be much CREDIBLE evidence to support that or it would have been done.
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It might be a legit question, but political hunches and hopes of wrongdoing aren't really going to suffice the warrant requirements. You need to have probable cause that a crime has been committed and so far there doesn't seem to be much CREDIBLE evidence to support that or it would have been done.
The fact that you bolded the word "credible" tells me you have seen information that supports this but you don't like the source. Am I off base here?
The fact that you bolded the word "credible" tells me you have seen information that supports this but you don't like the source. Am I off base here?

No, I just know you like to respond with sources that aren't credible, so I was trying to head off any conspiracy theory response you might have. If they had the evidence to get a warrant you can bet they would have.
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No, I just know you like to respond with sources that aren't credible, so I was trying to head off any conspiracy theory response you might have. If they had the evidence to get a warrant you can bet they would have.
Slamming the judge when they were singing his praises for dismissing some counts earlier in the week?

When something like this happens, they go quiet for a day or two. Then they are back with the next sky is falling grievance pumped into their heads by right wing media. There is never much variation but when they are desperate the go to is typically scaremongering about minorities.
Shocked. Proud of you. Maga Jesus is about to get ****ed in court. The charges they threw out are nothing.
We will see. The charges dropped aren't "nothing" either, but if you wanna run a victory lap about it have at it haha
We will see. The charges dropped aren't "nothing" either, but if you wanna run a victory lap about it have at it haha
They’re smaller overlapping charges with the major ones that still exist. They are nothing in the big picture of the case. On their own yes they aren’t nothing, as a whole…they are nothing. It is disappointing he could be found not guilty for a bigger charge and could’ve been guilty on a smaller one. But going for the whole pie makes since in this situation, not the slice. No big loss.

(This is from the “legal experts” I’ve heard discuss it)
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There is a lesson to be learned I learned from Watergate days. When you are caught, fess up! The legal system does not tolerate liars very well.
When you are in charge of the legal system and legal process, you must be purer than driven snow. Seems to me the judge has made a sound decision that immediately affects the players (in this case, the prosecutors) but not the nuts and bolts of the case. The win for the defense here is negligible but it does add to the immediate noise surrounding this particular case. (It also adds to the Trump legacy that “he always gets by with stuff...every time!”)
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Looks like Fani is going to have to break up with Nathan and find a new prosecutor to hook up with,.. Hope she finds another guy that likes to travel.
So she or lover boy have to remove themselves, and 6 charges were dropped, including the harshest charge he faces, prior to ever seeing if Trump is guilty of anything else, and dems are wanting a victory lap.....

Everything that happened was good for Trump.
I don’t see how this is a victory for Willis.

She has to either dump Wade or take herself and her entire office off the prosecution. The judge called her unprofessional and castigated the poor judgment. Didn’t call her a liar but you could tell he wasn’t buying her testimony. Embarrassing.

And if Wade was truly a great lawyer to have on board, his absence will hurt.