Georgia State Park will not remove Confederate Flag under any circumstances.

It does to answer the question "Why don't they put statues of their victor's up instead."
I appreciate the effort, but it doesn't strike the mark. How about something we might agree on? Can we agree to just let the locals figure this out and no federal funds go to glorifying the confederates?
I never asked for statues of Civil War heroes. World War l and ll would suffice.
They have them, too. There are a LOT of statues and monuments to all of those down here as well. They just don't leave out the ones that lost, just because they lost. It's really something you'd only know or understand if you were FROM here. If you're from here and still don't understand... well, I'm sorry. Maybe you shouldn't dwell on it too much. It doesn't really affect your life at all.

Here's an idea. Let's remove ALL statues and monuments that glorify WAR in any way, shape or form? I'll be on-board with that. You take down the US War monuments and I'll take down the Confederate monuments. We can talk about how far we got when they lock us up... assuming we get adjoining cells.
I appreciate the effort, but it doesn't strike the mark. How about something we might agree on? Can we agree to just let the locals figure this out and no federal funds go to glorifying the confederates?
I'm more inclined to just have no federal funds in existence. Locals always do best in figuring things out that affect them directly, however. Thus why the Federal part could be cut-out from everything. It's kind of what the southern states wanted. Then they f*cked-up and made a USA-South instead.
I'm more inclined to just have no federal funds in existence. Locals always do best in figuring things out that affect them directly, however. Thus why the Federal part could be cut-out from everything. It's kind of what the southern states wanted. Then they f*cked-up and made a USA-South instead.
Which is to say it's a fiction that they ever wanted this. Again, I side with actions over words. :)
Which is to say it's a fiction that they ever wanted this. Again, I side with actions over words. :)
I have no doubt that some wanted it. It's clear they took the wrong road in order to get it. Hey, that's truly American! America is one long double-standard.
Prime example of why FLAGS don't really offend me. What's offensive is peoples' obsession with the flag part instead of what is actually being done. Flags are like words... they're really innocent. The intent and action of the user is what will really leave a mark.
The truth is; you're going to have an awfully difficult time finding a flag that doesn't represent oppression.
I appreciate the effort, but it doesn't strike the mark. How about something we might agree on? Can we agree to just let the locals figure this out and no federal funds go to glorifying the confederates?

So you want to pick and choose who receives federal funds? Fine. I'll take your proposal as long as you take mine: no federal funds to Planned Parenthood. Deal?
So you want to pick and choose who receives federal funds? Fine. I'll take your proposal as long as you take mine: no federal funds to Planned Parenthood. Deal?
Sure, I'm not opposed to it if you want to replace their services with public clinics. I thought you were a free market type and would prefer private business do this sort of thing, but I'd be all for nationalizing the care service.
It's so nice to see Northerners, who claim to be so morally superior to everyone else, not resorting to social stereotypes. or, in this case, using them. I'm glad they prefer maintaining the high road.

I'm just a simple Iowan proud of of those that came before me, especially those brave warriors that sacrificed to keep this great country whole.