Gheesh fatties, eat a salad

I don’t understand how being overweight is “ok” or even celebrated.

“Plus size” people acting as if their bodies are beautiful; people eating whatever they want thinking there is zero consequence.

I don’t hate overweight people but I don’t understand how you let yourself get that way. Spare me the genetics argument because that’s basically bullshit. Burn more calories than you take in, not rocket science
I don’t understand how being overweight is “ok” or even celebrated.

“Plus size” people acting as if their bodies are beautiful; people eating whatever they want thinking there is zero consequence.

I don’t hate overweight people but I don’t understand how you let yourself get that way. Spare me the genetics argument because that’s basically bullshit. Burn more calories than you take in, not rocket science
I understand folks feeling good about themselves and not being belittled for their weight's most definately a health problem and effects society as a whole in regards to health care costs.

We have no problem with identifying smoking and smokers as a health risk and eating up a disproportional amount of health care $$$

Obesity is just as bad IMO
With a McDonalds on most street corners in
America, you know there are plenty of folks
who have unhealthy eating habits.
Take a $500 out of everybody’s check each year.

if you go to doctor and have healthy weight you are a winner and will get your $500 back and an equal share of the obese pool of money

school lunch isn’t the problem and never was. It’s all the crap they eat outside if school and the eating between meals.
Plenty of blame to go around, from personal responsibility to food companies that are experts in getting Americans to purchase extra calories every day.
Not sure I agree with your second statement. It really is only about personal responsibility. No one is making you buy junk food. You choose to do that.

I think you underestimate the power of marketing in America. Take it out of food context, there’s a reason why Americans camp out to buy cell phones. Marketing science works.

But I agree it starts with personal responsibility.
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BMI is a 200 year old metric. It doesn't consider muscle mass, or much of anything outside of weight/ height/ age.
BMI is a 200 year old metric. It doesn't consider muscle mass, or much of anything outside of weight/ height/ age.
A waist to height ratio, has proven to be a much better metric. I laugh when I go into a hospital and they still have a BMI chart posted.
Think of what comes from obesity:

* Heart disease
* Cancer
* Diabetes
* Joint & foot issues (trying to support the weight)
* Mental issues (for some, who struggle w/ their weight & body image)

And we have the govt food pyramid to thank for their awesome nutritional advice over the past few decades.

Most of you won’t watch this but you should. It is short and very basic but it sums up why we are where we are and how we got here. The low fat diet hypothesis for heart health it literally contributing to chronic illnesses in our society, driving up our HC costs way beyond reason and in a hilarious twist of irony...contributing to high rates of cardiovascular disease.

FYI - we are approaching 70% of the over 45 population being diabetic or insulin resistant (which is just diabetes light).
And there is no reason to not get young people started eating correctly in our school systems.

Your govts healthy food suggestions have lead us to where we are today. Not sure they deserve the right to be the voice of what constitutes a healthy diet.
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And we have the govt food pyramid to thank for their awesome nutritional advice over the past few decades.

Most of you won’t watch this but you should. It is short and very basic but it sums up why we are where we are and how we got here. The low fat diet hypothesis for heart health it literally contributing to chronic illnesses in our society, driving up our HC costs way beyond reason and in a hilarious twist of irony...contributing to high rates of cardiovascular disease.

FYI - we are approaching 70% of the over 45 population being diabetic or insulin resistant (which is just diabetes light).

It starts with the parents.

Kids start learning eating habits at age 2.
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And we have the govt food pyramid to thank for their awesome nutritional advice over the past few decades.

No; the food pyramid recommends whole-grains. MOST of what people actually eat are processed, refined flours and fit into the junk-food category. They replace the whole grains with the carb filled junk, pretending it's the same.

E.g. Quick Oats (the little flavored packets, loaded with sugar) are not a "whole grain", they are a processed food that has a high glycemic index.
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A waist to height ratio, has proven to be a much better metric. I laugh when I go into a hospital and they still have a BMI chart posted.

BMI can mean very little to an individual but keeping this statistic is a good method to see how societies are trending.
I’m surprised we are not already at those numbers.

To be fair, isn’t there a lot of controversy though over measuring obesity by BMI?

There should be no question regarding people above 30. At my height (5'7), I'd have to be over 200 lbs. If you are my height, over 2 bills and not built like Bob Sanders when he played for Indy, you need to lose weight.
It would help if grocery stores were as accessible to folks as are myriad fast food options. Used to be in a town like Peoria each neighborhood had a good grocery store. My family often walked to get our groceries. Of course all kinds of other developments during the timeframe I’m suggesting, last 30 years or so, but I think this often gets overlooked.
but I don’t understand how you let yourself get that way. Spare me the genetics argument because that’s basically bullshit. Burn more calories than you take in, not rocket science

I pondered on understanding it a while ago because I had a hard time understanding too. I think there are a large amount of ways it can happen. Being raised obese, no understanding of diet, poverty, depression, never learning how to cook, being in a large family and normalizing obesity, procrastination, addiction to food, addiction to alcohol, sedentary lifestyles and jobs, and long work days. Then there is marketing and grocery stores being 80% trash food.

I do IT contracting for a lot of businesses and it is amazing to watch the transformation of low paid/high hour office workers.
No; the food pyramid recommends whole-grains. MOST of what people actually eat are processed, refined flours and fit into the junk-food category. They replace the whole grains with the carb filled junk, pretending it's the same.

E.g. Quick Oats (the little flavored packets, loaded with sugar) are not a "whole grain", they are a processed food that has a high glycemic index.

Carbs aren't bad. The refined foods you mention are bad. People will say they are on a "low-carb" diet when they really aren't. Eating a lot of fresh fruits and veggies (or plain, cooked versions) will not make you fat. Fruits and veggies are mostly made up of carbs.

Eat whole grains, eat potatoes, eat fruits, eat veggies, eat legumes. It's all great for you. Throw in some lean meat if you desire, but eat a lot of plant based items. You run into problems when it has been refined, or when it is combined with stuff that is bad for you (loading up a potato with butter and sour cream, a green bean casserole or a salad w/ a cup of ranch dressing)
No; the food pyramid recommends whole-grains. MOST of what people actually eat are processed, refined flours and fit into the junk-food category. They replace the whole grains with the carb filled junk, pretending it's the same.

E.g. Quick Oats (the little flavored packets, loaded with sugar) are not a "whole grain", they are a processed food that has a high glycemic index.
Watch the ****ing video I just posted, I know way more on this than you. You like to pretend we are operating in an environment of perfect metabolic health and we are not. Over 52% of the population in the US has some form of insulin resistance meaning your whole grains don’t matter bc those high grains will still spike insulin levels and those levels will remain chronically high in a majority of the population. This, even absent of diabetes leads to weight gain, inflammation, liver and cardiovascular diseases.

Please stop spewing your nonsense on this, it’s dangerous and degrading to a now majority of the population.
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I pondered on understanding it a while ago because I had a hard time understanding too. I think there are a large amount of ways it can happen. Being raised obese, no understanding of diet, poverty, depression, never learning how to cook, being in a large family and normalizing obesity, procrastination, addiction to food, addiction to alcohol, sedentary lifestyles and jobs, and long work days. Then there is marketing and grocery stores being 80% trash food.

I do IT contracting for a lot of businesses and it is amazing to watch the transformation of low paid/high hour office workers.

Biggest change I noticed was back at Iowa for the Penn state game. Saw more heavy co-eds than I remember seeing when I was at Iowa. We chalked it up to nostalgia / selective memory, etc., but still looked true to me.
I pondered on understanding it a while ago because I had a hard time understanding too. I think there are a large amount of ways it can happen. Being raised obese, no understanding of diet, poverty, depression, never learning how to cook, being in a large family and normalizing obesity, procrastination, addiction to food, addiction to alcohol, sedentary lifestyles and jobs, and long work days. Then there is marketing and grocery stores being 80% trash food.

I do IT contracting for a lot of businesses and it is amazing to watch the transformation of low paid/high hour office workers.

People don't cook at home anymore; it's all pre-made, pre-processed stuff that has very little actual protein or vegetables/fiber - and is mostly processed flours, sugars, carbs.

You CAN eat the same numbers of carbs as in those foods, when you eat them with whole vegetables/fruits/whole-grains, because the fiber and other stuff slows down the uptake of the carbs and limits the insulin spikes.

It doesn't mean to never eat 'convenience' foods; just limit the frequency and portions. Buy frozen veggies and microwave a cupful or so of those and eat them with some seasonings and a little healthy oil. That fiber content and protein content makes you less hungry, so you don't binge on more carb-based chips and crap later.

Shorter: Skip the Hot Pockets, Totinos Pizza Rolls and Pot Pies. Buy frozen fruit and veggies.