Gheesh fatties, eat a salad

Your govts healthy food suggestions have lead us to where we are today. Not sure they deserve the right to be the voice of what constitutes a healthy diet.
I don't believe you understood what I was getting at. We had a former first lady who tried to implement healthy eating into our public schools, but was ridiculed endlessly by the troglodytes who are most likely a big share of the problem. Now if you wish to go back to George McGovern's food pyramid, I understand what you are saying. But I would like to point out that I voted for Richard Nixon and LC voted for McGovern.;)
My BMI is 26, yet my body’fat ranges from 7.5 to 9.5, which for a 42 year old is pretty good. I’m on board with a fat tax, in the form of insurance discounts to those of us who eat right and work out.

Taking BMI by itself without considering anything else is bad. But using some common sense, at 8-9% bf you should be able to see abs, and doing other measurements when someone falls into a higher BMI can add to it. If I saw someone who is at 28 BMI, but looked like a body builder, I wouldn't worry too much. If I saw someone at 28 BMI who looks like the Pillsbury Dough Boy, I'd want them to eat better and exercise more.
Biggest change I noticed was back at Iowa for the Penn state game. Saw more heavy co-eds than I remember seeing when I was at Iowa. We chalked it up to nostalgia / selective memory, etc., but still looked true to me.

I notice it whenever we play ISU and they show their student section. That has probably always been that way though.
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Over 52% of the population in the US has some form of insulin resistance meaning your whole grains don’t matter bc those high grains will still spike insulin levels

Whole grains do not spike insulin levels like processed grains.
Limit your sugar/carb intake; whole grains are not the problem.

The problem is processed foods and fast carbs that give people dopamine rushes and make them hungry 30 minutes later, so they eat more.
People don't cook at home anymore; it's all pre-made, pre-processed stuff that has very little actual protein or vegetables/fiber - and is mostly processed flours, sugars, carbs.

You CAN eat the same numbers of carbs as in those foods, when you eat them with whole vegetables/fruits/whole-grains, because the fiber and other stuff slows down the uptake of the carbs and limits the insulin spikes.

It doesn't mean to never eat 'convenience' foods; just limit the frequency and portions. Buy frozen veggies and microwave a cupful or so of those and eat them with some seasonings and a little healthy oil. That fiber content and protein content makes you less hungry, so you don't binge on more carb-based chips and crap later.

Shorter: Skip the Hot Pockets, Totinos Pizza Rolls and Pot Pies. Buy frozen fruit and veggies.

Limits the insulin response in those that are not insulin resistant. More than half of our country is insulin resistant (almost 70% of those over 45 now fall into this category), I am not sure why you keep ignoring this fact.

You are prescribing advice to the minority of society right now. Meaning, you should probably start prescribing different advice if you want to be taken seriously or if you want to be helpful to those you have discussions with.
People don't cook at home anymore; it's all pre-made, pre-processed stuff that has very little actual protein or vegetables/fiber - and is mostly processed flours, sugars, carbs.

You CAN eat the same numbers of carbs as in those foods, when you eat them with whole vegetables/fruits/whole-grains, because the fiber and other stuff slows down the uptake of the carbs and limits the insulin spikes.

It doesn't mean to never eat 'convenience' foods; just limit the frequency and portions. Buy frozen veggies and microwave a cupful or so of those and eat them with some seasonings and a little healthy oil. That fiber content and protein content makes you less hungry, so you don't binge on more carb-based chips and crap later.

Shorter: Skip the Hot Pockets, Totinos Pizza Rolls and Pot Pies. Buy frozen fruit and veggies.

Whoa bro. Totinos pizza rolls hit almost every food group; it is a superfood.
Carbs aren't bad. The refined foods you mention are bad. People will say they are on a "low-carb" diet when they really aren't. Eating a lot of fresh fruits and veggies (or plain, cooked versions) will not make you fat. Fruits and veggies are mostly made up of carbs.

Yep; but lots of fiber along with them, that slows down the carb digestion.
Whole grains do not spike insulin levels like processed grains.
Limit your sugar/carb intake; whole grains are not the problem.

The problem is processed foods and fast carbs that give people dopamine rushes and make them hungry 30 minutes later, so they eat more.

Whole grains are certainly a problem in an environment of insulin resistance.
Listen to Gladwell's pod cast season 2, episodes 9 & 10 about the myth of low fat diet and heart health.
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From their own knowledge and common sense?

How does that seem to be working out?

Frankly society has been given the same advice (eat less, move more) for decades and it isn’t working (the proof is in the numbers) so why do some think that continually pounding their head against the same brick wall of eat less and move more is going to yield different results?
Wanna bet? Come clean the toilet after I finish

Being serious here as I had the same problem when eating salads and had what I would consider IBS, that all changed when I moved to eating lower carb (I am around 30 grams per day), no IBS symptoms, no issues now when I eat salads (I eat one a day now) and reg more comfortable poos. I think it has more to do with inflammation within the body, you can have your doc pull inflammation markers from a simple blood test. My guess is higher inflammation in the body (including the bowels) plus insoluble fibers (lettuce) equals butt explosions.
Fast food itself isn’t the problem. It’s the 1500 calories of fast food per meal.

i eat McDonald’s once a week. I get three items that totals about 750 calories.

what I find odd is the health nuts that think soda is the devil but drink calorie loaded sports drinks.
I thought over half were already obese.

That is true but the fat isn't the problem it is a symptom of insulin resistance/pre-diabetes (for the vast majority of those in the overweight category). The challenge is we have a HC system and govt guidelines that suggest treating this only once it becomes full blown diabetes.

Then you have well meaning people like JoesPlace (and frankly the vast number of nutritionists and doctors) that don't suggest low carb (below 50 grams per day) but instead suggest a "well balanced" (whatever that means bc obviously society doesn't know) diet rich in high fiber whole grains, moderate proteins, and limited fats. This approach only keeps THE MAJORITY OF SOCIETY on a blood glucose and insulin roller coaster.

The nutritional advice that is being given today in an environment of high levels of insulin resistance s similar to telling an alcoholic to transition from liquor to beer. It is insane and dangerous for overall society, the proof is in the numbers.

As it relates to HC costs it appears our nutritional guidelines are helping to skyrocket our costs higher and higher.
That is true but the fat isn't the problem it is a symptom of insulin resistance/pre-diabetes (for the vast majority of those in the overweight category). The challenge is we have a HC system and govt guidelines that suggest treating this only once it becomes full blown diabetes.

Then you have well meaning people like JoesPlace (and frankly the vast number of nutritionists and doctors) that don't suggest low carb (below 50 grams per day) but instead suggest a "well balanced" (whatever that means bc obviously society doesn't know) diet rich in high fiber whole grains, moderate proteins, and limited fats. This approach only keeps THE MAJORITY OF SOCIETY on a blood glucose and insulin roller coaster.

The nutritional advice that is being given today in an environment of high levels of insulin resistance s similar to telling an alcoholic to transition from liquor to beer. It is insane and dangerous for overall society, the proof is in the numbers.

As it relates to HC costs it appears our nutritional guidelines are helping to skyrocket our costs higher and higher.
How Not to Diet by Michael Greger

Interesting read, so far. I love this guy's videos.
How Not to Diet by Michael Greger

Interesting read, so far. I love this guy's videos.

I have put in well over 100 hours of reading, listening to books/podcasts, etc on this stuff over the past year as I find it sadly fascinating how off our country has been itself and leading the rest of the world in nutrition science. We really have effed our societies health with the traditional advice being given bc as I have said it is obviously not working. To me the proof is always in the results and our societal results have been dogshit.

Sum up Michael Greger's take for me, I might just purchase the audiobook.
Most concerning to me is future generations. Walk around any mall and notice how many obese children you see. This is where our focus should be,

As adults, we can control the food-related decisions we make.
But kids, they will follow suit of what's available at home. So when eating fast food is a regular happening 3-4 times a week ... well ... you end up with obese kids.
My other half is a cancer nurse ... she did a research paper on obese children across the globe. It's alarming what is happening and where we are headed.
Kids are getting heavier and they're having serious health issues at too young of ages ...
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This x 1,000 ... As in life ... kids (generally) will mimic what they experience at home. Mom eats fast food 3-4 times a week? Well, so will (not so little) Sally ...

Unfortunately, home cooked, balanced meals are a thing of the past.

And now Americans eat too much processed foods and foods that are high in salt, sugar and fat.
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Being serious here as I had the same problem when eating salads and had what I would consider IBS, that all changed when I moved to eating lower carb (I am around 30 grams per day), no IBS symptoms, no issues now when I eat salads (I eat one a day now) and reg more comfortable poos. I think it has more to do with inflammation within the body, you can have your doc pull inflammation markers from a simple blood test. My guess is higher inflammation in the body (including the bowels) plus insoluble fibers (lettuce) equals butt explosions.
I do not do any sort of calorie/carb/etc tracking. Maybe I should and see if I notice a difference
Unfortunately, home cooked, balanced meals are a thing of the past.

And now Americans eat too much processed foods and foods that are high in salt, sugar and fat.
Spot on ...

My other half I have are amazed at how often some of our friends "eat out." We might eat out one or two times in a month ... Some of our friends eat out 4 times a week ...
I have members in my family tree who are/were obese ... So I don't knock overweight people ... But, I do have concerns when people let their kids mimic their unhealthy eating habits and let their kids become obese. Being a fat kid is not good for so many reasons: health, confidence, being left out or made fun of ...

Sadly, it looks like so many of our schools today mirror the food court at the local mall ... As my other half (chemo nurse) says, we are going to have some major, major, major problems as these obese kids grow into adults and the cycle repeats and continues to worsen.
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Most concerning to me future generations. Walk around any mall and notice how many obese children you see. This is where our focus should be,

As adults, we can control the food-related decisions we make.
But kids, they will follow suit of what's available at home. So when eating fast food is a regular happening 3-4 times a week ... well ... you end up with obese kids.
My other half is a cancer nurse ... she did a research paper on obese children across the globe. It's alarming what is happening and where we are headed.
Kids are getting heavier and they're having serious health issues at too young of ages ...

We have hit a point where we need to do more than that and change our dietary guidelines away from such high carbohydrate count (for the majority of individuals). Reason being insulin resistance and high levels of carb/sugar intake in a pregnant mother can and has been shown to cause higher levels of insulin resistance in babies in-utero and with each passing generation it can and has been getting worse. Essentially we are genetically handing down higher and higher levels of insulin resistance to the children of the world before they are even born.

Insulin sensitivity already varies greatly from one person to the next however it is being made worse and worse with each passing generation. This now is why you are seeing so many more fat kids walking around the mall.

The metabolic profile of our nation is drastically different than 20 years back, it is a world different than it was 50-70 years ago. Sadly the nutritional recommendations of the past will not be as effective as they need to be to help improve our nations collective health.
BMI is a 200 year old metric. It doesn't consider muscle mass, or much of anything outside of weight/ height/ age.
BMI is a joke. My 17 year old had to go to the hospital due a to hockey injury, and hockey players are in peak athletic shape. 6 foot, 180 lbs, ripped with 6 pack abs. Not an ounce of fat on him. BMI calculated at 24.5. That is a borderline healthy to obese number.
BMI is a joke. My 17 year old had to go to the hospital due a to hockey injury, and hockey players are in peak athletic shape. 6 foot, 180 lbs, ripped with 6 pack abs. Not an ounce of fat on him. BMI calculated at 24.5. That is a borderline healthy to obese number.

As I stated earlier, BMI is incredibly noisy from person to person but is a good marker to see which way society is heading. It is a public health data point that has value on a macro level but not on smaller/individual sample sizes.
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I’m surprised we are not already at those numbers.

To be fair, isn’t there a lot of controversy though over measuring obesity by BMI?

It is meant for the common individual, but anyone who works out consistently, let alone actual athletes, can skew this measurement.

If you lift weights and have solid muscle mass built up and are in good shape....but your weight and height doesn't jive with what the set-in-stone BMI says......then congratulations, you're fat! :)
People don't cook at home anymore; it's all pre-made, pre-processed stuff that has very little actual protein or vegetables/fiber - and is mostly processed flours, sugars, carbs.

You CAN eat the same numbers of carbs as in those foods, when you eat them with whole vegetables/fruits/whole-grains, because the fiber and other stuff slows down the uptake of the carbs and limits the insulin spikes.

It doesn't mean to never eat 'convenience' foods; just limit the frequency and portions. Buy frozen veggies and microwave a cupful or so of those and eat them with some seasonings and a little healthy oil. That fiber content and protein content makes you less hungry, so you don't binge on more carb-based chips and crap later.

Shorter: Skip the Hot Pockets, Totinos Pizza Rolls and Pot Pies. Buy frozen fruit and veggies.
Perhaps if they made these whole foods less expensive, it would be more of an option to people than the cheaper fast food alternative.

Also, fruit can die in a fire. Ain't nobody got time for fruit.
Most concerning to me future generations. Walk around any mall and notice how many obese children you see. This is where our focus should be,

As adults, we can control the food-related decisions we make.
But kids, they will follow suit of what's available at home. So when eating fast food is a regular happening 3-4 times a week ... well ... you end up with obese kids.
My other half is a cancer nurse ... she did a research paper on obese children across the globe. It's alarming what is happening and where we are headed.
Kids are getting heavier and they're having serious health issues at too young of ages ...

When I see obese children, I want to punch their parents right in the face. I was fortunate to grow up in a home where dinner was on the table every night at 6:00. 95% of the time, it was meat, potatoes and another vegetable. In my wife's family, her mother made her breakfast every day. They had fruit and vegetables with every meal. While we aren't as heavy on the fruit with our daughter, she still eats it regularly. She also eats a vegetable with every meal and likes them. At 3 1/2, she'll eat anything we put in front of her. Gotta start early.

Shut up QC and pass the Krispy Kremes.

When I see obese children, I want to punch their parents right in the face. I was fortunate to grow up in a home where dinner was on the table every night at 6:00. 95% of the time, it was meat, potatoes and another vegetable. In my wife's family, her mother made her breakfast every day. They had fruit and vegetables with every meal. While we aren't as heavy on the fruit with our daughter, she still eats it regularly. She also eats a vegetable with every meal and likes them. At 3 1/2, she'll eat anything we put in front of her. Gotta start early.
That's awesome. You are setting a great example ... Cheers!
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