Gilman is every bit at good as Nico at this point obviously... I am scared of the rematch!! But for the few of you over the last few months who were saying that Gilman took a step ahead of Nico, not so fast. I actually think Gilman was the more aggressive wrestler, just like Nico was against Dance and Nato. The sequence of that match was the awesome shot Gilman took that Nico somehow did splits for 1 minute to avoid the completion. Awesome match
Gilman did his best to ruin my good feelings about him (again) in the next match when he threw his ankle colors across the mat after a victory. I did like him riling up the crowd in order to inspire himself, the fans and others from Iowa for the rest of the tourney by moving his arms to get the crowd to cheer louder, that is emotional intensity which is cool in any sport in my opinion...throwing the anklets (I believe toward the opponent you just annihilated is not)