Good news on the economy

Clinton had Perot... that's the only reason he "won"

That would, of course, be incorrect. When Perot dropped out of the race, nearly all his support went to was the only time in the polls when Clinton was over 50%.

In June of '92 both Perot and Bush were running in the low thirties in the polls while Clinton trailed at 27%. Perot dropped out in late June and the early July polls showed Bush still running in the low thirties while Clinton had surged to a 20-point lead.

When Perot reentered the race in late September, nearly all of his support came at Clinton's expense. Clinton was leading 54% to 38% when Perot came back in. A month later it was Clinton 46%, Bush 34%, and Perot 13%.
Republicans really need the economy to tank to have a chance in 2016.
They do? Why? If the economy is doing great exactly what credit does Hillary get to take for it? Making millions from international gov't with horrible human rights records?

Does a 2nd qtr GDP growth of 0.2% count as tanking or just an economy that is sluggishly snailing along, like it has the entire time Obama has been in office?
This is not good news IMO. $20 trillion of debt and we get a few jobs. The participation rate is falling . Look at the GDP! look at the participation rate ! Our economy is a mess !
Here's a chart. Sorry, couldn't find one that's completely up-to-date. The current U6 rate is 10.8%, so it's down some, but as you can see it's way higher than it has been in quite some time (since Carter and a few years after him, iirc).

Thanks for the chart. So if we're at 10.8, that's below 1994. Did you mean Clinton instead of Carter? And well below the peak of 2010. That's a pretty dramatic drop for 5 years.
Thanks for the chart. So if we're at 10.8, that's below 1994. Did you mean Clinton instead of Carter? And well below the peak of 2010. That's a pretty dramatic drop for 5 years.
We dropped below 10% by the end of 1994, and were over it only for a very short time. This time looks more like the Carter years, both with the height of U6 at its max and the length of time it is taking to go below 8%.
That's good to someone say this because everyone I work with openly talks about wanting the country to fail just to stick to Obama. Very patriotic...

Obama has made such a mess in this country and is tearing it apart. Can't wait til he is out of office. Hillary will not be elected. Our threats from ISIS etc will become a major issue in my opinion. We need a common sense type of leader. We do not have it now. Nor would Hillary give us that. Not sure which Republican would. But I sure do not want Jeb.I would rather have Fiorina , Cruz, Walker or Rubio.

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