Google is racist!.........Against White People!!


HR Heisman
Sep 17, 2006
Google AI generator refuses to make pictures of white people because it is against their policy, but it will make pictures of any other race. It created images that had a disproportionate amount of black people, even when this meant it was historically inaccurate.

Google admitted it "missed the mark" after being called out.
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Pretty embarrassing time for Google as their massive cultural issues are revealed. Leftist ideology is deeply rooted in racism and they have just broadcast that reality for the world to see firsthand.

Here is a funny example of the left's racism you can see in Gemini in real time..

Search for a stereotype like people eating watermelon or chicken and it will only show white people. 100% of the time.

Search for scholars in chains eating watermelon in contrast and the result is almost 100% black people.

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Do you have any thoughts about google being racist against white people though?

unimpressed morgan freeman GIF
It's amazing to me that some firms are already replacing people with this technology that is basically the world's worst plagiarist when not following "woke" programming that refuses to construct cases for antisemitism requested by certain users. The AI art out there is even more dog shit compared to the internet book reports. Right now it seems the most practical application is getting resume/cover letter drafts crafted quickly for finding new work as remediation specialist addressing impending corporate negligence blamed on AI since the people who used to be the escape goats are no longer there
Instead of spending your day scouring the Internet looking for all the horrible ways the opposition is out to get you, maybe push back from the keyboard and help your neighbor carry in their groceries. There's more good going on than the triggered want us to believe.
No. He's not. But we are seeing the real result of garbage in/ garbage out, when its author refuses to accept other simple realities. You know like, "There are no Pakistani women in the NHL." That dumb shit coming out of Gemini is a snapshot of that dude's brain. And it's nowhere close to reality.
You do a lot of AI coding?
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Google AI generator refuses to make pictures of white people because it is against their policy, but it will make pictures of any other race. It created images that had a disproportionate amount of black people, even when this meant it was historically inaccurate.

Google admitted it "missed the mark" after being called out.


More white grievance on this board. Shocking.

Conservatives are such sensitive little snowflakes.

A white guy racist against white people? That’s stupid. It gives an insight into his way of thinking though and shows why Gemini gives the answers it does.
What was his mindset that makes AI get the number of fingers wrong on a human hand most of the time?
Is he pro-deformity? Was he bullied by an 10 fingered kid?
Enough to know, Google Gemini is skewing reality.
Or it’s really difficult to code to reflect the nuances of race. You don’t want the program to generate all one race when it’s creating generic pictures, but it doesn’t understand when the query requires a non-race neutral response.
Or it’s really difficult to code to reflect the nuances of race. You don’t want the program to generate all one race when it’s creating generic pictures, but it doesn’t understand when the query requires a non-race neutral response.
Everything you just said is in direct contradiction to what we've seen from Gemini..
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It’s not. Have you been able to find those “reports” that the deceased girl instigated the fight against the 3 girls.
Ahem.. decreased "girl"? She identified as non binary you God damn bigot!!!