CSB time...
In 1992, a buddy of mine, it was his birthday. We 4 friends were known at our place of work as the "Pigs" - we would do anything, say anything...one person once said to us "you guys party like pigs". After that, we referred to each other as "my pig brothers"...so, the nickname stuck.
For one's birthday party, a gal we worked with bought him this exact inflatable, anatomically correct (no kidding...it has a "hole") pig from I believe Spencer Gifts, looks exactly like the one in this image.
The party lasted 3 full days. He carried this pig around with him everywhere he went. We'd go to a bar at noon for lunch, he'd set the pig up at the bar and order a beer for it. He'd carry a spatula around with him, to "spank his pig when she was naughty".
No, that is not my friend pictured. But I do have pics of the party with him and his pig (not posting them). I have one image file named as "Birthday Boy, His Pig, and His Spatula".