GOP-CNN-Jeb Use Plant to Take Down Trump

Nat Algren

HB Legend
Nov 23, 2014
Busted ! CNN Uses Jeb Bush Staffer Planted In Audience To Frame Donald Trump Narrative/Hit Job….
Posted on October 13, 2015 by sundance

During an appearance at a Jon Huntsman / The Hill “No Labels” event, a female audience member named Lauren Batchelder played the role of a female antagonist toward candidate Donald Trump.

However, Ms. Batchelder is not just an average audience member. She’s a paid political operative of the GOP and a paid staff member of Team Jeb Bush:

Within minutes of her scripted performance at the event, the producers of CNN were quickly editing soundbites and framing a narrative. That story was pushed into the media stream within hours. CNN’s Jeanne Moos was the delivery vehicle for the a hit piece.

Here’s the CNN narrative as presented yesterday:

However, as previously noted, it didn’t take long to discover that Lauren Batchelder was not just an ordinary audience member, she is actually a current staffer for Senator Kelly Ayotte and also working in New Hampshire on behalf of the Jeb Bush 2016 campaign.

Batchelder’s LinkedIn profile shows she is a Jeb Bush For President 2016 staffer.

Given Senator Ayotte’s position being pro-life, and contrasted against the framework of Ms. Batchelder’s line of questioning being completely opposite of the boss(es) she is working for, it doesn’t take long to figure out this was a planted Establishment GOPe hit job targeting Donald Trump:

Of course, Ms Batchelder quickly began scrubbing her social media history trying to hide who she works for. Almost all of her Twitter history is now deleted, but not before much of it was able to be captured. Several other profiles remain available:

[LinkedIn Profile HERE] [Twitter HERE] [Instagram HERE] [ FaceBook HERE]

2013 – Facebook Profile

(LinkedIn Profile)

From her Facebook Profile it appears Ms. Batchelder has quite a history as a Thespian (actress).

[ You can read more of the texts within her deleted tweets HERE Not surprisingly most of them are disparaging toward Donald Trump and Ben Carson ]

It is amazingly pathetic how the RINO Caucus has to operate in order to try and eliminate their political opposition.


Facebook Status: “With Jeb!”

This is an embarrassing fail on behalf of the establishment GOP and in particular Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio.

This current fail also exemplifies how the broadcast media, specifically CNN, is willing to assist the republican cause when there is a mutual benefit to the elimination of an enemy.

However, it is also further evidence of the entire construct of the Jeb Bush alliance. There are eight candidates remaining in the race specifically to assist Jeb Bush and help him win the nomination. They are:

  • Jeb Bush
  • Marco Rubio (FL)
  • Carly Fiorina (VA)
  • Chris Christie (NJ)
  • John Kasich (OH)
  • Lindsey Graham (SC)
  • Mike Huckabee (AR)
  • George Pataki (NY)
  • Jim Gilmore (VA)
A vote for any of these fraud candidates will only result in a later endorsement of Jeb Bush and the transference of delegates to assist his nomination efforts. This was/is the original design of the road map created to help Jeb win in 2016. [ Much More Here ]

The 2016 plan is similar in many ways to how Mitt Romney was able to win the nomination in 2012. If you remove Donald Trump – Ben Carson becomes Herman Cain, Ted Cruz becomes Newt Gingrich and Jeb Bush replaces Mitt Romney.

It is all by design, all of it; and the only thing standing between TEAM JEB and achieving this outcome is:

Hence the GOPe apparatus is going to use every trick they have deployed in the past to stop Donald Trump from winning the nomination.
Also, don’t be surprised to see them use the same tactics previously deployed against Senate Candidate Chris McDaniel in Mississippi 2014. Between now and removing their fingers from the grip of power, there’s going to be a SERIOUS Political WAR !
This is a riot. A "paid political operative of the GOP and a paid staff member of Team Jeb Bush" does something and cons blame CNN.

Not sure she qualifies as a plant. Let me pose this question to you fellas. If Donald Trump can't handle a plant in an audience why am I to believe his ramblings about how he'll handle Vladmir Putin?
Trump as the Republican nominee thrills me. He'll lose the gender gap 70/30.
Like I said in another thread... this GOP primary season will be the best ever. Never before in American history have a bigger bunch of idiots ever been assembled in one Party for one goal.

As a Republican... I would be embarrassed. As a Dem... this is pure comedy and I hope it continues all the way to the convention. Carry on fools!
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Also enjoyed "not sure she qualifies as a plant"..."if trump can't handle a plant"...
It's simple. She is a person who showed up and asked a question. She has associations with other Republicans, but, that doesn't mean she was some Manchurian Candidate style plant. Even if she was that it doesn't excuse Trump for botching his response, and from stepping all over his dick since then in his Q&A's.
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Is anybody in this board interested in serious discussion or is it simply link spamming and childish political jabs with no evidence to back them up?
Not sure she qualifies as a plant. Let me pose this question to you fellas. If Donald Trump can't handle a plant in an audience why am I to believe his ramblings about how he'll handle Vladmir Putin?
Trump as the Republican nominee thrills me. He'll lose the gender gap 70/30.

I guess you would have a problem with Hillary then since they would not trust her with classified information?