gotta love technology

Fatties are going to be fatties, the bowl of candy is an attractive nuisance to them

But these doorbell cameras are ridiculous and posting videos like this online to shame fatties is pathetic. We all know they're going to take the bowl of candy that you are too lazy to hand out.
Nah, **** em. Kids do dumb shit, that’s one thing. The adults OTOH deserve whatever backlash they get.
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Nah, **** em. Kids do dumb shit, that’s one thing. The adults OTOH deserve whatever backlash they get.
I mean, it is POS behavior on so many levels. First and foremost, there is the zero sum game aspect of it, as they empty out the bowl then there is nothing more for kids. Second, it is stealing, at least under the spirit of the law. Then it is just plain pathetic. You can't tell me these people can't afford their own candy.
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Had a woman roll up to our porch with a baby stroller and proceed to trick or treat for the 6 month old. I said you’ve got to be kidding me. She looked at me and said it’s for the kid. I said when? A year from now? Have you no shame? She just grabbed a candy bar and waddled back to her stroller and left. Clearly she wasn’t from our neighborhood and told her not to come to our home next year. Freaking white trash adults always have to ruin things for kids.
I mean, it is POS behavior on so many levels. First and foremost, there is the zero sum game aspect of it, as they empty out the bowl then there is nothing more for kids. Second, it is stealing, at least under the spirit of the law. Then it is just plain pathetic. You can't tell me these people can't afford their own candy.
It’s just stealing. You’re coming onto my property and taking all of the candy in a bowl on my porch. Also, I have a “no fatties” sign on my lawn, so there’s no implied consent.
There is a golden opportunity to prank/scare people who do this. Have it set up to watch live with all sorts of blaring sirens and bright lighting you can turn on with one button the second an adult goes all in. Have some one with a car and siren on dash and PA system parked on street....
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Candy is no longer the commodity it was back in my day - it was always handed out and only one was given. Never were plates left out of a house. I think next year I will hand out dried broccoli or the red dental dye pill to spot cavities my old dentist would hand out.
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Candy is no longer the commodity it was back in my day - it was always handed out and only one was given. Never were plates left out of a house. I think next year I will hand out dried broccoli or the red dental dye pill to spot cavities my old dentist would hand out.
You could just get on all 4s , spread the cheeks, and have a sign that says one lick only. When a greedy Gus comes by you’ll be all over it.
Candy is no longer the commodity it was back in my day - it was always handed out and only one was given. Never were plates left out of a house. I think next year I will hand out dried broccoli or the red dental dye pill to spot cavities my old dentist would hand out.
I saw a lot more people handing out full candy bars too. A bunch of fancy pants.
We leave the bucket out (full candy bars, because we're the cool neighbors) and take our kids out. Never had an issue. But we don't live around white trash.
A lot of scumbags in this world. A lot. Just amazing taking candy set out for kids.
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I know we are talking about a few dollars of candy but it’s more the image of our society today.

I’m also sure this has gone on since the beginning of Halloween but it’s much easier to see the activity now.
I love the people that run up, steal the bowl and take off running. JFC, it's just candy. You're not stealing some valuable painting. Also, they're trash.
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I mean a lot of folks do it when they are out with kids themselves? I wouldn’t call that being a grinch.

I love all the public shaming going on….but I just want to clarify…is this cancel culture?
I agree it was a bad hot take and there should be no issue with leaving the candy out. I thought it was worth posting since it came up in my stolen candy search.
something wrong with having home security?

Ah, your one of those folks. I do get parties that stop by that are like 4 adults in costume with a kid in a stroller. On one hand I understand wanting to get out and enjoy the festivities with your new kid, on the other hand what are you going to do with that big bag of candy you collected for a kid who isn't eating solids yet?

When my kids were young we alternated who chaperoned them until they started going out with their friends. Someone was always home to man the fort.
Some are single parents that have little kids they want to chaperone and witness their kids first few magical halloweens. Others have stated they have covid or are still social distancing, but want to participate in their neighborhood kids fun and not feel like dooshbags, when it's likely the kids first halloween out after the last few years.
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This is why you booby trap the candy bowl with dog poop to ensure the greedy get more than they bargained for

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