Gowdy: 'We didn't learn anything new'

HRC continually shows that she is too smart to be caught by the" intellectuals" of the repub party. In the end there will be nothing concrete accomplished and HRC will be presiding over her accusers for 8 years. The one bright point in all of this for repubs is that they will be able to hold fruitless investigations for the forseeable future.
On Thursday evening, Roby pressed Clinton on a question that has nagged at the GOP for months: Where Clinton was, and who she was with, on Sept. 11, 2012, the night of the Benghazi attack.

“Were you alone?,” Roby asked.

“I was alone, yes,” Clinton replied.

“The whole night?"

“Well, yes, the whole night,” a bleary-eyed Clinton laughed heartily, as many of the Democrats in the room joined in, more out of fatigue than anything else.

Roby, a 39-year-old former Montgomery council member, grimly reprimanded the world’s most famous woman. “I don’t know why that’s funny,” the congresswoman said as Clinton’s team chuckled. "Did you have any in-person briefings? I don’t find it funny at all."

“I’m sorry,” said Clinton, over nine hours after the hearing began. “A little note of levity at 7:15.”
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After hours and hours of testimony. And there is going to be another session today.

You can't make this shit up...

But the American people did. The committee only has the facts/info that has been turned over to it. During the entire process it has been stonewalled by Clinton and the administration. So to learn anything new yesterday required Clinton to actually be forthcoming. And of course that didn't happen.

Most likely the only way to learn any more info at this point is for the FBI to find it.
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We learned Hillary never does anything wrong it's always someone else's fault. The Buck does not stop with Hillary she passes it all day long.
But the American people did. The committee only has the facts/info that has been turned over to it. During the entire process it has been stonewalled by Clinton and the administration. So to learn anything new yesterday required Clinton to actually be forthcoming. And of course that didn't happen.

Most likely the only way to learn any more info at this point is for the FBI to find it.

So you would agree that the entire committee should be disbanded immediately?
— Here are eight reasons why the former Secretary of State emerged not just unscathed, but stronger, from her marathon Benghazi testimony:

  1. The GOP landed no solid punches. In a striking moment after the hearing adjourned at 9 p.m., committee Chair Trey Gowdy told reporters he learned nothing new from Clinton’s testimony. “I don’t know that she testified that much differently today than she has in the previous times she’s testified,” he said. Outside the cloakroom late last night, many Republicans were subdued. My colleague Bob Costa relays that there was no celebrating and, privately, many admitted Clinton was formidable.
  2. Clinton looked like a fighter, something the Democratic base craves. One of Hillary’s problems is that primary voters in the early states think she lacks fire in the belly (that’s part of what Bernie Sanders is tapping into). Yesterday, Clinton looked more like a David throwing rocks than a Goliath wearing armor.
  3. Clinton rose above the political fray. Hillary didn’t appear to be testifying for a Democratic primary audience, leaving the political points to her Democratic counterparts on the committee (who repeated many of the same talking points being pushed by her campaign). She sat, looking bemused, while Gowdy and ranking Democrat Elijah Cummings clashed heatedly during the most dramatic moment of the hearing. She appealed for “common ground” and “statesmanship” on foreign policy, an effort to clean up her declaration during last week’s debate that Republicans are her “enemy.”
  4. Clinton became a sympathetic figure when the Republicans badgered. GOP Rep. Mike Pompeo was ridiculed, including by conservative thought leaders, for pressing Clinton on whether Ambassador Chris Stevens had her personal e-mail, cell-phone number, Fax number, or home address. The Kansan’s argument that Clinton friend Sid Blumenthal had more access to Clinton than the Libyan ambassador looked ham-handed. Alabama Rep. Martha Roby got mocked online for asking Hillary if she spent the night alone after the Benghazi attack. When Hillary laughed, Roby did not understand why and became upset.
  5. Clinton committed no made-for-TV gaffe. Hillary clearly prepared carefully, and it showed. This was the strongest of her three congressional appearances related to Benghazi. Most importantly, she avoided giving her opponents the kind of devastating soundbite that she did two years ago when she told Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), waving her arms: “What difference, at this point, does it make!?” That line remains a staple of Republican stump speeches. There was no parallel yesterday.
  6. Clinton did not seem evasive, which could help with her trustworthiness problem. Sitting there and taking every question made Hillary look transparent, especially after the spring scandal over her failure to turn over e-mails and the summer stories about refusing to give interviews to the national media. Remember, George W. Bush only agreed to speak with the 9/11 Commission for one hour – and in private.Under oath, Clinton could have been exceedingly cautious about what she revealed. But, precisely because she is a presidential candidate, she was surprisingly expansive.
  7. Clinton looked presidential. Shevigorously defended her State Department record and showed her understanding of foreign affairs She came across as serious and dignified and her presence filled the room. She recounted in grueling detail the chaos and uncertainty of the night of the attacks: “This was the fog of war,” she said dramatically. In perhaps the most powerful moment of the day, she declared: “I would imagine I’ve thought more about what happened than all of you put together. I’ve lost more sleep than all of you put together. I have been wracking my brain about what more could have been done or should have been done.”
  8. The 67-year-old showed impressive stamina. Not counting the breaks, Hillary (who turns 68 on Monday) spent more than eight hours testifying. She has a pretty intense campaign schedule for today. The hearing was so newsless that conservative media outlets turned toward minor details: The Drudge Report leads this morning with a Weekly Standard item about a coughing fit Clinton had in the final hour of her testimony. But bottom line: Clinton’s endurance was impressive.
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So you would agree that the entire committee should be disbanded immediately?

Not until they learn what the FBI finds and are able to speak with this security lackey who supposedly denied ambassador Stevens security requests repeatedly without ever involving the Secretary in any way
HRC continually shows that she is too smart to be caught by the" intellectuals" of the repub party. In the end there will be nothing concrete accomplished and HRC will be presiding over her accusers for 8 years. The one bright point in all of this for repubs is that they will be able to hold fruitless investigations for the forseeable future.
I would broaden that to "can't be caught by either party", she will eat her own as she deems necessary.
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What's to be made up? The guy is honest. Has been throughout this whole process.
Lone.....what is he and his committee trying to accomplish? That mistakes were made regarding Benghazi? I think that has been agreed to by ALL parties involved. Or, is it to "prove" Ms. Clinton is a felon and was careless with countless "top secret" messages of the State Department and compromised US security abroad?
Or is it more accurate to say the purpose of the committee is to find a way to derail Ms. Clinton in her bid to become POTUS?
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Washington has seen witch hunts before — the McCarthy period comes to mind — but never one where the target was a real woman. As with witches, the Hillary Clinton concocted by the Republicans on the House Select Committee on Benghazi does not exist. She is a harridan so evil that she would allow an American installation in Libya to be overrun by terrorists, permit the American ambassador and three others to be killed, cover up the crime with a smokescreen of duplicitous press releases, confine the incriminating truth to a private e-mail server, confide only in a shadowy aide with the code name Sidney Blumenthal and somehow in all this funnel huge amounts of money, possibly billions in Saudi riyals, Chinese renminbi and God only knows how much in bitcoins and Las Vegas casino chips, to a foundation that is doing astounding work in Haiti and Rwanda while, of course, doing something nefarious that will come out only in time. Only Hillary Clinton is capable of such monstrous activity. The Witch!

It occurred to me as I watched the hearing that some Republican members of this gong show of a committee actually believed what they were saying. This was a depressing and frightening realization. I thought all along that the hearings were just about politics — you know, an effort to damage Clinton if and when she becomes the Democratic presidential nominee. It ain’t right to use a congressional committee for such a blatantly partisan purpose, but all right — it’s been done before and this is Washington, not Vatican City. (A bit of politics going on there, too, by the way.)

But as the hearings droned on, it occurred to me that the Republicans on the committee actually believed in what they were doing. The questions were so stupid, either already answered or contradicted by the evidence — the evidence! damn the evidence — that what we were observing was sort of a religious ritual. Here was a display of belief. Here in the most sinful city of all was a display of faith. They believed. They believed in the evil of Hillary Clinton. They believed that she would step over the bodies of her dead colleagues to get to the White House — to get back to the White House, actually.

You could hear the underlying hymn of faith in the questions concerning staffing decisions at the Benghazi installations. Why weren’t there more security guards? Clinton more or less said that she left security matters to the security experts. This was no good. Not acceptable. There had to be another reason. There had to be an underlying motivation — something to do with her Lady Macbethian determination to be president. Yes, yes. That was it. Out! Out, damned spot!

This was serious stuff. This was madness on display. This was a glimpse into the mentality of an America that is unhinged by the prospect of a Clinton presidency, which is seen as a continuation of an Obama presidency which, when you think about it, is all rooted in the evil of Roosevelt and how he expanded the federal government. This is a piece of America that ties up Congress, that won’t raise the debt ceiling — the hell with our credit rating — and that could, with only a change of costume, take roles in the musical “Hamilton,” playing the gents who wanted to keep the government small and, by the way, ineffective. Chairman Trey Gowdy — he looks the part. Maybe he can sing.

There are bad days ahead. A ground fog of ignorance has settled over the land. A stake was being readied for the purported witch, but she never lost her cool. Of course, as the faithful know, they never do.
After hours and hours of testimony. And there is going to be another session today.

You can't make this shit up...

Just goes to show that Hillary is great at what she does......shows her arrogance,incompetence, and is a liar. At the top of her game and the loyal, that are sleazy Democrats love her. And I thought Obama was good with his lies, incompetence, demeaning hatred of Republicans/anyone that crosses him, the bullshit and arrogance.....WOW.......she may have him beat.:oops:


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Just goes to show that Hillary is great at what she does......shows her incompetence, is a liar. At the top of her game and the loyal, that are sleazy Democrats love her. And I thought Obama was good with his lies, incompetence, demeaning hatred of Republicans/anyone that crosses him, the bullshit and arrogance.....WOW.......she may have him beat.:D
I think you have this backwards. It's the Republicans who demean and hate anything liberal. They've even turned on their own, pushing moderate Republicans from their party if they have the gall to...and wait for it...compromise. Republicans have rejected tax cuts for small businesses under Obama, rejected tax cuts for businesses who come to our shores, have called the Individual Mandate, a conservative idea, socialism under Obama, and are currently investing more time and energy investigating Benghazi than they did with all of 9/11. And why? Because these are all ways that they can score political points against the Democrats.

It's pretty undeniable at this point, the lengths Republicans will go to reject anything they don't consider true conservatism. Even Ronald Reagan wouldn't be able to make it in this party.
Notice how the lady over her shoulder mirrors Hillary's body language? Fox viewers love them some body language experts.
I think you have this backwards. It's the Republicans who demean and hate anything liberal. They've even turned on their own, pushing moderate Republicans from their party if they have the gall to...and wait for it...compromise. Republicans have rejected tax cuts for small businesses under Obama, rejected tax cuts for businesses who come to our shores, have called the Individual Mandate, a conservative idea, socialism under Obama, and are currently investing more time and energy investigating Benghazi than they did with all of 9/11. And why? Because these are all ways that they can score political points against the Democrats.

It's pretty undeniable at this point, the lengths Republicans will go to reject anything they don't consider true conservatism. Even Ronald Reagan wouldn't be able to make it in this party.
Oh No!, it was a response by groups of Republicans/conservatives to Obama's behavior.......the dictator.....his narcissism...... his personal agenda......his stand/action on the issues such as gun control......the Iraq/Mideast wars.......his IRS spying on Republicans....the crappy economy.......Solyndra.......lack of leadership.......border insecurity......poor jobs creation, demeaning attitude towards conservatives......lying about ObamaCare.......demaning, non-support attitude toward Israel.....all the scandals......blame Bush!......ignoring the Constitution.........Harry Reid....Nancy Pelosi .......his unilateral decisions/executive budgets.......accumulation of a huge national debt.......release of Islamic extremists from Gitmo.......STOP I'm tired, there's even more.
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Oh No!, it was a response by groups of Republicans/conservatives to Obama's behavior.......the dictator.....his narcissism...... his personal agenda......his stand/action on the issues such as gun control......the Iraq/Mideast wars.......his IRS spying on Republicans....the crappy economy.......Solyndra.......lack of leadership.......border insecurity......poor jobs creation, demeaning attitude towards conservatives......lying about ObamaCare.......demaning, non-support attitude toward Israel.....all the scandals......blame Bush!......ignoring the Constitution.........Harry Reid....Nancy Pelosi .......his unilateral decisions/executive budgets.......accumulation of a huge national debt.......release of Islamic extremists from Gitmo.......STOP I'm tired, there's even more.

Oh No!, it was a response by groups of Republicans/conservatives to Obama's behavior.......the dictator.....his narcissism...... his personal agenda......his stand/action on the issues such as gun control......the Iraq/Mideast wars.......his IRS spying on Republicans....the crappy economy.......Solyndra.......lack of leadership.......border insecurity......poor jobs creation, demeaning attitude towards conservatives......lying about ObamaCare.......demaning, non-support attitude toward Israel.....all the scandals......blame Bush!......ignoring the Constitution.........Harry Reid....Nancy Pelosi .......his unilateral decisions/executive budgets.......accumulation of a huge national debt.......release of Islamic extremists from Gitmo.......STOP I'm tired, there's even more.
Cool formatting.
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I wonder if there is any correlation between period to word ratio and wingnuttiness.

Thanks for your interest and your support. Here's the formula if you wanna determine if there is a correlation. The answer I got .......................correlation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My anwer was correct.....Obama has been the worst POTUS.......................ever............but Hillary "Cankles" Clinton....would be worse...........

Oh No!, it was a response by groups of Republicans/conservatives to Obama's behavior.......the dictator.....his narcissism...... his personal agenda......his stand/action on the issues such as gun control......the Iraq/Mideast wars.......his IRS spying on Republicans....the crappy economy.......Solyndra.......lack of leadership.......border insecurity......poor jobs creation, demeaning attitude towards conservatives......lying about ObamaCare.......demaning, non-support attitude toward Israel.....all the scandals......blame Bush!......ignoring the Constitution.........Harry Reid....Nancy Pelosi .......his unilateral decisions/executive budgets.......accumulation of a huge national debt.......release of Islamic extremists from Gitmo.......STOP I'm tired, there's even more.

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Or perhaps that is the narrative because it is the truth. The video excuse was, at worst, spin. The email was a mistake. The FBI is investigating and it is not, as of now, the province of a congressional committee.

When you say "at worst, spin", in your opinion, why would they spin it that way?
Was this some weird form of right wing poetry?

Oh No!, it was a response by groups of Republicans/conservatives to Obama's behavior.......the dictator.....his narcissism...... his personal agenda......his stand/action on the issues such as gun control......the Iraq/Mideast wars.......his IRS spying on Republicans....the crappy economy.......Solyndra.......lack of leadership.......border insecurity......poor jobs creation, demeaning attitude towards conservatives......lying about ObamaCare.......demaning, non-support attitude toward Israel.....all the scandals......blame Bush!......ignoring the Constitution.........Harry Reid....Nancy Pelosi .......his unilateral decisions/executive budgets.......accumulation of a huge national debt.......release of Islamic extremists from Gitmo.......STOP I'm tired, there's even more.
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Lone.....what is he and his committee trying to accomplish? That mistakes were made regarding Benghazi? I think that has been agreed to by ALL parties involved. Or, is it to "prove" Ms. Clinton is a felon and was careless with countless "top secret" messages of the State Department and compromised US security abroad?
Or is it more accurate to say the purpose of the committee is to find a way to derail Ms. Clinton in her bid to become POTUS?
No, it is not accurate to say the purpose of the committee is to derail Hillary's presidential hopes. The purpose is to find out if malfeasance of some kind in the State Department -- which would include the head of it -- either contributed to the debacle, made it worse, or prevented the truth about it from becoming public.

The e-mail issue is separate and not part of the committee's jurisdiction. The committee hasn't addressed the questions of the e-mail except to try and get e-mails that Clinton and/or the State Department refused to provide or denied having.
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Oh No!, it was a response by groups of Republicans/conservatives to Obama's behavior.......the dictator.....his narcissism...... his personal agenda......his stand/action on the issues such as gun control......the Iraq/Mideast wars.......his IRS spying on Republicans....the crappy economy.......Solyndra.......lack of leadership.......border insecurity......poor jobs creation, demeaning attitude towards conservatives......lying about ObamaCare.......demaning, non-support attitude toward Israel.....all the scandals......blame Bush!......ignoring the Constitution.........Harry Reid....Nancy Pelosi .......his unilateral decisions/executive budgets.......accumulation of a huge national debt.......release of Islamic extremists from Gitmo.......STOP I'm tired, there's even more.

I'm not a big Hillary supporter, but I cannot believe how big of a joke this is. If I were a Republican I would be embarrassed, but all they do is keep doubling down. It's become a farce, and it shows very clearly what a train wreck our political system is.

When the Benghazi story broke, and there was supposedly some sort of cover up, I was intrigued. But for the entire thing to be because in the initial hours the administration stuck to their talking points... and that's it?!? That's IT?!? Everyone knows the truth now, but you want to see some big conspiracy? This is real OiT stuff here. And the Republican base eats it up because it's on Fox News. It's truly amazing to me what someone will believe when they have a predisposed bias.

But hey, that Donald Trump guy sure is a straight shooter, right?
Trey Gowdy runs his own domain name from his own server. When questioned, Gowdy said nothing:

“Gowdy maintains his own domain For example, one campaign contact email he used was While it’s not unusual to maintain such a thing particularly for campaign work, it’s not clear that Gowdy utilizes this email solely for political campaign work and not congressional tasks.

“AlterNet asked Gowdy’s office through both a telephone inquiry followed up by an email communication to his press secretary about how he segregates work he conducts through his personal domain vs congressional work. We also inquired about where his personal email server is stored and how it is secured.

“We also attempted to contact Gowdy campaign manager George Ramsey, but he did not return our phone calls. In 48 hours, the deadline we set, we received no response.”

That’s fairly…surprising. The question that’s beginning to circulate — right after “Hey, what’s on that thing?” — Is are you really this dumb? Pretty sure making certain there’s absolutely no more business being done by email that isn’t a government account is trending right now and everything.
No, it is not accurate to say the purpose of the committee is to derail Hillary's presidential hopes. The purpose is to find out if malfeasance of some kind in the State Department -- which would include the head of it -- either contributed to the debacle, made it worse, or prevented the truth about it from becoming public.

The e-mail issue is separate and not part of the committee's jurisdiction. The committee hasn't addressed the questions of the e-mail except to try and get e-mails that Clinton and/or the State Department refused to provide or denied having.
Sure, sure it was. Wonderful slide to the new talking points.
I'll make it easy for you. Hillary Clinton performed very well. She was calm and measured in her responses even as the night wore on. Several Republican members looked rattled, and sweaty quite frankly. The biggest signal that Hillary won Thursday was Fox leaving it's coverage early. This whole thing was to nail Hillary up on the wall, and a few Republicans made the mistake of admitting this recently. There was never any need for this special committee versus all of the other committees that investigated Benghazi.