Great Islamic Migration

You have to be kidding.
Ps I'm liberal on most issues out there. I haven't a clue what Fox News has to say about the issue.

A lot of our corporate media spew the same things about Islam. As I've said in other posts, I've been adversely affected in my life by terrorist acts in a Muslim country long before many here experienced 9/11 or anything close to it. And yet, having known many DIFFERENT Muslims in my life, I can say they are human beings like we are. There are jerks, but there are also many decent people just like we deal with in terms of other people in our lives here.

To go out and denounce a religion itself and those who follow it just based on the actions of a few in my book is just bigotry. I don't judge others from what I've seen those in the KKK do and other extremist Christians too. There are extremist Christian churches just as there are some extremist congregations of Muslims. We need to be weary and protect ourselves against both of them. But we shouldn't allow ourselves to be bigoted towards all who are associated with one religion just based on the acts of a few just because they are "different" from us or are people we normally don't associate with our lives and haven't had a chance to get to know as we know others that are in groups where some in those groups are also extremist criminals.

Some try to extract certain segments of the Koran to try and justify these rationalizations. There are many worse verses in the bible if you are going to try to cherry pick stuff that justifies going in and raping and killing women in cities too, if you take them out of context from the vast majority of teachings that are very valuable and instructive in terms of ethics to our fellow man. This one attendee of Bernie Sanders speech at Liberty University felt that though there were issues he differed with Sanders on, that he felt a lot more supportive of Sander's statements on morality than many in his party have been giving as being closer to what his faith taught him).

An Evangelical responds to Sanders' speech at Liberty U

Why can't we all follow this man's great example and look for the positive parts of what our fellow man that we might be inclined to feel is different from us instead of searching for the negatives to solidify a condemnation of them and those we consider like them in a broad brush.

And for those here that support gay rights but feel that all of those following Islam would be against what you want, read more here on how a group of American Muslims are trying to work for their religion and others to accept gay marriage too.

American Muslims Supporting Gay Marriage Speak Up

Now some of you might agree with the stances of many of the Muslim countries that outlaw it because you also don't support it as Christians. Maybe some of you are surprised and heartened that some Muslims support it the way you do too. But I think the important thing to note is there is a diversity of viewpoints in this religion by looking at this issue as an example, that those who are a part of it aren't all following some monolithic ritual that some here feel is very evil that leads all of them to want to do a 9/11 on us.
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Islam and secularism by definition cannot co-exist. I think you are kidding yourself. You know about Turkey, the secular government army keeps Islam down and keeps Islamic parties out of power.

Then this;

Who is treated worse; Muslim minorities in Christian/secular West or Christian minorities in muslim majority countries? I think we all know the answer to that. Look at how the Coptics are treated in Egypt.
Islam and secularism by definition cannot co-exist. I think you are kidding yourself. You know about Turkey, the secular government army keeps Islam down and keeps Islamic parties out of power.

Then this;

Who is treated worse; Muslim minorities in Christian/secular West or Christian minorities in muslim majority countries? I think we all know the answer to that. Look at how the Coptics are treated in Egypt.

Actually you are a bit behind The party currently in power has more Islamic ties, and many Turks resent it and that is what fueled the protests at Gezi Park a fews year ago. The drive for more secular rights there. Just like Christians want the ability to wear Christian ornaments and dress here, much of what initially drove the more Islamic party that they have (which isn't heavily Islamic) was the citizen's desire to where the burka and the Fez, which was restricted in post-Ottoman times when Ataturk's more secular and military tied party was in power. Turkey IS a multicultural state. They have divisions in many of the religious sects, whether they be Muslim sects like Kurds who are a minority that Turks have had their differences with, but who recently a Kurdish man ran for president against the current president for Ataturk's party, which one might not expect. Sufi Muslims are one of the most peaceful religious sects in the world. If you haven't gone to Konya in Turkey to watch the whirling dervishes who dance in celebration in that religion, or read some Sufi texts, you'll know that they are all about peace in the world. Unfortunately, they've been targeted as much by ISIS rebels (many of them who were parts of the army of Saddam Hussein's Sunni-based regime that are now working against the more dominant Shia-based government that took over Iraq thanks to George Bush, even though Shia Muslims are more aligned with Iran's religious sects. We in effect put a more Iran friendly government in charge of Iraq, and want to use our takeover of that state as a basis to keep Iran in check... :p

If you want to see a religious state that does a lot of harm to religious minorities, why don't you look at Israel, and the havoc they wreak on many innocent people living in Gaza. Yes, there are some miniscule rockets that sometimes come out from some elements there in Gaza, but the vast majority of them are just trying to survive the hell that Israel inflicts on them.
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I would not label Israel part of the West. They are a religious/ethnic state with trappings of a democracy.

I also won't defend the Iraq invasion. It was a massive mistake we will pay for for years.

That said, I stand by what I wrote. Its not compatible. These people migrating to Germany, etc.will make no attempt to assimilate and are hostile to the cultures they are moving in next to. The Germans should have learned from the French cartoon attack. You will see more and more of that.
A lot of our corporate media spew the same things about Islam. As I've said in other posts, I've been adversely affected in my life by terrorist acts in a Muslim country long before many here experienced 9/11 or anything close to it. And yet, having known many DIFFERENT Muslims in my life, I can say they are human beings like we are. There are jerks, but there are also many decent people just like we deal with in terms of other people in our lives here.

To go out and denounce a religion itself and those who follow it just based on the actions of a few in my book is just bigotry. I don't judge others from what I've seen those in the KKK do and other extremist Christians too. There are extremist Christian churches just as there are some extremist congregations of Muslims. We need to be weary and protect ourselves against both of them. But we shouldn't allow ourselves to be bigoted towards all who are associated with one religion just based on the acts of a few just because they are "different" from us or are people we normally don't associate with our lives and haven't had a chance to get to know as we know others that are in groups where some in those groups are also extremist criminals.

Some try to extract certain segments of the Koran to try and justify these rationalizations. There are many worse verses in the bible if you are going to try to cherry pick stuff that justifies going in and raping and killing women in cities too, if you take them out of context from the vast majority of teachings that are very valuable and instructive in terms of ethics to our fellow man. This one attendee of Bernie Sanders speech at Liberty University felt that though there were issues he differed with Sanders on, that he felt a lot more supportive of Sander's statements on morality than many in his party have been giving as being closer to what his faith taught him).

An Evangelical responds to Sanders' speech at Liberty U

Why can't we all follow this man's great example and look for the positive parts of what our fellow man that we might be inclined to feel is different from us instead of searching for the negatives to solidify a condemnation of them and those we consider like them in a broad brush.

And for those here that support gay rights but feel that all of those following Islam would be against what you want, read more here on how a group of American Muslims are trying to work for their religion and others to accept gay marriage too.

American Muslims Supporting Gay Marriage Speak Up

Now some of you might agree with the stances of many of the Muslim countries that outlaw it because you also don't support it as Christians. Maybe some of you are surprised and heartened that some Muslims support it the way you do too. But I think the important thing to note is there is a diversity of viewpoints in this religion by looking at this issue as an example, that those who are a part of it aren't all following some monolithic ritual that some here feel is very evil that leads all of them to want to do a 9/11 on us.
ask France about Muslims
great in theory...but Islam isn't compatible with Modern American life.....
Islam certainly IS compatible to American life , Clarinda. There are millions of hard working Moslims realizing the American dream daily in this great country of ours. Islam is as compatible to US life as Catholicis, Jews, Methodists, Lutherans, Baptists, Evangelicals, Latter Day Saints, and agnostics are.
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Yet they despise it and the secular culture. They don't really have an interest in being a part of the society and fitting in.
Thankfully I do not run across them. I really do not believe they buy in to the USA, or Western Society in general.

After 9/11 we should have used WWII style internment camps again, followed by mass deportation.
Thankfully I do not run across them. I really do not believe they buy in to the USA, or Western Society in general.

After 9/11 we should have used WWII style internment camps again, followed by mass deportation.
NO, but we shouldn't be allowing more immigration. I'm sure the issues in France are just coincidence.
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Why don't YOU ask these French former hostages whether they hate "all Muslims". Those in a Kosher grocery store wouldn't be alive today without a certain Muslim... Bigoted stances against all Muslims might keep many from being decent fellow human beings too if we can't be that way to those that are decent human beings as well.

Kosher grocery employee, a Muslim, hailed as hero for hiding customers
Wouldn't have needed him to save them if the other muslims weren't there in the first place
Wouldn't have needed him to save them if the other muslims weren't there in the first place

You're missing the point. As I have noted before we have MORE Christian right wing terrorists killing people in this country than we do Islamic terrorists now. That doesn't mean all Christians are bad too. I know some Christians that are very decent people that I know are inspired by some of the very good teachings in the bible. I also know of some very warped people that use bible verses to do some very evil things too. The point is that there are many different groups of people and many claim to have the same religion, but carry out very different actions that are in some cases very evil interpretations of their religion, and in other cases very decent interpretations of those same religions. We should judge PEOPLE for their actions. Not immediately judge a religion or other belief system that they hold just because some misinterpret some piece of it to justify some evil actions. You can judge just about every religion on this planet as evil, if you were to selectively judge a religion just on the actions of a few of its followers. And arguably the more people that do that whether they are Christian or Muslim (many of them who do that to us because they judge us all as bad people because of some very evil actions our government has used that has killed many of their friends and families too), the more we are headed to unending religious wars, that are hard to stop.

I've had many Turkish friends, and some of my best friends are Armenians too. It is very hard to shake their history of bad feelings towards each other, when it has been allowed to build up and magnify over generations for many of them. But I try to help them both reach understandings and ways to reach out to those that aren't trying to hurt each other if I can. The same situation has been happening between Israelis and Palestinians for decades now too. Both sides have carried out really bad actions resulting in cruelty to the other. And many continue to blame all on the other side that are of that ethnicity/religion and this continues the divisive violence for years to come. There are many on both sides that are also trying to make peace and don't deserve to be judged for those actions too, and many of them who aren't doing these actions are victims too.

I'm not asking you to forgive terrorists. Those that have taken horrific actions towards us, no matter what their motivation, need to be made to account for those actions, especially if they carrying this violence out against innocents who just happened to have some identity with those that they hate on the other side. If we don't do this, then both sides will be as guilty as the other of terrorist acts that make problems worse.
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Not the Moslims I know....What you described there JR sounds like a Tea Partier to me....,.,

We need more people coming together in the face of the hate on both sides. These are the kind of actions that those practicing all religions should be praising as practicing what they are preaching and doing it proudly. There are decent people out there if you reach out and try to find those that are reaching out from different areas too.

Even if you hate them as your enemy, can't you hear Christ's teachings about how you should love them?

Hundreds turn out to rid mosque of graffiti
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No one really commented on why they think the other middle east countries in the region are not accepting refugees.
Since Russia and Syria are such great allies, why don't these people go to Russia?

What a great bastion of anti-capitalism Russia is!
No one really commented on why they think the other middle east countries in the region are not accepting refugees.

Turkey has certainly done their share of taking in Syrian refugees. A lot of articles to read there. Google it.

Also, a little known piece of history is how much Turkey under Ataturk prior to WWII did a LOT to help many Jews escape the holocaust in Nazi Germany later. That was why both Turkey and Israel were both heavy allies for many years since that time and also as being strong allies of the U.S. in that region as well. Read more in the following link to see how Ataturk's government went out of its way to help many Jews escape the holocaust and by doing so, helped westernize Turkey a lot from its days in the Ottoman Empire before that. Highlights how even Albert Einstein got involved with this.

TURKEY AND THE HOLOCAUST: How Turkish diplomats saved Jewish lives

Note that this more relatively unknown part of history had an added sense of importance that many Americans fail to understand with the recent Mavi Marmara incident where Israeli commandos violently boarded a Turkish ship trying to take aid to Gaza a couple of years ago. It was symbolic of a decay of a very good relationship that Turkey used to have with Israel not so long ago.

Israeli Turks Wrestle With Turkey’s Involvement in Gaza Flotilla Incident
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You are avoiding the majority in the area that are not. Why is turkey taking them but not the others?
You are avoiding the majority in the area that are not. Why is turkey taking them but not the others?

Not avoiding the others. Not having time to research that. Having lived in Turkey, I'm more familiar with their history than other countries in that area. Why don't you provide us with links that specifically show that they are denying them. And then we can have conversations on those situations.
Not avoiding the others. Not having time to research that. Having lived in Turkey, I'm more familiar with their history than other countries in that area. Why don't you provide us with links that specifically show that they are denying them. And then we can have conversations on those situations.
Don't act like you don't know who is and who isn't accepting them. You are in this thread for a reason. There is only one direction for the refugees to go. The saudi's, arab emirates, qatar, oman......There are others.
Turkey considers itself a European country, not Middle Eastern.

It is both in the continent of Europe (a small part north of Istanbul and the Bosphororus) and Asia too (mostly Asia). And a majority of its citizens are Muslim, which I thought was the topic of discussion in this thread here. There are many countries that have large segments of Muslim populations (even Indonesia) that aren't in the Middle East. They certainly share borders with Syria, Iraq, and Iran, and therefore are even more closer to the region of conflict with ISIS, etc. than even many other middle eastern countries, if you don't consider Turkey in the Middle East.
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Don't act like you don't know who is and who isn't accepting them. You are in this thread for a reason. There is only one direction for the refugees to go. The saudi's, arab emirates, qatar, oman......There are others.

Umm... The article does state that the immediate neighbors of Syria are the ones most likely to accept the refugees (Turkey, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon) and Egypt as well though they aren't neighbors. Only neighbor not accepting them would appear to be Israel? What is your point? That refugees should find ways to travel through these nations to travel to some other nations? For what reason? Two or more countries to deal with rather than one to travel through, added travel complications.
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Umm... The article does state that the immediate neighbors of Syria are the ones most likely to accept the refugees (Turkey, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon) and Egypt as well though they aren't neighbors. Only neighbor not accepting them would appear to be Israel? What is your point? That refugees should find ways to travel through these nations to travel to some other nations? For what reason? Two or more countries to deal with rather than one to travel through, added travel complications.
Why do you refuse to address Saudi Arabia and the rest of the wealthy Arab nations?
See the Syrian poll on ISIS and rape threads and you'll see why their migration should be cause for concern.
See the Syrian poll on ISIS and rape threads and you'll see why their migration should be cause for concern.

Is that poll on the CNN link? Otherwise, I don't see where it is. Link it if you think it is relevant. Most of the time online polls don't have any relevance towards providing any facts that would justify national actions to groups of people, if that's what you are claiming.
To go full OiT you'd need to assume that this was Bush's plan from the beginning, when he started an unprovoked war in Iraq. And that he was told to do it by the Bilderbergers or the Queen of England or something.
no, but oit thinks the globalists had the plan from the beginning and bush is just an idiot, and Obama is a commie globalist who goes along with crap, and the bilderbergs and pope and queen are all in this thing, and this is how commies are gonna take over the world, under the cover of muslim "migrants", which is a joke, and ISIS is funded by the US government and trained by the CIA, and OBL died of natural causes in 2001, and Al Q and ISIS are just made up tools to take our rights away.