Gun nuts, list your arsenal

This is my choice for best home defense weapon.


Seems a little impractical for a quick defense
Seems a little impractical for a quick defense

What do you mean a "quick defense"? The Mossberg 500 is ideal. You don't have to be very accurate, it has massive stopping power and you don't have to worry about it penetrating walls and accidentally killing a family member with an errant shot. Plus, the sound of the pump action loading a round in the chamber scares the shit out of home invaders.
I have no registered firearms.

I do have 15 Unregistered Voters though that go bang.

I keep seeing people referring to "registered" firearms. Can somebody please inform me where these places are that require registration? The places where I have lived only require a license to carry concealed weapons. Other than that and required background checks to buy, I don't know of any requirement to "register".
I keep seeing people referring to "registered" firearms. Can somebody please inform me where these places are that require registration? The places where I have lived only require a license to carry concealed weapons. Other than that and required background checks to buy, I don't know of any requirement to "register".
It's more of a play on the word than actual registration. For example, there's no registration requirement in Texas; however, when I purchased my Springfield online, I picked it up at a gun dealer and showed my CHL. Federal law requires licensed firearms dealers to maintain records of gun sales for at least 20 years, so there's a record of that purchase.

Unfortunately, when my dad passed along his guns to me, there's zero record of that transaction. Not sure how you fix that either. Requiring me to register that transaction will only work for law abiding citizens and I'm not the person you want guns out of my possession.
I keep seeing people referring to "registered" firearms. Can somebody please inform me where these places are that require registration? The places where I have lived only require a license to carry concealed weapons. Other than that and required background checks to buy, I don't know of any requirement to "register".

NY SAFE Act | Safe Act

Portions of this act in its original format have been deemed unconstitutional and have since been removed. Most notably the purchase of ammunition. This is the current version.

My father in law is retired police and has to maintain over 200 registrations and had to surrender some cosmetic attachments. He is a collector. Being he was on the force for 30 years the registering location looked the other way when it came to the cosmetic surrender. He knows enough that these are a felon to own and stores accordingly. His collection brings the ATF around often enough as he buys and sells extensively and eventually some of the items he buys are connected to crimes. He enjoys educating the newbies who have very little knowledge of firearms.

You can not buy or sell firearms in the US without full disclosure and ID checks. The myth of gun show loop.boles.bOver the counter and person to person are regulated by law. Often times the courts choose not to pursue laws that are already on the books. Its part of the debate as to why additional laws will.affect criminal usage. That's what keeps law abiding gun owners concerned. The long game is removal of guns. I know stop being so paranoid. I've heard it all, facts say otherwise as do the word smithing that comes out of Some DEMOCRATS mouths. (Beto etc)The term assault rifle applies to as an example, a Rugar 10/22. (.22 caliber, very small projectile) It's semi auto (strike) can hold up to 100 plus rounds in some modified magazines as originally designed 10. (Strike) Is fun to modify, pistal grip etc. (Strike) Comes in black (strike) Reality is you hunt squirels, small game with it. Use it to target shoot etc. If that is a choice for weapons of war, you are outgunned. I would prefer a truck, gasoline, poison,betcha, etc,etc over that any day IF the deaths of human beings were my goal. However I am not mentally incapable or mentally deranged. Ok HROT will surely have someone jump on that. So yes many Democratic States have pre emptively put laws on the books that are in legal challenge or have been turned over by legal challenge. Going around the constitution or thru it and using the courts to try to uphold there laws.

Laws are in place that monitor, check and or makes it a felony. Thereby making the act of purchasing or using a firearm in a crime is covered by current laws in all 50 states. Often these laws and safeguards currently in place are not executed properly to prevent ( failure of bureaucracy) or not prosecuted. Or the prosecution ends up in sentence reductions and repeat offenders.