Gun violence can be lessoned (and lessened) good catch, y’all


HB Legend
Mar 5, 2005

  • Background checks through federal firearms licensed dealers for every firearms purchase
  • Licenses and permits for individuals who want to buy guns
  • Raising the minimum age for all firearm purchases to 21
  • Strong child access prevention laws
  • Brief waiting periods
  • Domestic violence restraining orders that require the relinquishing of existing firearms.
  • Background checks through federal firearms licensed dealers for every firearms purchase
  • Licenses and permits for individuals who want to buy guns
  • Raising the minimum age for all firearm purchases to 21
  • Strong child access prevention laws
  • Brief waiting periods
  • Domestic violence restraining orders that require the relinquishing of existing firearms.

Policy Prescription #1: Reverse Stand-Your-Ground Laws​

On February 26, 2012, Trayvon Martin, a Black kid my height and with a similar build, was walking through a neighborhood in Sanford, Florida, after purchasing a bag of Skittles and a drink. He was essentially stalked by the captain of a local neighborhood watch patrol. Following an altercation—one that a 911 dispatcher urged the overly zealous neighborhood watchman to avoid—Martin lay on the ground, shot dead by a single bullet that traversed his heart and lung.
All of that young man’s hopes and dreams of one day becoming an aviator were struck down by a man who would eventually be acquitted of murder because of Florida’s stand-your-ground statute that created a culture of approach, provoke, and kill. Stand your ground certainly contributed to the young boy’s death.



Cedric Dark MD MPH

Every state has some form of this doctrine embedded in common law, something that recognizes that an American man or woman inside their home has the right to defend themselves. But how far does that right travel outside the home? Obviously, if someone approached you attempting to harm you, no one would blame you for defending yourself. But what happens when you initiate the incident and instead of retreating, escalate a situation that never needed to exist in the first place?
The castle doctrine permits a person who is in his or her home to defend it and themselves from harm without any duty to retreat to safety. But a duty to retreat when in public exists in many states. Ohio, Wisconsin, and North Dakota, however, extend the castle doctrine to one’s personal vehicle. In some locations, largely in the South, this doctrine extends to anyplace a person has a legal right to be. Vermont and Washington, DC, remain the only two jurisdictions where a duty to retreat remains supreme.
Stand-your-ground laws clearly increase the risk of homicides, specifically firearm homicides, and have no beneficial impacts on other forms of violent crime, suggesting that these laws have not lived up to their purported deterrent effect. Lawmakers should repeal them and revert to a more limited use of the castle doctrine to prevent the deaths of their constituents.
  • Haha
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Policy Prescription #2: Concealed Carry Laws Should Adhere to the ‘May-Issue’ Standard​

Concealed carry rights are nearly universal, although 23 states and the District of Columbia require a permit to do so as of 2023. The other 27 states do not require a permit, and individuals there can concealed-carry without any form of vetting.

Concealed carry laws differ in several distinct ways, ranging in order of least to most restrictive, from permitless carry to shall-issue to may-issue laws. Among the states that require a permit for someone to carry a concealed weapon, the permitting entity, often law enforcement, must issue it to anyone who meets minimum standards in shall-issue states. In may-issue states, there is some additional leeway for law enforcement to prevent issuing a permit to people who might be a threat to themselves or others, even if they otherwise would be eligible.



Shouldn’t a small-town sheriff who knows his community well have some discretion when reviewing applications? What if there was a violent man in that community who has been drinking when he walks through the door and who, in anger, strikes his wife repeatedly, but each time the cops come out for a domestic disturbance they are told that she simply fell down the stairs? If that man applied for a concealed carry license in a shall-issue state, he would easily receive it. In a may-issue state, the sheriff might wisely reject the application and potentially save the life of that man’s wife.
Lonny Pulkrabek, a Jefferson County sheriff who laments that his state legislature voted to make Iowa a shall-issue state in 2011, no longer has any discretion when issuing a concealed carry permit. He reported that in 2018, “I’ve already got 140 people through May that have criminal records that have permits, that were issued permits to carry. We’ve seen a lot more people with lengthy criminal histories who in fact are willing to go through and jump through the hoops and get the permit to carry it legally.”

  • Background checks through federal firearms licensed dealers for every firearms purchase
  • Licenses and permits for individuals who want to buy guns
  • Raising the minimum age for all firearm purchases to 21
  • Strong child access prevention laws
  • Brief waiting periods
  • Domestic violence restraining orders that require the relinquishing of existing firearms.
  • Background checks through federal firearms licensed dealers for every firearms purchase
  • Licenses and permits for individuals who want to buy guns
  • Raising the minimum age for all firearm purchases to 21
  • Strong child access prevention laws
  • Brief waiting periods
  • Domestic violence restraining orders that require the relinquishing of existing firearms.
Points 1,2, and 3 are non starters for me personally. The main point of gun ownership. Imo, is to have weapons to fight tyranny. The government cannot be given more control over citizens rights to own them.
  • Haha
Reactions: Kelsers
Points 1,2, and 3 are non starters for me personally. The main point of gun ownership. Imo, is to have weapons to fight tyranny. The government cannot be given more control over citizens rights to own them.
Then don’t comment about kids getting slaughtered at school.
Go to time out and be quiet.

  • Background checks through federal firearms licensed dealers for every firearms purchase
  • Licenses and permits for individuals who want to buy guns
  • Raising the minimum age for all firearm purchases to 21
  • Strong child access prevention laws
  • Brief waiting periods
  • Domestic violence restraining orders that require the relinquishing of existing firearms.
  • Background checks through federal firearms licensed dealers for every firearms purchase
  • Licenses and permits for individuals who want to buy guns
  • Raising the minimum age for all firearm purchases to 21
  • Strong child access prevention laws
  • Brief waiting periods
  • Domestic violence restraining orders that require the relinquishing of existing firearms.
Do they really have to do each one twice or would doing each one once be ok?
Apparently a “legal” gun owner was exercising his rights today and fired off a round or two near West Palm in SE Florida. Some guy decided to play a round of golf along his purported line of sight.
Dude has a right to target practice, amirite?
My post is in jest, but some will likely agree with my premise.
Legally, a lot of people have weaponry that they shouldn’t own or possess .