Guns found in cars of two Clear Creek-Amana students

If the cop wants to search you’re car they’re going to search your car. The dog is the fig leaf that lets them do it.
A friend of mine is a deputy in Okaloosa county. If you refuse to let a cop search your car when he asks he can call a canine unit. My friend told me if they want the dog to alert the dog will alert. Turns out dogs like pleasing their masters. Then they’ll turn your car inside out on the side of the road and leave you to have a good day.

Nice friend.
To me it matters if it is public or private property. Can cops randomly search on public property? I guess so, they do at airports and random vehicle stops.
But, they shouldn't be allowed to do so on private property, unless they are invited in, which was the case here with the school permission.
:confused: is this a private school?
I suspect that this is one of those deals where as a requirement of enrollment, the student had to acknowledge that the school reserved the right to search vehicles, lockers etc. on school property, at their discretion...

Yes, we all have the ability to sign away our rights.
If the cop wants to search you’re car they’re going to search your car. The dog is the fig leaf that lets them do it.
A friend of mine is a deputy in Okaloosa county. If you refuse to let a cop search your car when he asks he can call a canine unit. My friend told me if they want the dog to alert the dog will alert. Turns out dogs like pleasing their masters. Then they’ll turn your car inside out on the side of the road and leave you to have a good day.

Most people do not ask if they are free to go. If the cop says no, he has to be able to articulate why you are being detained, and it can't be because you refused a search. Police will bully people.
Most people do not ask if they are free to go. If the cop says no, he has to be able to articulate why you are being detained, and it can't be because you refused a search. Police will bully people.

Just noticed your avatar. If you want to sell any of those coins for a dollar I’m your huckleberry.
I’m even willing to trade two for one!
Searching random cars in a parking lot with no articulable suspicion regarding a specific person, place, thing or crime meets my definition.
When they can’t check ANY of those boxes what else do you call it?

except in this instance the car was identified by the k-9 exercise. That qualifies as suspicion.
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A training excercise to search for drugs and weapons? Couldn't they run the same exercise in the police parking lot? This wasn't a training excercise it was a search. If it is on the up and up why are they lying about it? I will trust the word of the people in here stating that the school and the police have the right to search anything on school why the dishonesty about it?

My speculation is they got a tip that some kids had guns in their cars for all the reasons people are stating. Call the cops and runs training excercise...

Seems like a really shitty thing to do to a kid. Sure the kids are dumb for having it but it is still shitty
My speculation is they got a tip that some kids had guns in their cars for all the reasons people are stating. Call the cops and runs training excercise...

Seems like a really shitty thing to do to a kid.

Actually, that seems like a really prudent thing to do.

Member? Handguns are illegal for those under 21 in the state.
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A training excercise to search for drugs and weapons? Couldn't they run the same exercise in the police parking lot? This wasn't a training excercise it was a search. If it is on the up and up why are they lying about it? I will trust the word of the people in here stating that the school and the police have the right to search anything on school why the dishonesty about it?

My speculation is they got a tip that some kids had guns in their cars for all the reasons people are stating. Call the cops and runs training excercise...

Seems like a really shitty thing to do to a kid. Sure the kids are dumb for having it but it is still shitty

Almost as shitty as bringing drugs and guns to school?
I guess it boils down to for me, that you have a much broader definition of what constitutes a fishing expedition than I do. Over time, people have gotten increasingly creative at finding ways to hide/smuggle drugs and other illicit substance. Drug dogs to me, are an acceptable counter from law enforcement to find at least some of those things.

It feels like if we followed your train of thought, we could consider most investigations to be fishing expeditions. Considering most criminals normally aren't polite enough to commit a crime in plain view of everyone, to some extent, most investigations start as a fishing expedition on some level.

I'm critical of police in many ways, particularly how they manage to justify many police shootings. This doesn't seem out of line to me.
This X a million. Agree on every single thing you said.
Um, the whole thing started as a K-9 exercise. They found drugs in a couple of cars, and found the guns in the process. How is this trampling on their rights?

Whats a “K-9 exercise?”

sounds like an innocuous way of saying “warrantless search.”

I think stillfontaine accidentally stumbled into being right about something. I love that there are two fewer guns on the street, but I hope the ACLU gets involved and sticks up for these kids. I’d be pissed if my kid was a student there and police dogs were sniffing around his car like he was a suspected terrorist.
Whats a “K-9 exercise?”

sounds like an innocuous way of saying “warrantless search.”

I think stillfontaine accidentally stumbled into being right about something. I love that there are two fewer guns on the street, but I hope the ACLU gets involved and sticks up for these kids. I’d be pissed if my kid was a student there and police dogs were sniffing around his car like he was a suspected terrorist.
Not me. If my kid was stupid enough to take an effin handgun to school I’d say they got what they deserved. Remember, these kids have never lived in a world where school shootings weren’t a major deal.
Not me. If my kid was stupid enough to take an effin handgun to school I’d say they got what they deserved. Remember, these kids have never lived in a world where school shootings weren’t a major deal.

This is a fair point
When I was in school, Couple buddies and I had late arrival our Junior and Senior. We hunted pheasant almost every morning of the week.

Guess what that meant?

Times have changed, but its been going on for decades!

When I was in school, Couple buddies and I had late arrival our Junior and Senior. We hunted pheasant almost every morning of the week.

Guess what that meant?

Times have changed, but its been going on for decades!


Shotguns, tho; not handguns, Amirite? (And NOT the 'sawed off' type, either....);)
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