Hamburger buns

What’s the best bun?

  • Regular

  • Brioche

  • Sesame

  • Pretzel

  • Other

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Hot Dog Buns GIF
Brioche buns make hamburgers worse. Sorry not sorry.

I agree with this. I do however like using slider style brioche buns like a dinner role (and did exactly that with dinner yesterday).

Cut 'em in half, throw in toaster oven, then butter them once toasted. Yummy.
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It's crap like this why nobody likes @THE_DEVIL

Thought about trying to kill the devil once and for all.
Its true though.

Almost all hamburger buns overwhelm the palate due to thickness and moistness thus diminishing the flavor of the burger. The sandwhich thin is the proper mass to meat ratio to let the meat and bread compete on even terms for a flavorful dining experience. :)

Try it and you will see.
Back in the 90's the DMACC baseball players would play soggy gun. If you don't know what that is, you are lucky.