Has Anyone Noticed How As The Kamala Lead In The Polls Increases-

Except she's down in both polling and the betting markets?

Not what the reliably right-wing Rasmussen says. You know the poll Trump always likes to point to as an example when he say he's "ahead in all the polls".

Even Rasmussen seemed surprised given their subtle use of the emoji in their tweet.

Well within margin of error, but things seem to be shifting and I don't think you'll hear them quoted more often by the former POTUS (and current felon).

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Who knows? Maybe Trump does get the votes. However, he has major fundamental problems that go beyond the polls.

He is insanely behind Harris in money. The only states he's even made major investments in are Pennsylvania and Georgia. In every other battleground state he is only spending a token amount of money. His field offices are dwarfed by Harris. The number of volunteers he has are dwarfed by Harris. And finally the campaign expertise he has is very likely way behind what Harris has. He's filled the pivotal roles by his family instead of real experts.

Being behind by a few percentage points in the polls may be the least of his worries
Who knows? Maybe Trump does get the votes. However, he has major fundamental problems that go beyond the polls.

He is insanely behind Harris in money. The only states he's even made major investments in are Pennsylvania and Georgia. In every other battleground state he is only spending a token amount of money. His field offices are dwarfed by Harris. The number of volunteers he has are dwarfed by Harris. And finally the campaign expertise he has is very likely way behind what Harris has. He's filled the pivotal roles by his family instead of real experts.

Being behind by a few percentage points in the polls may be the least of his worries
Throwing good money at a bad investment doesnt make it profitable.
The wing-wongs on this site such as Arbor1, Here 4 A Day, Rico Suave, Northern, hawknuts, etc., etc. are posting BS like desperate machine guns??? Oh yeah, rifles and whiskey, and ottumwa dumb ass, too! Lol

Her lead is not increasing. It leveled out for about a week and now it’s slowly dropping. It’s at 3.2% today.
“But Trump” actually ran in and won a legitimate primary election.

That makes one of the major candidates.

The other was installed undemocratically as we were gaslit by the campaign and the media to not believe this was the case.

Moron liberals go along with it like sheep.

The reality is that the only primary she did participate in she received 2% of the support of the party.
In 2016 Republicans nominated the candidate I most wanted Clinton to run against. I correctly believed that no sane American would vote for a lying, stupid, corrupt, nut like Trump. I didn't realize that the U.S.A. had enough insane voters to put him in office.
I said then and I will repeat it now. Whoever the GOP runs is guaranteed to win over half the states, and we continue to have fewer battleground states. The R by the name is all 40% of the country needs.

It is always, ALWAYS, better for the country if the GOP nominates a solid candidate.
you can find polls that show trump ahead in nearly every swing state: surveys have Trump narrowly winning six of the seven

so I guess you just gotta believe what you believe, and not what polls say
IDGAF, polls don’t vote. What I have seen is a lot of enthusiasm for Harris now and that will likely continue to multiply over the next two months.

Hopefully Trump experiences such a demoralizing and resounding defeat that it forces the GOP to reform itself to some normal, reasonable political party. That’s the best case scenario for our country.
Gut feeling.

Checks out.
It’s going to be glorious when Trump wins this November. Then Huey and yourself have a massive meltdown and kill yourselves in each other’s arms.
Glorious when a rapist, stealing from charities, Epstein Island loving, tax cheat, 34 felonies and counting literal domestic terrorist wins? Glorious?! You're an anti American pos joke
I’ve always said that any organization running a candidate for president can select that candidate any way they choose. If your bowling team want to run someone, you can use high score if you want.
But if you choose your candidate in the least democratic way possible, you can’t then turn around and claim your opponent is an existential threat to democracy.
You get to decide that?
What does least democratic way possible mean?
IDGAF, polls don’t vote. What I have seen is a lot of enthusiasm for Harris now and that will likely continue to multiply over the next two months.

Hopefully Trump experiences such a demoralizing and resounding defeat that it forces the GOP to reform itself to some normal, reasonable political party. That’s the best case scenario for our country.
I enjoy reading Democrats, now Socialists, proclaim Republicans are unreasonable. 120 million souls from the 20th century disagree. Kamala is a mindless imbecile. Not a single extemporaneous discussion with the press. Marxist parents. Defend her policies. Please? First tell me what they are.
I enjoy reading Democrats, now Socialists, proclaim Republicans are unreasonable. 120 million souls from the 20th century disagree. Kamala is a mindless imbecile. Not a single extemporaneous discussion with the press. Marxist parents. Defend her policies. Please? First tell me what they are.
She has plenty of a historical record for you to read about. Try to avoid using the word communist, as all modern day republicans seem to fail understanding that term.
Oh, socialism seems to escape you as well.
I enjoy reading Democrats, now Socialists, proclaim Republicans are unreasonable. 120 million souls from the 20th century disagree. Kamala is a mindless imbecile. Not a single extemporaneous discussion with the press. Marxist parents. Defend her policies. Please? First tell me what they are.
If you turned off the imaginary radio in your head, you’d sound less stupid and/or insane.

Just friendly advice. 🙂
It's a tough election to predict. We've never had an election like this before. But what I see is a candidate drawing just a fraction of the crowd sizes he used to and only having a fraction of the energy. Maybe this can still carry the day. But up against a far younger, far more energetic, and far more popular candidate, I wouldn't like my chances of I was Team Trump right now.
I enjoy reading Democrats, now Socialists, proclaim Republicans are unreasonable. 120 million souls from the 20th century disagree. Kamala is a mindless imbecile. Not a single extemporaneous discussion with the press. Marxist parents. Defend her policies. Please? First tell me what they are.
You can read about her policies in various interviews and understand her stance thru actions as the AG in California.
You don’t get where she is being a mindless imbecile. You should read more accurate sources.
Contrast that with the trashy, criminal clown she is running against.
Are you that manipulated that you would still support his criminal enterprise?
If so, one can have sympathy for your family.
If I remember right, polls still go with land lines which tend to get more older people, which are more republican. If anything, I bet Harris is probably being undersold on the current polls.

I think the age factor is definite, for both parties. Between that and the fact that he's crazy and stupid does not bode well for Trump.
Really? Who still has landlines these days? Maybe 5-10% of Americans? And Kamala is not crazy and not stupid? Listen to her speak, look at her turnover rate within her team, and look at her policies.
I'm not sure the premise of this thread is quite accurate. To say Kamala's lead is "growing" is to imply she has a lead and is running away.

They're going to poll this every day between now and November, and it's going to be extremely close every time. That's where we're at.

I think Trump will poll more accurately now because there isn't the fear of cancellation/attack there used to be for admitting you support Trump. I'd say polls will be MUCh more accurate than in 2016 for example.

It is interesting how Tiktok/X seem so pro Trump. Any pro-harris post seems to get destroyed immediately. I'm not sure why that is and it doesn't really square with polling, but I tend to believe the polls more than before.
I'm not sure the premise of this thread is quite accurate. To say Kamala's lead is "growing" is to imply she has a lead and is running away.

They're going to poll this every day between now and November, and it's going to be extremely close every time. That's where we're at.

I think Trump will poll more accurately now because there isn't the fear of cancellation/attack there used to be for admitting you support Trump. I'd say polls will be MUCh more accurate than in 2016 for example.

It is interesting how Tiktok/X seem so pro Trump. Any pro-harris post seems to get destroyed immediately. I'm not sure why that is and it doesn't really square with polling, but I tend to believe the polls more than before.

The polls were quite accurate in 2016, but pretty far off in 2020. In 2016 Hillary led by 3% and won the popular vote by 2%. In 2020 Biden led by 8% and won by 4%. If anything, Trump supporters have become more timid about admitting it. Hell, on HORT almost nobody will admit it.
The polls were quite accurate in 2016, but pretty far off in 2020. In 2016 Hillary led by 3% and won the popular vote by 2%. In 2020 Biden led by 8% and won by 4%. If anything, Trump supporters have become more timid about admitting it. Hell, on HORT almost nobody will admit it.
Popular vote/national polls simply don't matter. Nobody had Trump winning in 2016, (except maybe Rasmussen?).

State polls are the only ones that count. Popular vote polls just basically say...'yes, NY and California have a lot of people...'
Popular vote/national polls simply don't matter. Nobody had Trump winning in 2016, (except maybe Rasmussen?).

State polls are the only ones that count. Popular vote polls just basically say...'yes, NY and California have a lot of people...'
You said the polls were particularly off in 2016. I simply pointed out that they were more accurate in 2016 than in 2020. That is objective fact.
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I enjoy reading Democrats, now Socialists, proclaim Republicans are unreasonable. 120 million souls from the 20th century disagree. Kamala is a mindless imbecile. Not a single extemporaneous discussion with the press. Marxist parents. Defend her policies. Please? First tell me what they are.

Wealth confiscation by the State.
Free healthcare and housing for Illegals.
Government approved Speech.

Three bedrock Comrade Harris policies.

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It is interesting how Tiktok/X seem so pro Trump. Any pro-harris post seems to get destroyed immediately. I'm not sure why that is and it doesn't really square with polling, but I tend to believe the polls more than before.
X is a conservative cesspool nowadays. You know this and anyone who thinks it's representative of the bulk of voters is simply delusional.
She has plenty of a historical record for you to read about. Try to avoid using the word communist, as all modern day republicans seem to fail understanding that term.
Oh, socialism seems to escape you as well.

historical record of keeping over 1,000 inmates falsely imprisoned while her office hid exculpatory evidence from the justice system.

Really insightful look at someone with no morals, no ethics, and no decency.

Then there is the whole being a whore and a homewrecker to start her political career thing.
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@billanole what do you think Comrade Harris’s motivation for keeping 1000 human beings falsely imprisoned was?

Why do you think her staff turnover is 90%? People close to her don’t like her. Pay attention.
historical record of keeping over 1,000 inmates falsely imprisoned while her office hid exculpatory evidence from the justice system.

Really insightful look at someone with no morals, no ethics, and no decency.

Then there is the whole being a whore and a homewrecker to start her political career thing.
Nasty asshole talk. Done reading your trash. You are a total loser sucked in by drump and musk.
I enjoy reading Democrats, now Socialists, proclaim Republicans are unreasonable. 120 million souls from the 20th century disagree. Kamala is a mindless imbecile. Not a single extemporaneous discussion with the press. Marxist parents. Defend her policies. Please? First tell me what they are.
Good Lord.
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