Has Anyone Noticed How As The Kamala Lead In The Polls Increases-

Hillary had a -10 net favorability rating and still beat Trump by 3 million votes. Harris has a positive net favorability rating. I think you're underestimating how thin of a margin Trump had in 2016 to win.
I think you are buying into polls far to much.

You like Kamala because the media told you to like Kamala. Remember her favorabiliity when she was VP?

She hasn't done anything to improve that, she has sat in a basement, she is still cringy as ****.
I literally post videos of Harris’s own words. Your inability to support her policies and positions is no failing of mine.

Does this also fall under the category of the candidates own words being “far right misinformation?”

That I astutely predicted would occur on this board I might add.
I didn't hear her say anything about sexually assaulting another person, so I guess I will vote for her.
I think you are buying into polls far to much.

You like Kamala because the media told you to like Kamala. Remember her favorabiliity when she was VP?

She hasn't done anything to improve that, she has sat in a basement, she is still cringy as ****.
Polls are most likely off. But it's very clear that Harris is more popular than Hillary. Trump lost by 3 million votes against a low energy old woman. Lost by 8 million votes against a low energy old man. Trump is now the low energy old candidate. He peaked. He peaked years ago.
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I didn't hear her say anything about sexually assaulting another person, so I guess I will vote for her.
I'm going to pay way more money than I should have to in order to buy and own shit, let someone who can't lead their way out of a wet paper bag act like they are in charge while I know they are nothing more than a puppet, and arguably set up a woman to be the biggest presidential failure in hiatory.........

Because I want to act like I give a shit about a guy grabbing a ladies pussy 30 years ago, a lady that cannot tell the same story twice and openly says "rape is sexy".

Let me guess, you also super give a shit about Melania Trump's marriage and fidelity, while trashing her at ever opportunity.

We need to quit pandering to stupidity and you have chosen the side of stupidity..
I'm going to pay way more money than I should have to in order to buy and own shit, let someone who can't lead their way out of a wet paper bag act like they are in charge while I know they are nothing more than a puppet, and arguably set up a woman to be the biggest presidential failure in hiatory.........

Because I want to act like I give a shit about a guy grabbing a ladies pussy 30 years ago, a lady that cannot tell the same story twice and openly says "rape is sexy".

Let me guess, you also super give a shit about Melania Trump's marriage and fidelity, while trashing her at ever opportunity.

We need to quit pandering to stupidity and you have chosen the side of stupidity..
You have Trump's economic policy to thank for that, but whatever. You've been buying into the "Republicans are good for the economy" bullshit for decades no matter how many times they wreck it when they are in power. If you are worried about paying more for stuff, then you aren't benefiting very much from their tax cuts either. In fact, you are probably paying more. But here you are, gearing up to let them kick you in the balls. Again.
That makes one of the major candidates.

The other was installed undemocratically as we were gaslit by the campaign and the media to not believe this was the case.

Moron liberals go along with it like sheep.

The reality is that the only primary she did participate in she received 2% of the support of the party.
Literally votes on at the convention. Primaries aren’t some binding legal document.
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You have Trump's economic policy to thank for that, but whatever. You've been buying into the "Republicans are good for the economy" bullshit for decades no matter how many times they wreck it when they are in power. If you are worried about paying more for stuff, then you aren't benefiting very much from their tax cuts either. In fact, you are probably paying more. But here you are, gearing up to let them kick you in the balls. Again.
Trump was in office 4 of the last 16 years and for the last 1.5 years he was completely handcuffed due to pandemic.

But sure, convince yourself our current state of affairs is that guys fault and not the people who have been in charge for 12 of the last 16.
This thread is a perfect microcosm for the left of hort and the need for a safe space.
Any body else notice..... no, here is evidence........ yeah but.......
Enjoy your thread fellas.
Oh f@ck off, WTD. For someone speaking of safe spaces you sure as hell seem to be posting A LOT lately in defense of someone who deserves none.
It's almost like you feel you have to convince yourself that you're somehow on the right side of history here? Also, it's comical how you jump into threads, post your bs, then walk away from your posts like you've just owned everyone with your dazzling logic.
Episode 1 Dancing GIF by SHOWTIME Sports

when I'm reality most of the board sees you like you are as of late.
breakfast noise GIF

But go on and continue to lecture those crazy leftists on "safe spaces" when in reality you've been attempting to build a safe mansion over the past year.
Trump was in office 4 of the last 16 years and for the last 1.5 years he was completely handcuffed due to pandemic.

But sure, convince yourself our current state of affairs is that guys fault and not the people who have been in charge for 12 of the last 16.
He rode Obama's coattails for 3 years and when a real crisis occurred all he could do was shit the bed. You don't think his massive corporate tax cuts and tariffs had anything to do with the price increases? And that's not even including the two COVID relief bills passed under his administration. Personally, I tend to not include those when bitching about Trump because I think they were actually necessary so people could buy food. But I expected a price increase, in part, because of them. But I'm an adult and don't cry like a little baby because some things are a bit inconvenient. The problem is, the COVID relief bills in conjunction with the tax cuts and tariffs exploded inflation. Had he not done those things, then the economy would have been able to absorb the COVID stuff far better and the price increases would not have been as severe. But here you are, blaming Biden....for what exactly? His primary economic bill, the Inflation Reduction Act, did exactly what the name said it would do and reduced inflation. The inflation that Trump and Republicans made far worse because they just don't care what happens to the economy as long as their rich buddies make money.
Oh f@ck off, WTD. For someone speaking of safe spaces you sure as hell seem to be posting A LOT lately in defense of someone who deserves none.
It's almost like you feel you have to convince yourself that you're somehow on the right side of history here? Also, it's comical how you jump into threads, post your bs, then walk away from your posts like you've just owned everyone with your dazzling logic.
Episode 1 Dancing GIF by SHOWTIME Sports

when I'm reality most of the board sees you like you are as of late.
breakfast noise GIF

But go on and continue to lecture those crazy leftists on "safe spaces" when in reality you've been attempting to build a safe mansion over the past year.
Do I?
Oh f@ck off, WTD. For someone speaking of safe spaces you sure as hell seem to be posting A LOT lately in defense of someone who deserves none.
It's almost like you feel you have to convince yourself that you're somehow on the right side of history here? Also, it's comical how you jump into threads, post your bs, then walk away from your posts like you've just owned everyone with your dazzling logic.
Episode 1 Dancing GIF by SHOWTIME Sports

when I'm reality most of the board sees you like you are as of late.
breakfast noise GIF

But go on and continue to lecture those crazy leftists on "safe spaces" when in reality you've been attempting to build a safe mansion over the past year.
Safe mansion?


Bro I've posted 53 times since last Friday and about 1/3 of them were about college football.

The word "trump" appears in one of my post. I do spend about 50% of those post point out or referencing how retarded Kamala is, you are in a safe space, it's just a word, you will be ok, feel free to search my history as I'm not screen shotting that many again just to prove the weak lefts insistent need to make up stories to feel better.
I said then and I will repeat it now. Whoever the GOP runs is guaranteed to win over half the states, and we continue to have fewer battleground states. The R by the name is all 40% of the country needs.

It is always, ALWAYS, better for the country if the GOP nominates a solid candidate.
To find a candidate the GOP nominated that won the general election and wasn't a criminal you would have to go all the way back to Eisenhower. Republicans don't vote for the likes of Dole or Romney. They prefer barely literate scumbags like GWB or Trump.
He rode Obama's coattails for 3 years and when a real crisis occurred all he could do was shit the bed. You don't think his massive corporate tax cuts and tariffs had anything to do with the price increases? And that's not even including the two COVID relief bills passed under his administration. Personally, I tend to not include those when bitching about Trump because I think they were actually necessary so people could buy food. But I expected a price increase, in part, because of them. But I'm an adult and don't cry like a little baby because some things are a bit inconvenient. The problem is, the COVID relief bills in conjunction with the tax cuts and tariffs exploded inflation. Had he not done those things, then the economy would have been able to absorb the COVID stuff far better and the price increases would not have been as severe. But here you are, blaming Biden....for what exactly? His primary economic bill, the Inflation Reduction Act, did exactly what the name said it would do and reduced inflation. The inflation that Trump and Republicans made far worse because they just don't care what happens to the economy as long as their rich buddies make money.
This. Trump was in auto pilot for 3 years. Then botched his first real crisis. He sucks as a leader.
I'm going to pay way more money than I should have to in order to buy and own shit, let someone who can't lead their way out of a wet paper bag act like they are in charge while I know they are nothing more than a puppet, and arguably set up a woman to be the biggest presidential failure in hiatory.........

Because I want to act like I give a shit about a guy grabbing a ladies pussy 30 years ago, a lady that cannot tell the same story twice and openly says "rape is sexy".

Let me guess, you also super give a shit about Melania Trump's marriage and fidelity, while trashing her at ever opportunity.

We need to quit pandering to stupidity and you have chosen the side of stupidity..
So basically it is ok for some rando to grab Mrs Tango by the p*ssy. Got it.
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