Helmet to helmet no-calls


Scout Team
Aug 26, 2013
I'm not a guy that usually bangs on the refs too much but Jeez, have these guys not been properly educated on today's rules of the game? Three blatant helmet to helmets that were not called. Two against CJ and one on Vandeburg reception on a slant route.

I'm not suggesting that CJ is playing poorly, but he appears to have lost a little pep in his step after that first helmet to helmet.
Agree. CJ messed up his leg on the TD run. Looked like his knee buckled a little, and he's been limping a little since then. I think it was the leg problem from that play more than the head shot.

It isn't even just the helmet to helmet no calls -- how about the blatant pass interference? The last several times I've been to a home game, Iowa can't seem to buy a call. Pitt is aggressive, but they are getting away with a lot -- sure glad we have ACC refs.

I'm surprised CJ didn't get knocked out on one of those. He's one tough kid.
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It's an ACC officiating crew. I'm sure they're not on the take from Pitt, but they're certainly not the least but inclined to give a Big Ten team any love in their calls.
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Anybody else notice how shredded Johnson's jersey is, on the close up? Says all you need to know about that
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Wait.. I am here in peace, and you guys played a good game.. but on that sack your QB ducked his head.. was the defender to stop on a dime and avoid that.. It's funny what we all see when we want to..
Well to stand up for what I say don't think it matters if he ducks or not which I don't think he did, the Pittsburg player came in high which the officials are supposed to be watching for, and how they didn't see his head get snapped back is beyond me when you are right there watching it play out right in front of you.
lost a lot of respect for Pitt tonight. Had enjoyed this extended series. But narduzzi is a dirty coach. glad this series is done now.
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There were clearly 2-3 helmet to helmet hits on CJ...that should have been called, most would have called them, why they weren't I have no idea... Those types of hits can earn an ejection, and should...the one especially, extending with his helmet into the QB's head, with force on a free lane to the QB...I wouldn't be surprised if they were "encouraged" to try to take him out, at all costs...

Officiating was subpar...

Elite field goal!
Wait.. I am here in peace, and you guys played a good game.. but on that sack your QB ducked his head.. was the defender to stop on a dime and avoid that.. It's funny what we all see when we want to..
For sure a lot of those things are "bang-bang" type of plays. However, MOST of the time it doesn't matter HOW it happens, its just WHEN it happens IT GETS FLAGGED. I believer Iowa had a bullshit call on our Safety last year that wasn't near as bad as anything tonight, and not only did he get called, he got ejected and had to sit out the next game. You hit the head, you get flagged. Period. That didn't happen tonight, but I don't think Pitt is "dirty" because of it, this stuff will happen. Its Football.
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Wait.. I am here in peace, and you guys played a good game.. but on that sack your QB ducked his head.. was the defender to stop on a dime and avoid that.. It's funny what we all see when we want to..

He was standing straight up! You really see what you want to see. I usually don't rag on the officiating, but this was ridiculous.
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There was also a blatant late hit on CJ that didn't get called. After he got rid of the ball, like clearly a second, the defender decked him, no call.
No. Not even close.

This is correct. CJ didn't have time to duck. He didn't even see the blitzing until it was too late. He came in high and clearly nailed him in the face -- under the face mask, actually. Very dangerous blow to the head and could have done serious damage. An obvious helmet-to-helmet tackle and blown no-call.

I have a lot of respect for Pitt, and they're a solid team that will do very well this season -- significantly better than previous Pitt teams Iowa has played over the last 4 games of the series. That said, this was a clear helmet-to-helmet, illegal tackle that the refs blew.
I saw lots of missed holding calls on your OL and a blatant horse collar so it probably was about right

Probably not nearly as many missed holding calls for Pitt. I don't think they got called once, despite having a handful of jersey on multiple occasions. Not to mention the non-called PI or the other uncalled helmet-to-helmets.

Pitt did very well with the refs tonight -- they got the better end of the deal as the road team. You don't see that very often.

And I have no idea where this blatant horse collar was. Never saw a horse collar, much less a blatant one. To be fair, I did miss a little bit while switching channels to watch other games, but I sure didn't see one.
Last year Iowa had 20 yards in penalties and Pitt had 80. lol

You haven't had to watch Narduzzi's defenses pull this bullshit year in and year out like we have. And that doesn't come from some sense of jealousy as Iowa had plenty of success against Mich St. in that time period.

He coaches dirty defense, period and end of story.
Personally, I have no doubt in my mind that the Pitt defense was instructed to try to take CJ out of the game. Those hits have a bad enough effect on a team when they ARE called. When blatantly ignored by the refs, well.... then it's just gravy for guys like Nardouchee.
There was also a blatant late hit on CJ that didn't get called. After he got rid of the ball, like clearly a second, the defender decked him, no call.

If you are talking about the tackle from Des King where he was up around the head when he made the tackle, if you watch the play over again I'm sure you will see that the arm and hand up high actually never grabs ahold of any part of the player. When I first say it happen I thought maybe they missed a call, but on seeing it again there wasn't anything wrong with the play. Other than that I never say any play that was close to a horse collar tackle, guess I could have missed it but I can't recall one.
I though the biggest no call was the pass to Smith. The safety just teed off and wiped him out while the ball was in the air. How did they miss that.

The biggest phantom call was the hold on Blythe.

Crowd booed at the end with the Smith review but he was out, thought it was pretty obvious.
Agree about the phantom holding call on Blythe, dawg. That pancake block was absolutely not a hold. There literally was no holding at all on that play -- nothing but a perfectly executed pancake that helped spring the play. Absolutely brutal call.

You see it all the time -- O-linemen getting penalized for perfect pancake blocks. It's almost like a foul on a perfect block in hoops. The refs anticipate the call and make it just because they don't think the play could have been made without a penalty (i.e., a hold in football and a foul in hoops). I realize refs are human and all -- but it's a shame when a guy makes a perfect block and gets dinged for doing his job very well.
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Narduzzi can go F himself
You haven't had to watch Narduzzi's defenses pull this bullshit year in and year out like we have. And that doesn't come from some sense of jealousy as Iowa had plenty of success against Mich St. in that time period.

He coaches dirty defense, period and end of story.

What he said
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Just glad the Hawks won, but the Pitt coach is a DB and he has a rather FAT coaching staff, along with a FAT o-line. :)
It's an ACC officiating crew. I'm sure they're not on the take from Pitt, but they're certainly not the least but inclined to give a Big Ten team any love in their calls.
I'm sure they were doing their best but they obviously had no idea what they were doing.

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