Historians Consensus On Five Best U.S. Presidents

FDR helped to create the strongest middle class that the world has ever seen.
He broke the full faith and credit of the United States and introduced a stupid Ponzi scheme as a social insurance program. The consequence is a middle class that contributes over 10% of their annual earnings to a system that won’t be able to pay them back dollar for dollar what they put in.

There is no one who caused more harm to the average American than him.

22 tax increases have staved off the inevitable reckoning of this Ponzi, but those of us under 50 will bear the full fruit of his idiocy and the voting public’s economic ignorance.
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He broke the full faith and credit of the United States and introduced a stupid Ponzi scheme as a social insurance program. The consequence is a middle class that contributes over 10% of their annual earnings to a system that won’t be able to pay them back dollar for dollar what they put in.

There is no one who caused more harm to the average American than him.

22 tax increases have staved off the inevitable reckoning of this Ponzi, but those of us under 50 will bear the full fruit of his idiocy and the voting public’s economic ignorance.
The very wealthy pay VERY LITTLE into Social Security. Thanks to conservatives who do not want a strong middle class.

You want Russia to win in Ukraine, right? SOTE
Speaking of history, look into the gilded age. You might learn a thing or two about wealth inequality before 1980. PBS did a fantastic Documentary on it not too long ago.

Check out this fact, “In 1890, 92% of American families lived below the poverty line, with the average annual income for those earning less than $1,200 being $380. Meanwhile, the richest 9% of Americans held nearly 75% of the country's wealth. ”

I’m going to leave another lol for ya because you spiked the football far too soon Tommy
Thank you for this post. If accurate you’re right…but it doesn’t change the fact that Reagan’s policies caused serious damage to the middle class. People living below the poverty level is far less than 1900. Now the top 10% own more wealth than the other 90%. In 1990 they owned around 50% of the wealth. My point about trickle down stands. I knew it would when Finance went at my job like a dipshit. Seriously thanks for the info from the Gilded Age. Pretty good show on HBO.
The very wealthy pay VERY LITTLE into Social Security. Thanks to conservatives who do not want a strong middle class.
They'll get even less back.
It's a Ponzi, with all that entails.

There was never sufficient investment of receipts to cover outlays from earnings, so it's always been a grubby game of bureaucrats robbing Peter to pay Paul and promising Peter that he'll get the money back (and then some!) one day. But the reality of demographics mean that day will never come for those born 1975 or later. For those fortunate souls SSI scheduled benefits are a guaranteed loser, not even getting to the fact that receipts will only cover ~77% of promised outlays in a decade.

The worst president in our history foisted a multi-trillion dollar Ponzi on the country, and we have enough economically illiterate people that this act is actually celebrated by them.
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Thank you for this post. If accurate you’re right…but it doesn’t change the fact that Reagan’s policies caused serious damage to the middle class. People living below the poverty level is far less than 1900. Now the top 10% own more wealth than the other 90%. In 1990 they owned around 50% of the wealth. My point about trickle down stands. I knew it would when Finance went at my job like a dipshit. Seriously thanks for the info from the Gilded Age. Pretty good show on HBO.
I highly recommend the doc on PBS. It may be on Netflix as well but lots of good information on America during the late 1800s/early 1900s.
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Is your favorite president Putin?
Coolidge is my favorite President.
Washington would be second, the ability to step away from power when everyone is ready to essentially give you the crown for life is an immeasurable testament to character.

When told by the American artist Benjamin West that Washington was going to resign, King George III of England said
"If he does that, he will be the greatest man in the world."
Historians rank U.S. Presidents based on leadership qualities,
achievements and positive impact on our nation. The following
is a consensus of our five best Presidents.

1. Abraham Lincoln
2. George Washington
3. Franklin D. Roosevelt
4. Teddy Roosevelt
5. Thomas Jefferson

Bottom Line: This is a honest ranking and difficult to argue with.
Do you agree or disagree with this list?

That is a pretty good list. Someone might say what did Thomas Jeff. do that was so big and then you yell at them the Lousiana Purchase dipshit. I mean for practically no money he doubled the size of the country.
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I think Dwight Eisenhower has an argument to be top 5 if not 3 with what he did post ww2. Then you have good arguments for Ronald Reagan, JFK, Andrew Jackson, Harry Truman, and Bill Clinton
JFK and Johnson for civil and voting rights and Apollo is a good pick. Ike with the interstate system which he copied from the Nazis but after that Ike really didnt do a whole lot past letting business just roll along.

Reagan is a NO for supply side economic theory which is a loser, Iran Contra, and exploding the national debt (the first president to raise the national debt by about 2 times the whole debt in the previouse 200 years, just look it up).
Reagan just turned that program into block grants. The states were given more say in how to spend the money.

The deinstituionalization began (as your article notes) before Reagan:


And by moving it fully to the state vs federal killed the program and completed the deinstitutionalization. From the first paragraph.
"President Carter had signed the Mental Health Systems Act, which had proposed to continue the federal community mental health centers program"

Your note is pasted from other sources and doesn't address my point or article. Carter tried to solve the escalating issue and worsening results, Reagan killed the Act and gets credit for it. His ownership is pretty widely accepted.
He broke the full faith and credit of the United States and introduced a stupid Ponzi scheme as a social insurance program. The consequence is a middle class that contributes over 10% of their annual earnings to a system that won’t be able to pay them back dollar for dollar what they put in.

There is no one who caused more harm to the average American than him.

22 tax increases have staved off the inevitable reckoning of this Ponzi, but those of us under 50 will bear the full fruit of his idiocy and the voting public’s economic ignorance.
And without social security and medicare every worker would be taxed more or we would have older people and sick people without any money coming in and any medical coverage. All you workers would be taxed to pay for those people.

Social security and medicare are safety net programs, that is all, they are not supposed to make people wealthy but to protect them from being homeless, hungry, shirtless, and without healthcare.

You know what Biden in the state of the union in March said he was going to increase how much wealthy people pay into these safety net programs. It is stupid that we have a ceiling on incomes that can be taxed for safety net programs.
Reagan is a NO for supply side economic theory which is a loser, Iran Contra, and exploding the national debt (the first president to raise the national debt by about 2 times the whole debt in the previouse 200 years, just look it up).
Federal debt in 1932 was $20 billion.
Federal debt in 1940 was $51 billion.
Historians rank U.S. Presidents based on leadership qualities,
achievements and positive impact on our nation. The following
is a consensus of our five best Presidents.

1. Abraham Lincoln
2. George Washington
3. Franklin D. Roosevelt
4. Teddy Roosevelt
5. Thomas Jefferson

Bottom Line: This is a honest ranking and difficult to argue with.
Do you agree or disagree with this list?
I am always going to be skeptical of a ranking like this that has 3 of the top 5 who served before the country was even 100 and the other two who were born in 1800s. Seems a bit too nostalgic and as always my whole life, bit heavy on the founding fathers, as always has been the case due to almost mythical like status. But, I don’t think TJ deserves top five nor Teddy.

Lincoln is the clear goat and Washington deserves his top five spot for legacy for locking down what the office should be in its infancy. FDR is deserving as well. I would add Eisenhower and LBJ to my top five instead of Teddy and Jefferson. Eisenhower was an incredible president and put in place the foundation of ensuring we truly were the greatest nation on earth as we blossomed in 50s. LBJ is a very underrated president for how he came to office and how he changed the US.
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Historians rank U.S. Presidents based on leadership qualities,
achievements and positive impact on our nation. The following
is a consensus of our five best Presidents.

1. Abraham Lincoln
2. George Washington
3. Franklin D. Roosevelt
4. Teddy Roosevelt
5. Thomas Jefferson

Bottom Line: This is a honest ranking and difficult to argue with.
Do you agree or disagree with this list?

Washington should always be #1 over Lincoln.

FDR was super-powerful, but violated the constitution over and over again and created the welfare state. I would not have him anywhere near the top 5. More like the worst 5.
I am always going to be skeptical of a ranking like this that has 3 of the top 5 who served before the country was even 100 and the other two who were born in 1800s. Seems a bit too nostalgic and as always my whole life, bit heavy on the founding fathers, as always has been the case due to almost mythical like status. But, I don’t think TJ deserves top five nor Teddy.

Agree on Teddy, but in TJ I look at the whole package, DoI, Louisiana Purchase - hard to come up with 5 who did more for the benefit of the country than those acts, although only one occurred while President.

I would add Eisenhower and LBJ to my top five instead of Teddy and Jefferson. Eisenhower was an incredible president and put in place the foundation of ensuring we truly were the greatest nation on earth as we blossomed in 50s.

Ike should be credited for bringing the war in Korea to close instead of grinding it out for years before throwing in the towel.
The U.S. relative status in the world in the 1950s is more consequent to not having capital destroyed the way the rest of the first world did in the previous decade. Building more instead of rebuilding.

LBJ is a very underrated president for how he came to office and how he changed the US.
LBJ made Vietnam worse and arrested the post WW2 decline of poverty with his ‘Great Society’ nonsense. His guns and butter nuttery is why we have a fiat dollar.