Historians Consensus On Five Best U.S. Presidents

A decision driven by the time and conditions under which he served,.. Grossly unfair to apply current norms to historical figures...
You would’ve served yourself so much better if you would’ve just stayed silent like every other liberal and hope that this fact about him just faded away in the thread. But you somehow tried to defend it???

Just a guess, you wouldn’t have this kind of leniency with any other leader of a nation that judged people by the way they looked and locked them up?
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I am always going to be skeptical of a ranking like this that has 3 of the top 5 who served before the country was even 100 and the other two who were born in 1800s. Seems a bit too nostalgic and as always my whole life, bit heavy on the founding fathers, as always has been the case due to almost mythical like status. But, I don’t think TJ deserves top five nor Teddy.

Lincoln is the clear goat and Washington deserves his top five spot for legacy for locking down what the office should be in its infancy. FDR is deserving as well. I would add Eisenhower and LBJ to my top five instead of Teddy and Jefferson. Eisenhower was an incredible president and put in place the foundation of ensuring we truly were the greatest nation on earth as we blossomed in 50s. LBJ is a very underrated president for how he came to office and how he changed the US.
You might be able to make a case for Eisenhower. Disagree on LBJ. Escalated the Vietnam War and welfare state.
The most important job a president has is to step down peacefully at the end of their term. Trump is the only president in US history to fail at this.
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