Holy Fudge: The GOP Convention is off the rails…

So you even admit both sides are messed up. But one’s messed up a little more so it cancels out the “both sides”. LOL. Also I’m sure there’s plenty more shit going on from both sides that we dont know about. I mean Hunter is giving Joe guidance at the moment. That should tell you something.
No, not a “little more.”

The GOP has been completely overtaken by its radical right.

The Democratic Party has relegated its fringe and it has next to no power (see Bernie Sanders, AOC, etc)

The difference between the situations is vast and obvious.
both sides are NOT equal.

they are unified, the R party, after the assassination attempt. and are having a great convention, and have a deep bench with a lot of talent. the future looks bright and they wish to take the house and the senate. they even have a landslide victory in the works for prez. the dems are wondering how to get rid of their candidate. who is really crazy right now?
When OIT says your party is on the right track, might be time to exit the crazy train 😂😂😂
So you even admit both sides are messed up. But one’s messed up a little more so it cancels out the “both sides”. LOL. Also I’m sure there’s plenty more shit going on from both sides that we dont know about. I mean Hunter is giving Joe guidance at the moment. That should tell you something.
No, one side has problems, the other is destroyed.

unless you are full blown MAGA, I’m sure at some level you understand this.
No, not a “little more.”

The GOP has been completely overtaken by its radical right.

The Democratic Party has relegated its fringe and it has next to no power (see Bernie Sanders, AOC, etc)

The difference between the situations is vast and obvious.
Yet MAGA won’t admit it. Hell, our board “moderates” won’t admit it. They HAVE to post some stupid false equivalency.
You understand that the GOP is destroyed. You rationalize your continued support by pretending the Democrats are just as bad.
Id be completely ok with nuking both parties as they exist today and starting from scratch.

That said, to act like one is anywhere near as unhinged and run by lunatics as the other is gaslighting of the highest degree.
No, not a “little more.”

The GOP has been completely overtaken by its radical right.

The Democratic Party has relegated its fringe and it has next to no power (see Bernie Sanders, AOC, etc)

The difference between the situations is vast and obvious.
Also "Biden leaps left to save race".
No, one side has problems, the other is destroyed.

unless you are full blown MAGA, I’m sure at some level you understand this.
‘Problems’…yep, just a wee bit of a concern, eh?

You have a candidate whose physical and mental capabilities are hugely in question at 81, let alone what they’d be at 86. Donors who are fleeing in droves. Unable to gain any traction on a world-class narcissist and convicted felon.

They do both suck balls. But one party has an entire locker room full of balls in their mouth. Some on their chin. Some falling out of their ears.
Weird thing is I would hear that comment from extremist on both sides.
Id be completely ok with nuking both parties as they exist today and starting from scratch.
As bad as it would look for our country, could you imagine how great that would be. Good way to cut all the dead weight and start over.

Would most of these dipshits be in the same area during a state of the union address?
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Weird thing is I would hear that comment from extremist on both sides.

As bad as it would look for our country, could you imagine how great that would be. Good way to cut all the dead weight and start over.

Would most of these dipshits be in the same area during a state of the union address?
Chris Jansing just said on MSNBC that ‘2/3rds of congressional Democrats polled said for the good of the country Biden needs replacing’.

Just a slight problem lmao
Ron Johnson’s pre speech interview said he planned to tone things down and call for unity.
Then he gave a red meat Dems are evil speech. Post speech interview said the wrong speech was loaded into the teleprompter. Thus no call for unity.
Sounds like that's actually the right speech then
Chris Jansing just said on MSNBC that ‘2/3rds of congressional Democrats polled said for the good of the country Biden needs replacing’.

Just a slight problem lmao
Is that to save our democracy or do they not have the right to get rid of him. Wouldn’t that be similar to a dictator? The masses want him removed but he won’t leave.
Political parties are cults.

And people think it matters which KoolAid they choose. :rolleyes:
I have been a Republican voter my whole life with the exception of the presidential races in 2016 and 2020.

The Republican Party has been completely taken over by loons and morons. That is not to say the Democratic Party is good, but the shit wrong with Democrats is not even close to the current shit show in the GOP.

I despise most liberals and am 100% in agreement the two-party system is bad for America, but I am as baffled by what the Republican Party has turned into as I am embarrassed.
Chris Jansing just said on MSNBC that ‘2/3rds of congressional Democrats polled said for the good of the country Biden needs replacing’.

Just a slight problem lmao
Actually, that is a sign that the Dems are healthy. They are willing to say that the emperor has no clothes.
How many in the GOP are willing to do that?
You're letting your personal financial situation cloud your thinking.

You're mad at everyone, especially liberals, because you blame them entirely for inflation and other challenges you face now.
It appears you are letting your judgement of me cloud anything that I say on this message board. Not sure if you have noticed but I have mentioned both sides are terrible and need a do over. I tend to agree with more republican things but also disagree with many of their political stands. But keep those blinders on! Joe and the dems would be proud of you.
It appears you are letting your judgement of me cloud anything that I say on this message board. Not sure if you have noticed but I have mentioned both sides are terrible and need a do over. I tend to agree with more republican things but also disagree with many of their political stands. But keep those blinders on! Joe and the dems would be proud of you.
You are angry and frustrated.

I get it.
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‘Problems’…yep, just a wee bit of a concern, eh?

You have a candidate whose physical and mental capabilities are hugely in question at 81, let alone what they’d be at 86. Donors who are fleeing in droves. Unable to gain any traction on a world-class narcissist and convicted felon.

They have a current problem in regards to the Presdent, yes. But not the same as a party that has been taken hostage by one man and his lack of ideals. We have seen the Republican party in action. They literally cannot even function when leading the House.
I have been a Republican voter my whole life with the exception of the presidential races in 2016 and 2020.

The Republican Party has been completely taken over by loons and morons. That is not to say the Democratic Party is good, but the shit wrong with Democrats is not even close to the current shit show in the GOP.

I despise most liberals and am 100% in agreement the two-party system is bad for America, but I am as baffled by what the Republican Party has turned into as I am embarrassed.
In a lot of ways it appears to be a combo of mult-level marketing and Scientology.
The number of outright lies being spewed at this convention by even the highest level politicians is going to set a record that may never be repeated.
Speaking of liars...heard that Iowa's own Brenna Birdbrain spoke on Tuesday nite?

What nuggets of lunacy did she spew, if someone saw it?
Speaking of liars...heard that Iowa's own Brenna Birdbrain spoke on Tuesday nite?

What nuggets of lunacy did she spew, if someone saw it?

MILWAUKEE — Iowa Attorney General Brenna Bird touted Republicans' support for police officers in a primetime address during the second night of the Republican National Convention Tuesday.
“Never forget, the Democratic Party is a party of defunding the police," she told a crowd at the Fiserv Forum in downtown Milwaukee. "They said it, they mean it, and they can't wiggle out of it.”
Bird was the only statewide officeholder to endorse Trump ahead of the 2024 caucuses, and she’s become a prominent ambassador for his campaign.
Earlier this year, she appeared with the former president's entourage at a New York City courthouse while he was standing trial in a criminal hush money case. Bird called the charges a "scam." Trump was later found guilty of 34 felonies for falsifying business records.
On Tuesday, she spoke about Trump’s tough-on-crime approach and his commitment to supporting law enforcement officers. And she contrasted with the Democrats, who she said favor “handouts, not handcuffs.”
Attorney General Brenna Bird (IA) speaks on Day 2 of the Republican National Convention (RNC), at the Fiserv Forum in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, U.S., July 16, 2024. REUTERS/Mike Segar

“Unfortunately, Democrats like Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have made life miserable for law enforcement,” Bird said. “They treat police like criminals and criminals like victims. And tragically, many crime victims feel abandoned by a justice system that doesn't seem to put their interests first. They deserve better than what these defund-the-police Democrats deliver.”

The night’s theme was “Make America Safe Once Again” and featured a range of speakers who spoke about law enforcement and immigration.
Bird took the stage about 8:20 p.m., just ahead of former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis — a prime spot in the lineup that put Bird just ahead of two of the night’s most anticipated speakers.

In addition to speaking Tuesday, Bird presided over the procedural nomination of U.S. Sen. JD Vance as vice president Monday. And Republican Party of Iowa Chair Jeff Kaufmann delivered the speech that formally nominated Trump for president.

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MILWAUKEE — Iowa Attorney General Brenna Bird touted Republicans' support for police officers in a primetime address during the second night of the Republican National Convention Tuesday.
“Never forget, the Democratic Party is a party of defunding the police," she told a crowd at the Fiserv Forum in downtown Milwaukee. "They said it, they mean it, and they can't wiggle out of it.”
Bird was the only statewide officeholder to endorse Trump ahead of the 2024 caucuses, and she’s become a prominent ambassador for his campaign.
Earlier this year, she appeared with the former president's entourage at a New York City courthouse while he was standing trial in a criminal hush money case. Bird called the charges a "scam." Trump was later found guilty of 34 felonies for falsifying business records.
On Tuesday, she spoke about Trump’s tough-on-crime approach and his commitment to supporting law enforcement officers. And she contrasted with the Democrats, who she said favor “handouts, not handcuffs.”
Attorney General Brenna Bird (IA) speaks on Day 2 of the Republican National Convention (RNC), at the Fiserv Forum in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, U.S., July 16, 2024. REUTERS/Mike Segar

“Unfortunately, Democrats like Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have made life miserable for law enforcement,” Bird said. “They treat police like criminals and criminals like victims. And tragically, many crime victims feel abandoned by a justice system that doesn't seem to put their interests first. They deserve better than what these defund-the-police Democrats deliver.”

The night’s theme was “Make America Safe Once Again” and featured a range of speakers who spoke about law enforcement and immigration.
Bird took the stage about 8:20 p.m., just ahead of former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis — a prime spot in the lineup that put Bird just ahead of two of the night’s most anticipated speakers.

In addition to speaking Tuesday, Bird presided over the procedural nomination of U.S. Sen. JD Vance as vice president Monday. And Republican Party of Iowa Chair Jeff Kaufmann delivered the speech that formally nominated Trump for president.

She got anything from less than 4 years ago? lol.

God she’s a lightweight clown.
So you even admit both sides are messed up. But one’s messed up a little more so it cancels out the “both sides”. LOL. Also I’m sure there’s plenty more shit going on from both sides that we dont know about. I mean Hunter is giving Joe guidance at the moment. That should tell you something.

If you look at the two parties as different towns, the democrat town has some weird people but they're just part of the general public. In the republican town, the weird people are running the town. There's a big difference between the two. For example, in the republican town, the mayor could be Oit.
Here it is. Why elect someone who doesn’t really represent you to office. They get all the kickbacks and best healthcare, notoriety, all while playing like they hate the other side while laughing all the way to the bank with your money. Referendums on everything. We should be voting on every issue facing our country, not politicians.

Voting theirselves pay raises. Who does that?!

They’re mostly horrible people.