Holy Fudge: The GOP Convention is off the rails…

I've never seen Tom Emmer and James Comer in the same room together.

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Chris Jansing just said on MSNBC that ‘2/3rds of congressional Democrats polled said for the good of the country Biden needs replacing’.

Just a slight problem lmao
I don't put a lot of stock in the polls. But, the Dems are falling apart and losing these major donors is a wrecking ball to their hopes. With Trump appearing to be a bit of a changed dude after someone tried to blow his head off.....that could spell even more trouble for the Dems. Trump's and Vance's speaches will be VERY important in all of this. If Vance comes of looking bad AND Trump comes out and doesn't not soften his tone, like many think he will, things will absolutly not change. The problem with that for the Dems is that IF the polls happen to be right, they have already lost. They simply have to hope Trump does something CRAZY to make any headway.
I don't put a lot of stock in the polls. But, the Dems are falling apart and losing these major donors is a wrecking ball to their hopes. With Trump appearing to be a bit of a changed dude after someone tried to blow his head off.....that could spell even more trouble for the Dems. Trump's and Vance's speaches will be VERY important in all of this. If Vance comes of looking bad AND Trump comes out and doesn't not soften his tone, like many think he will, things will absolutly not change. The problem with that for the Dems is that IF the polls happen to be right, they have already lost. They simply have to hope Trump does something CRAZY to make any headway.
I just hope the country keeps its sanity and remembers that anyone is better than Trump.
Sorry, but I don't like EITHER of these idiots. But, I did way better under Trump and I am hoping that he really is a changed man after what happened to him. Biden and Harris are utter disasters and need to be out of office.
I hate to break it to you, but Trump ain't changing at this point in the game. If you think he's gonna be a changed man, you're incredibly naïve.
Sorry, but I don't like EITHER of these idiots. But, I did way better under Trump and I am hoping that he really is a changed man after what happened to him. Biden and Harris are utter disasters and need to be out of office.
OK, I'm doing way better now (and if you're not, you are doing something wrong) and Trump is too old to change.

A disaster is having a true criminal in office.
I hate to break it to you, but Trump ain't changing at this point in the game. If you think he's gonna be a changed man, you're incredibly naïve.
I never said it was a for sure thing....but I also have never had someone try to blow my head off. For a guy that think so much of himself, that HAS to have had an effect on him.
If you think Trump at 78 years old is going to all of a sudden change his lying, grifting, con man ways then you are delusional sir.
Again, if you don't think that having someone try and assassinate you might not change a person in some way (even at 78), then you are the one who is delusional sir. I never said that it was a "for sure" thing....but you cannot say never in this case.
I never said it was a for sure thing....but I also have never had someone try to blow my head off. For a guy that think so much of himself, that HAS to have had an effect on him.
I assure you he will be the same law breaking asshole he's always been. I'm not sure why ANYONE would think he may change after that.

And just for fun, let's say he does change. He's a changed man, no longer a greedy dickhead. He still owes almost half a billion dollars and is a 34 time felon. So there's that, too. But he's a changed man!
Again, if you don't think that having someone try and assassinate you might not change a person in some way (even at 78), then you are the one who is delusional sir. I never said that it was a "for sure" thing....but you cannot say never in this case.
What if it makes him worse? Like, he believes he is God's sword making him even more narcissistic? That is just as, if not more, probable.

Saying you'll stay with him thinking he'll be a changed man sounds like an abused wife talking.
It’s been fascinating to see a coping mechanism (“At least we’re not like Trump”) in dealing with Donny’s mega-narcissism, gradually morph into a collective God Complex among democrats.

Both sides.
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I assure you he will be the same law breaking asshole he's always been. I'm not sure why ANYONE would think he may change after that.

And just for fun, let's say he does change. He's a changed man, no longer a greedy dickhead. He still owes almost half a billion dollars and is a 34 time felon. So there's that, too. But he's a changed man!
Sorry, but those court case simply don't move the needle much for most American's. They honestly look like political hit jobs.
What if it makes him worse? Like, he believes he is God's sword making him even more narcissistic? That is just as, if not more, probable.

Saying you'll stay with him thinking he'll be a changed man sounds like an abused wife talking.
If he does go worse....that will be an issue for sure. And, it would be hard for him to hide that change. But, we cannot have 4 more years of what we have already had these last 4. I truly wish we had another choice between these to people.
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If he does go worse....that will be an issue for sure. And, it would be hard for him to hide that change. But, we cannot have 4 more years of what we have already had these last 4. I truly wish we had another choice between these to people.
4 years of what???? What has been an issue just curious . . . if you state inflation, inflation due to covid is likely done. Unless the federal debt continues to ramp up. Overall Biden has governed fine, I still don't think he should be the nominee.
4 years of what???? What has been an issue just curious . . . if you state inflation, inflation due to covid is likely done. Unless the federal debt continues to ramp up. Overall Biden has governed fine, I still don't think he should be the nominee.
Some folks like to blame the POTUS for them not being willing to work harder to keep their family afloat. It's easier to blame Biden than it is to grab the bootstraps and get to work.
Sorry, but those court case simply don't move the needle much for most American's. They honestly look like political hit jobs.
Please. Only a die-hard supporter believes that. Trump was found guilty twice by a jury of his peers. There's no "look like" in that regard at all.

I get it. You love the guy. IMO you're a mark, but you're not alone.
Some folks like to blame the POTUS for them not being willing to work harder to keep their family afloat. It's easier to blame Biden than it is to grab the bootstraps and get to work.
I think I have had 20 people in the last month tell me don't you wish you were back 4 years ago, things were so much better. Lets see we were in the middle of Covid, Trump was flauting Evermectin as a potential Cure, my net wealth was 1/3 of what it is now. The republicans were doing just as much stimilus as Biden did in the early stages. It does appear right now the world stage is more cohesive, even though you have a few more instigators out there right now. So yes in general, most people when you put it in those terms would take today. Now those who were getting free money to sit on the couch and not do anything, may rather be back 4 years ago. LOL.
They only look like political hit jobs to the folks that support Trump.

You just outed yourself as one of the folks that say they don't like him, but will vote for him because they actually do like him.
Really? Why don't you go look through my post history? LOL!

I have been VERY clear on my stance throughout. At this point, it is policy over personality...although Biden lies as bad as Trump now.

When Biden was sworn in, I was totally supportive and wanted him to be GREAT for the country. He has not been. Now, if you want to just blindly support "your" guy no matter what, that is your deal. I am looking out for me and my family. And a little news for you, most Amercians are with me on feeling they were way better under the Trump years.
Really? Why don't you go look through my post history? LOL!

I have been VERY clear on my stance throughout. At this point, it is policy over personality...although Biden lies as bad as Trump now.

When Biden was sworn in, I was totally supportive and wanted him to be GREAT for the country. He has not been. Now, if you want to just blindly support "your" guy no matter what, that is your deal. I am looking out for me and my family. And a little news for you, most Amercians are with me on feeling they were way better under the Trump years.
Again, how has he been so bad for your family? What was better in the middle of Covid 4 years ago than it is now?
On another note, if the republican party continues to go more and more hard right, democrats will likely continue to win elections.
Both parties are in trouble and trying to win a tallest midget contest.

Once a voter can really see through the lies of BOTH PARTIES you can't unsee it. it's just there.
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Really? Why don't you go look through my post history? LOL!

I have been VERY clear on my stance throughout. At this point, it is policy over personality...although Biden lies as bad as Trump now.

When Biden was sworn in, I was totally supportive and wanted him to be GREAT for the country. He has not been. Now, if you want to just blindly support "your" guy no matter what, that is your deal. I am looking out for me and my family. And a little news for you, most Amercians are with me on feeling they were way better under the Trump years.
When you cast that vote for Trump later this year, nobody will give a shit about your posting history on here.

If you think the cases are political hit jobs, you're a Trumper. It's very simple, actually. With that said, whatever you need to tell yourself in order to feel ok about your vote, have at it. The only people that think they were better under Trump, are Trump supporters. So I'm sorry you're not willing to work hard enough to put your family in a better spot. I've done extremely well since Biden took over. Even my Republican father has mentioned how well his investments have been doing the last 2 years, and he ****ing hates Biden.

Also, I don't like Biden either. He's not "my guy." Just because I despise Trump doesn't mean I like Biden.

Have a great day nado!
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I am apprehensive about Trump giving that "unifying" acceptance speech.
That's not his wheelhouse.

I'll believe it when I hear it.
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Hmmmm....lefties making fun of the 2024 Republican they did in 2020...and 2016...and 2012...and 2008...and 2004...and 2000.........etc. etc. etc.

And of course when the Democrats have theirs, everything will be great, perfect, etc.

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4 years of what???? What has been an issue just curious . . . if you state inflation, inflation due to covid is likely done. Unless the federal debt continues to ramp up. Overall Biden has governed fine, I still don't think he should be the nominee.
INFLATION - I am sorry, but yes...his handling of Inflation is a MAJOR issue for me. Covid absolutly started it, but even Biden admitted his 2 trillion inflation reduction act was a lie and, I quote him, “It has nothing to do with inflation,” he said at a separate fundraiser in New Mexico. “It has to do with the $368 billion, the single-largest investment in climate change anywhere in the world, anywhere.” Not only that.....but he kept saying inflation was transitory....that was a lie.

THE BORDER - The very first day in office he told people to come and he did indeed open the boarder with an executive order.

UKRAINE - Should NEVER have happened and if he had played it right, it would not have. Tell Ukraine that they would declare as nuetral and would not be in NATO. Putin simply did not want more NATO missles on his border...especially in a country that most Russian see as a former homeland.

MIDDLE EAST - This is a cluster. and his handling of Iran is to blame. Under Trump they were cut off from funding of terror. Under Biden, they are cash rich and have funded Hamas.

There is more, but you get the point.
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