House Republican circulates petition to deport Omar

Afterwards, in a speech to supporters, Trump touted how many different demographic groups he won in Nevada, declaring that "We won the evangelicals. We won with young. We won with old. We won with highly educated. We won with poorly educated," before exclaiming "I love the poorly educated!":

I mean: he said the words, Sharky. Is this one of those times where we take Trump seriously, but not literally?

Why don’t you mansplain to me what Trump was saying here.

And your point?
No but I will tell you how your party is full of more anti American crazies than ever before.

I honestly cannot believe how she gets elected. Should she be deported? No. But for the love if god, please elect anyone else.
I think at this point we're going to have to have a clear definition of what an "American" is and what is considered "American Culture". The lines are so dadgum'd blurred I'm not even sure any more.
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I know, right?

It totes happened.
I'm laughing at you because you couldn't even make a connection with the simple point he was making! 🤣 Off to Trump's gas chamber #695 with you.......I know you [totes] believe they're out there!!!!!! 🤣🤡🤡🤣
So your entire POV changed with your perception of his skin color? 🤡 Talk about being one tired, racist wonder you're a Dim! 🤣

Nah. Sharky will always be 1) mediocre and 2) stupid.

I know how to yank his chain.
What do people expect from the SIL of Dinesh D’Souza?

He’s a racist Dartmouth grad elitist who continues to lie about the 2020 election. He’s a fervent white nationalist who lies every time he opens his mouth. Of course he’s advocating for every nonwhite person to be deported. He also claims immigrants eat people’s pets. He’s a racist POS just like most of MAGA. No surprise El Sharko rushes in to defend him.
3) locked up anyone who had a descending point of view
Ryan Gosling Reaction GIF
She needs to be expelled from Congress, she's a terrorist sympathizer.
The KKK and Aryan Nation are both officially labeled as terrorist groups.

Do you support expelling anyone from Congress who might sympathize with either of these groups? Because that would get really fun real quick.
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I do. I made that point. I can't see how or why she gets elected. I have never one time heard her say she loves America. She seems like someone that wanted to get elected so she could push her anti American agenda.

Its also why I hoped she would get ‘unelected’.
I’d appreciate her getting voted out as well. However, I’d disagree that a qualifier should have to be saying you love America. There’s plenty of people in office who say the words but clearly either 1) dont mean it, or 2) find ways to hate parts of America.
Well right away without reading the entire article, I would say they are not nazis because nazis didn’t target their own group. My understanding from this article is that a Republican is trying to deport a Republican.

Has huey grey ever gone after another democrat?
You know that Omar is a democrat right? This is not republican on republican violence.
1) that’s not how this works

2) sounds like she’ll have a pretty good claim for harassment
Who is going to investigate her complaint, and who will enforce any findings? Mike Johnson is a pussy, and he's a pussy who is clinging to power. He needs the racists.
He'll just say this falls under the speech and debate clause, and then say something about people being nice to each other. I will not be shocked if a Dem is murdered by someone like Gosar, Biggs, Clyde, MTG or Mace in the next 2 years.
Rep. Brandon Gill (R-Texas) is circulating a petition for his supporters to sign to deport a fellow member of Congress, Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.).

Gil had previously called on Omar to be deported, arguing she is more loyal to undocumented immigrants in the United States from her native Somalia than to the United States.
LMFAO, This will not go anywhere and the crazy cons will end up having egg on their faces.
I do. I made that point. I can't see how or why he gets elected. I have never one time heard him say he loves America. He seems like someone that wanted to get elected so he could push his anti American/pro Russian agenda.

Its also why I hoped he would get ‘unelected’.
Ate you talking about Trump?