House Republican Subpoenas Blinken Over Afghanistan Withdrawal

Much more than the excuses you're offering for starters. As for me tying her to biden?? What?? She's his vp. She's tethered to him in every capacity. She also said she regrets nothing and supported what Biden did.

I'm not offering any excuses. It was a bad deal. Not one that was expected however it should have been planned for. I don't think it was Bidens fault for the attack, we responded as best we could.

It wasn't ideal but I look at the bright side, no more American lives lost since then and US taxpayers not on the hook for a war in a country that doesn't want us there. The hardware that we left is a drop in the bucket of the cost of our time there, and has been saved many times over by not being there anymore.
Ya, Afghan women love being kept as sex slaves and not being allowed to attend school or work. Oh and one thing they really enjoy is being draped in black fabric from head to toe in 100 degree heat.
Thanks to you and trump, that's the way it will be for them. All of you worthless, f**king pricks that voted for him have blood on your hands. Congrats.
And that one airbase was the key…
WTF are you talking about. Everything in that post is simply historical fact, dumbass.

"That one air base was key"? What does that mean other than every single person trying to leave had to go through a single checkpoint that we didn't have the troops to secure.
I'm not offering any excuses. It was a bad deal. Not one that was expected however it should have been planned for. I don't think it was Bidens fault for the attack, we responded as best we could.

It wasn't ideal but I look at the bright side, no more American lives lost since then and US taxpayers not on the hook for a war in a country that doesn't want us there. The hardware that we left is a drop in the bucket of the cost of our time there, and has been saved many times over by not being there anymore.
Considering the circumstances, it went off swimmingly. Go back and watch the evacuation of Saigon as a primer on what can go wrong in such an exercise.
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WTF are you talking about. Everything in that post is simply historical fact, dumbass.

"That one air base was key"? What does that mean other than every single person trying to leave had to go through a single checkpoint that we didn't have the troops to secure.
Once slow joe denied the military to keep Bagram open the collapse was rapid.
afgan military with no air support deserted in days.

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