House Republicans overwhelmingly vote to support a Confederate monument at Arlington National Cemetery


HR King
Gold Member
Jan 30, 2008
Why are Republicans so determined to support the losers who attempted to destroy this country?

Devil’s advocate here.

Weren’t they fellow Americans?
Isn’t that the sentiment Lincoln had towards them?

Why do you know better than Lincoln?
Were you on the King’s side in 1776?

When you say “we celebrate..”, who is the “we”? I’ll provide a hint: it ain’t the British.
When you win you are a patriot. When you lose, you are a traitor. It's the victor who decides.

When the Founding Fathers signed the Declaration of Independence, they were committing treason. Many people don't understand this. It's actually a very interesting topic, should anyone care to pursue it further.
When you win you are a patriot. When you lose, you are a traitor. It's the victor who decides.

When the Founding Fathers signed the Declaration of Independence, they were committing treason. Many people don't understand this. It's actually a very interesting topic, should anyone care to pursue it further.

Treason against who, though?

Again; they ain’t celebrated in England for this act of rebellion. So why should CSA soldiers be celebrated here? Your analogy makes zero sense.
Point one. Support for Confederates as history is stealth racism. Lazy people look at Lee and ignore what he truly said. He was racist.

Point 2. Ignoring the US role in the Ukraine war is just lazy partisan politics. Most of the experts here that link being reticent about
supporting the war With being pro Putin are lazy partisans and know nothing about a nation with a GDP of 5k and ignore even US corruption.
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When you win you are a patriot. When you lose, you are a traitor. It's the victor who decides.

When the Founding Fathers signed the Declaration of Independence, they were committing treason. Many people don't understand this. It's actually a very interesting topic, should anyone care to pursue it further.
You think you are making some kind of insightful, cogent point here.

You are not.

The Founding Fathers did not commit treason against the United States of America. Anyone who fought willingly for the Confederacy did.
The pro-confederate monument people would be super upset with the lack of memorials to Hitler in Germany.
Because 90% of all Confederate troops were just farmers without slaves or much education other than what was being planted in the back 40? They picked up weapons to defend their homeland and families.....something 90% of this board would never do.
During the Civil War, Secretary of War Stanton appointed Quartermaster Montgomery C. Meigs to find a new burial ground as the current ones were full. Meigs was from GA and had served under Lee during the peacetime. When the Civil War started he continued to fight for the union and considered his fellow southerners as traitors.

He chose Arlington (which was General Lee’s home) without hesitation as the new burial ground. His son would be killed later and be buried there as well. Confederate should never be honored at that location.
Let’s remember the Democrats were the slave owners of the south.

The problem if you let them tear down any statues of history the woke mob won’t stop until they tear down all statues of history. They probably already have their eyes on the Washington monument and the Statue of Liberty.

Remember once the progressive woke mob is done devouring something you agree with they will eventually come to devour you as well.
You think you are making some kind of insightful, cogent point here.

You are not.

The Founding Fathers did not commit treason against the United States of America. Anyone who fought willingly for the Confederacy did.
I never said they committed treason against the United States. Learn to read. They did commit treason (against Britain). That is a universally acknowledged fact. That is the ONLY "point" I am making. But I'm not surprised there are posters who choose to go off on a tangent.
You do realize those who fought for independence in the Revolutionary War were , in fact, traitors. We celebrate them all the time. Even have a national holiday.