House Republicans overwhelmingly vote to support a Confederate monument at Arlington National Cemetery

It depends on how it's done imo - there are tasteful ways to honor the fallen Confederate soldiers imo, without also simultaneously portraying them as heroes.

There are 400 buried in Arlington under headstones that differentiate them from the rest of the people buried there. They are also facing inward to remind the rest of us how they turned their backs on their nation.

That's probably more than enough "honoring" than the entire Confederacy has collectively earned.
Because 90% of all Confederate troops were just farmers without slaves or much education other than what was being planted in the back 40? They picked up weapons to defend their homeland and families.....something 90% of this board would never do.

Being stupid, a racist, and a traitor is no way to go through life. They didn't defend their homeland, they fought against their homeland.
I never said they committed treason against the United States. Learn to read. They did commit treason (against Britain). That is a universally acknowledged fact. That is the ONLY "point" I am making. But I'm not surprised there are posters who choose to go off on a tangent.
Do you think if the south had won they would have put a monument for union soldiers in the national cemetery of the confederacy?
I never said they committed treason against the United States. Learn to read. They did commit treason (against Britain). That is a universally acknowledged fact. That is the ONLY "point" I am making. But I'm not surprised there are posters who choose to go off on a tangent.
I never said that you said that they committed treason against the United...... Oh FFS what's the use, you're a moron.

But I bet this type of stuff goes over real well at the Confederate loving Qanon adjacent multi-verse sites you undoubtedly frequent. Lots of nodding of heads in those types of places.
I guess you would know.

That's the best response you have. I don't get the far right. Why would you spend so much time defending people who fought for slavery. If you were back during that time, would you have fought for the south and slavery? Would you be ok if slavery came back in the south?
Interesting that you and pj think the Founding Fathers were retards. I expect that from pj, but not you. Sad.

Carry on, I'm done. As usual, the jackanapes are infesting yet another thread.

You have a nice day now!!
  • Haha
Reactions: BelemNole
That's the best response you have. I don't get the far right. Why would you spend so much time defending people who fought for slavery. If you were back during that time, would you have fought for the south and slavery? Would you be ok if slavery came back in the south?
Why can't you grasp the enormity of the changes that have occurred in the last 175 years? Again, 90% of the Confederate ground troops owned no slaves and despised those who did because they were "rich." These were largely uneducated, backwoods folks who carved out their way in the world with their bare hands and all they knew was that the "Yankees" were coming to take everything they had.
Why can't you grasp the enormity of the changes that have occurred in the last 175 years? Again, 90% of the Confederate ground troops owned no slaves and despised those who did because they were "rich." These were largely uneducated, backwoods folks who carved out their way in the world with their bare hands and all they knew was that the "Yankees" were coming to take everything they had.

You're funny, is there really that much difference between 175 years ago and today. Have the idiot racists really changed that much. You really need to think before you post. Think really hard and I'll give you some clues.
  • stupid
  • racists
  • insurrection
  • Jan 6th
Supposedly 100% of the south currently have no slaves but yet you people are still fighting for it. I guess my first statement to you was correct. Being stupid, a racist, and a traitor is no way to go through life, but I give you credit, you're sure giving it a good old 1 grade try.
You're funny, is there really that much difference between 175 years ago and today. Have the idiot racists really changed that much. You really need to think before you post. Think really hard and I'll give you some clues.
  • stupid
  • racists
  • insurrection
  • Jan 6th
Supposedly 100% of the south currently have no slaves but yet you people are still fighting for it. I guess my first statement to you was correct. Being stupid, a racist, and a traitor is no way to go through life, but I give you credit, you're sure giving it a good old 1 grade try.
JFC......there is no response to such stupidity........
JFC......there is no response to such stupidity........

Well at least you have no response/defense for the stupid people of the south and MAGA's. I'm just glad you're not trying to defend stupid, racist people. Maybe there's still hope for you.
I mean: we went from the GOP ending slavery and keeping the union together in the 1860’s to the GOP embracing the confederate flag and CSA soldiers as heroes today.

So. Like that consistency?

How do you feel about our founding fathers and the patriots that rebelled against the King?

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