How Bad Was COVID Before the Vaccines?

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Nervous Here We Go Again GIF by Channel 7
I have an idea. Next pandemic instead of forcing people to take a shot that was developed in 12 seconds while also lying about its effectiveness let people decide if they want that shot or not.
After that lets not vilify anyone if they got it or not. Also let kids go to school and let people visit their families.
Good? Good? Good.
I have an idea. Next pandemic instead of forcing people to take a shot that was developed in 12 seconds while also lying about its effectiveness let people decide if they want that shot or not.
After that lets not vilify anyone if they got it or not. Also let kids go to school and let people visit their families.
Good? Good? Good.

Lol...holy shit. Please dear baby Jesus...
Not when it affects other people and possibly our whole civilization
Do you bring that same energy when someone doesn't get a flu shot?
Do you ask them for verification of their flu shot?
Do you tell them if they didn't they need to stay home and not attend a lived one's funeral?
Do you tell them that they can't go to work for not getting a flu shot?
Do you tell them they can't travel if they didn't get a flu shot?
Do you bring that same energy when someone doesn't get a flu shot?
Do you ask them for verification of their flu shot?
Do you tell them if they didn't they need to stay home and not attend a lived one's funeral?
Do you tell them that they can't go to work for not getting a flu shot?
Do you tell them they can't travel if they didn't get a flu shot?

Holy we got fvcking luck with COVID, that it was just slightly worse than your average flu, if it had been anything close to the Spanish Flu it would have got ugly, really ugly.
Holy we got fvcking luck with COVID, that it was just slightly worse than your average flu, if it had been anything close to the Spanish Flu it would have got ugly, really ugly.
Dude you realize im not even disagreeing with you right? I'm just saying let people make their own decision and leave it be.
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I have an idea. Next pandemic instead of forcing people to take a shot that was developed in 12 seconds while also lying about its effectiveness let people decide if they want that shot or not.
After that lets not vilify anyone if they got it or not. Also let kids go to school and let people visit their families.
Good? Good? Good.
I'd be okay with that. As long as you'd need to show proof of being vaxxed to be admitted to the hospital for whatever pandemic virus it is.
Holy we got fvcking luck with COVID, that it was just slightly worse than your average flu, if it had been anything close to the Spanish Flu it would have got ugly, really ugly.
But it didn't. And public policy should mirror the level if threat we face. We went full on shut down the planet rather than escalating the response based on data or science.
I'd be okay with that. As long as you'd need to show proof of being vaxxed to be admitted to the hospital for whatever pandemic virus it is.
Yes we shouldn't treat your broken arm because you didn't take the experimental vaccine. That makes total sense.
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But it didn't. And public policy should mirror the level if threat we face. We went full on shut down the planet rather than escalating the response based on data or science.

We didn't know that till AFTER the the time we did, it would have been far too late if it would have been super deadly. With things like this, always best to assume it's the worst case's always best err on the side of caution. Trust me, all the negatives from COVID combined is the very best case scenario with respect to shit like this.
Dude you realize im not even disagreeing with you right? I'm just saying let people make their own decision and leave it be.

No, not with stuff like had people that think, my home health nurse for example, they put graphene in the vaccines so when turned on 5G it would made us easily controllable. This was an educated woman in the health field that believed that stupid shit.

She also believed the Earth is flat, outer space doesn't exist, chemtrails, etc.

The way I see it, choice like that ends when it can even remotely impact my life. And if vice versa, I understand
We didn't know that till AFTER the the time we did, it would have been far too late if it would have been super deadly. With things like this, always best to assume it's the worst case's always best err on the side of caution. Trust me, all the negatives from COVID combined is the very best case scenario with respect to shit like this.
We just have a philosophical difference. I believe in incremental eradication of freedoms. I would hope one of the lessons from covid was don't go nuclear as the first option.

I would have stopped international travel as step one, and limited interstate travel within the US as step 2.
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No, not with stuff like had people that think, my home health nurse for example, they put graphene in the vaccines so when turned on 5G it would made us easily controllable. This was an educated woman in the health field that believed that stupid shit.

She also believed the Earth is flat, outer space doesn't exist, chemtrails, etc.

The way I see it, choice like that ends when it can even remotely impact my life. And if vice versa, I understand
That's unfortunate she's an idiot.
BUTTTTT some people figured they were healthy and they didn't want the shot. Doesn't mean they were stupid
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That's unfortunate she's an idiot.
BUTTTTT some people figured they were healthy and they didn't want the shot. Doesn't mean they were stupid

Healthy means you likely wouldn’t get very sick. But you could still pass it on to others. Perhaps rather than stupid we could call it reckless?
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Healthy means you likely wouldn’t get very sick. But you could still pass it on to others. Perhaps rather than stupid we could call it reckless?

Reckless, selfishness, short sidedness, etc. Whatever you want to call it, we should be smarter as a species than that
But it didn't. And public policy should mirror the level if threat we face. We went full on shut down the planet rather than escalating the response based on data or science.

There's alot of things in hindsight that we could have done differently/better at the outset of the pandemic...HAD WE KNOWN THEN WHAT WE KNOW NOW.

I have zero issue - given how little was known in spring of '20, with shutting down schools thru the end of the school year, and the initial wave of lockdowns that were meant to slow the spread, and hopefully buy time for vaccines/effective treatment options to come along.

There was very little conclusion data at that time - and much of what was available was being manipulated to support whichever stance person X took. The near-total lack of coordination b/t local, state and federal officials; from Trump on down created the atmosphere for misinformation and panic to control the narrative. the daily pressers quickly became a joke as the medical experts seemingly spent 75% of their time cleaning up crap that Trump said.
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Very few vaccines are 100% effective. I suspect you know that.

The initial vaccines WERE very effective against the virus strain they were created for...and became less so as the virus mutated.
Yes so my point is not only is this vaccine not 100% effective but it also has documented side effects attached to it.
So based off that alone why should someone be demonized for not wanting to take it?
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There's alot of things in hindsight that we could have done differently/better at the outset of the pandemic...HAD WE KNOWN THEN WHAT WE KNOW NOW.

I have zero issue - given how little was known in spring of '20, with shutting down schools thru the end of the school year, and the initial wave of lockdowns that were meant to slow the spread, and hopefully buy time for vaccines/effective treatment options to come along.

There was very little conclusion data at that time - and much of what was available was being manipulated to support whichever stance person X took. The near-total lack of coordination b/t local, state and federal officials; from Trump on down created the atmosphere for misinformation and panic to control the narrative. the daily pressers quickly became a joke as the medical experts seemingly spent 75% of their time cleaning up crap that Trump said.
Hindsight doesn't excuse the left's totalitarian behavior during the covid years.