How do people not know when they stink?

Feb 9, 2013
Followed a guy into the grocery store and you could smell the BO trailing him and a few minutes later I smelled it again and there he was, about 15 feet away. Like take your breath away BO.

Then was next to a lady sticking cheese and she reeked of that sickly-sweet smoker-perfume-shampoo smell.

How do people not know they reek?
In high school I worked at Hyline chickens in Dallas center. Part of that time I spent in the compost department. We would take eggs, rotten, fertilized with a chick inside, fresh, didn't matter, and blend them with the shells and pour that mix onto compost. The dude that worked there REEEKED of a sour egg smell. He would sit there and eat hard boiled eggs, while grinding baby chickens and smelling like rotten eggs, with a giant smile.

I'll never forget that.

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